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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/09/2019 in Posts

  1. Trip report: Wonderful day, great weather and amazing people made this drive the perfect outing. I must start by thanking everybody for being on time. Started from the Adnoc pump on time and reached the deflation point. Everybody was patient during the briefing and had a good ideas and questions to understand the ettiquettes, safety aspect and basics of driving in the sand. My sincere thanks to @Gaurav bhai for making it just before the start of the drive even after facing gear issues. He also took on the sweep duties to keep the convoy moving. I would also like to thank @Emmanuel for being the busiest person on the day with most responsibilities. A very big thank you to @Javier M for being my second lead and keeping the convoy safe at all times. A big thank you to @Jamy B. and her Scottish friend (sorry I forgot her name), hope you got the police report. @Chirag S. hope all clear with the police report, you drove well but still need to understand how your car reacts in the sand. Thanks to @yogic72, @WiLfY, @BilalAhmad, @Brette, @Djamelus, @Sajith Kumar, @SandySandeep, @Julien V and Ben and his family joining us for the trip. As usual we started off on some tracks and eventually build the level to give a feel of the dunes and how best to manage them with small dunes, straight up and down. Some descends were a bit steep but everybody managed well. We made it to the gauge track on time for Ben and his family to depart as they had to catch a flight at 10 pm. @Julien V later checked with the family when they had already boarded their plane, perfect timing. We later headed to the top of Fossil Rock which everybody managed well. By this time the sun was setting and it was getting cold. There was a huge temptation to go down on Fossil Rocks, but with the stars not properly aligned we decided to drive around it to our spot. We sat down and with all in high spirits we laid our goodies down. From karak tea to some salty treats and some sweet ones I enjoyed them all. More amazing than the treats were stories as we all had our chance to give feedback and exchange stories. With everybody having their fill for the weekend it was time to pack up and head out. Thanks to all for using garbage bags and keeping the environment clean. It was a great to see only our tire and foot prints without garbage flying around. As we packed our cars and headed out we found a nice easy track with lead us straight to the closest road. After a quick stop to switch off our off road lights and remove the flags we were off to the Adnoc pump. We inflated here, said our goid byes and continued on our way home. I saw @Jamy B. on the way back and wanted to ask them if the police report was sorted out, but have to appreciate the fact that they are very arlttentive to the road and do not get distracted by anything. Thank you to everyone for their participation, until next time take care. Live you all and hope to see you soon.
    9 points
  2. For showing members how Intermediate drive sounds and feel we have had a very passionate photographer and videographer on our Liwa drive, but he is still waiting to release "Liwa 2019 Movie" when all stars align in one line. Right @BilalAhmad Before that also we had a similar promising videographer who never shared anything back. Right @Jeh Maybe on this next Wagan and Qua I and Asif bhai will do something from our gopros and show the members. Let's go back to basics as we used to film and share videos in 2017......! Something is better than nothing.
    7 points
  3. I had a great time yesterday, I enjoyed all the drive and I learned a lot. The landscape was amazing especially near the fossile rock. I also enjoyed Sitting and chatting with the people and listening to the stories at the end
    5 points
  4. @Gaurav I did share 30% of pics though, remaining will be shared in a day or two. Video will be done in a while. And I am sure it will be wortg waiting. 🤞🏻 @G.huz you can check the pics for a while for Liwa Moreeb drive to get brief insight. ☺️
    4 points
  5. 4 points
  6. It was one good drive without any set backs. All thanks to our Lead @Rahimdad. I did my very first drive on this track almost a year ago with carnity and it was really amazing to be here again. Thanks to all the Members who were part of the drive to make it fun and enjoyable.
    4 points
  7. OMG man, i seriously can't wait but time flies by so fast, that's a good thing... although sometimes waiting for the next weekend to drive feels like a long time hehe. Thanks for the kind words, means a lot coming from you now I need to learn more to progress Thanks guys, for everything you're doing
    3 points
  8. You have great attitude to off road driving. Just need some polishing and techniques. Surely you'll be ready in a few months to join intermediate drives also.
    3 points
  9. Thanks @BilalAhmad, seen the pictures, looks amazing, I want to experience it, as a passenger, whenever possible can't wait to become intermediate level to start joining these rides see you next time
    2 points
  10. Nice pictures, please post them in the gallery https://carnity.com/gallery/category/110-newbie-drive-malihakalba-8-feb-2019
    2 points
  11. @G.huz we will post intermidiate drives soon in Dubai -Sharjah - Abu Dhabi Sweihan area. Please keep checking the drive post in forum. We will also notify you once drive is posted and you can check with any participants who has space to take you for a ride. See you soon.
    2 points
  12. Hi Guys - any recommendations for alloy wheels in Dubai? Ideally after Alpina (OEM or Replica) and maybe AC Schnitzer - had a look online but not really finding much in Dubai. If not - anyone have experience of ordering alloy wheels from US / Canada / UK and know about shipping costs? Car in question - 2000 E38 750Li.
    1 point
  13. Is there an intermediate level drives in Dubai? I would like to see how that drive sounds and feels like
    1 point
  14. I reached location.. Adnoc Petrol pump
    1 point
  15. Sure you can join without the gear for the first drive, will share with you That's the spirit, keep it up
    1 point
  16. ok.. thank u very much for support. i will come..
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Guys, sorry that I missed your drive today. Hopefully will come on next drive ))
    0 points
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