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Everything posted by desertdude

  1. Depends, if you want to do a complete rebuild or just repair motor to bring it back to its previous running condition. Also don't forget valve seats, if the valves got damaged then most probably the seats too.
  2. One thing I learned from an old local business man long time ago was that never leave anything of value in plain sight, not even loose change. He said losing the loose change wasn't the issue but some arsehole or rowdy teenager for shits and giggles might break your glass, which is a lot more expensive and hassle to replace just for that change of few Dhs. So now if its even a bag of documents, which might look like a laptop case or with something of value I'll slide it under the seat or cover it with something like a newspaper or sunshade.
  3. If its basically the same engine just with a bigger bore i.e bigger capacity. No need for anything. Just get a receipt from the place where you get the engine with the engine number on it. Just in case you get flagged for different number. This might happen even if you put in 1.3 since engine number will change Although I haven't seen this happen since many are upgrading their engines in the LR community going from 3.9 to 4.5 from a different land rover, without issue. And about a zillion engine changes while I was running my shop, no one ever had an issue. Issue would be changing the number of cylinders Unless there are new changes to the rules that I'm not aware of.
  4. Exactly thats why you mostly see diesel light vehicles from european manufacturers if not only European today. Even Japanese major car manufacturers have stopped production of diesel engine light vehicles. American manufacturers AFAIK never offered diesel variants other than some trucks and pickups with third party engines like Cummins. I wonder how a diesel mustang or Cadillac would drive Americans tried jet engined cars but they weren't very practical Although Leno does have another jet engine car and bike.
  5. All I read was Europe Europe Europe Europe. Guess what this is not Europe and neither is rest of the world
  6. You fail to comprehend. I gave no opinion on whatever methods used after he didn't make it. My one single point was this mess was solely created because he wasn't deflated. That's it. End of story
  7. I disagree, all of above culminated from one single source. Inflated tyres. And the rest followed trying to address the situation without deflating. If he was deflated properly. He would have easily towed out the vehicle in the 1st or 2nd attempt. Maybe he was in a situation like me as described earlier and didn't want to deflate. I think this is Frasier Island in Australia and you have to cross this Sandy patch to get to the beach where you really don't need to deflate. So maybe he was thinking he could get away with it. Someone who buys a car like that and then mods it as seen is not new to off roading and in general Ozzy off-roaders do off road in the desert but not like us here. Point is they are not alien to it
  8. There is a reason why diesel cars are not as popular in places where petrol is cheap. N.America, GCC, Some African and South American countries etc etc. P.S : I have nothing against diesels. I wish there were more here. I'd instantly get a VW polo with almost a 1000 kms on one tank of fuel. But for anything comfort, luxury, sporty, enthusiastic driving or weekend roller. Diesel wouldn't even be in the running. That's one engine by one manufacturer. How bout those tiny hatchback POS you like so much. Compare their diesel vs petrol times
  9. I sort of sympathize with the guy. Many a times I've had to struggle with fully inflated tyres. After a safari we would inflate in the camp load up 6pax and get out. Oy thing was there was immediately a climb and that track was always chewed up and then a 6-7km Sandy track before we hit the tarmac. Sandy not gatch And every once in a while for whatever reason the cruiser would not make it or just lose steam as it crossed over and then we would struggle with Inflated tyres to get out. As after a long day of work no one wanted to get out deflate then drive to the end of the road and waste another 10 -15 mins inflating with our small compressor. But rarely we ever had to do that. All that struggling actually improved my driving with Inflated tyres skills. So as they say hard work never goes to waste
  10. So a 2L diesel engine is faster than a 2L petrol engine. Oy vey where is the facepalm emoji when you need it!
  11. Throw enough money at a VW polo it will out do an Aventador. That's really no argument in favour of diesels
  12. My Heart will go on.. seriously bro! I wouldn't admit to listening to that under any circumstance let alone in the dunes. No wonder your Xterra is throwing Check Engine lights. It's basically saying. KILL ME ... NOW.... PLEASE Nothing sweeter than listening to your V8 while off-road. That's all the sound track anyone ever needs
  13. Compared to a 2L petrol? And 1985! I saw a 2006 Range Rover start and it sounded like a tractor even at idle. Agreed the latest generation of European sedans and SUVs are quite-ish and reasonably quick. But here one doesn't buy a luxury high end vehicle with fuel consumption in mind.
  14. Oh and until very recently before the fuel prices got deregulated Diesel was very expensive. I recall a gallon was around 8ish dhs while petrol was around 4ish. And yes we use to use gallons here before.
  15. There is a difference between recovery and off-road recovery. For example the range Rover manual states you can use the rear point for off road recovery but not the front.
  16. Same reason it's not popular in the states as well. Because its, slow, noisy and gas was cheap. P.S: it sucks ass in the dunes
  17. Then I'm guessing and this is just a theory since it's made in the USA it's using the new SAE something something 480 CAN protocol and the obd scanners are old ass with old software on them. You can buy a Nissan specific diagnostic tool for around 500 dhs it's not VIN locked and covers the entire Nissan range with free software updates. I would seriously look into buying that.
  18. Because we are talking about paneros from a few dino centuries ago! Lol oh while we are at it Cruiser,patrol, Armada, most Chevy)GMC and Ford trucks and pickups. Most Land Rover vehicles, Wranglers so on and so forth. Strangely enough not all of them have points both front and rear.
  19. Then you have a defective OBD port and if what you say is true then seems like it's a common problem.. I would get that sorted out first. It's probably not getting power or wiring issue. Because no way it's not OBD II compliant on such a late model car. In the mid 90s it became law in the US that all cars have to be OBDII compliant by late 90s most GCC cars were so post 2000 model car not OBD compliant is hard to believe.
  20. That is just false reasoning on your part and as always the stealers trying to rip you off. Because they only replace not repair. The diagnostic tool pointed you in the direction and anybody with even basic diagnostic experience with tell you just because you have a fault in xyz doesn't mean it's broken. You did the right thing and decided to further investigate it yourself. But I can bet you your bank balance 9 out 10 sanaiya mechanics you would have taken the car too and not informed them of the sensor issue information you had just said I have an ABS light please check and fix it and you would have gotten replies like you need to change your ABS ECU to your ABS pump to God knows what.
  21. There is a reason why they are called tie downs, as in secure a vehicle while being transported and that's what they are made for and rated for. Not for off road recoveries
  22. Not many left but always have the option to install. My sheep xj came with 0 recovery points front or back. So I had to install them on both ends. And since the XJs unibody chassis is made of used cardboard had to get the proper ones which are bolted on yo the unibody one foot deep on all sides Then my disco had no recovery points in the front so had to get them done too. So it's basically we'll cross that bridge when we get there I've probably witnessed a 110 incident free recoveries from a tow ball. Just because nothing happened doesn't mean it's right You can search for videos where towballs have gone flying like cannon balls
  23. You can do all that for half the money yourself. A probably do a better job than the dealer
  24. Bullshit, who ever told you that nonsense should be taken behind the shed and shot. By law all cars have to be compatible with OBD standards. And let's for a moment for arguments sake believe that bullshit you can get a Nissan specific diagnostic tool for around 500dhs. And I'm pretty much sure that check engine light will popup again in the near future because what ever it is. It's an intermintent fault. Stored codes in the ECU don't just pop up randomly like that causing a CEL. The shop might have cleared the code but didn't address the situation why it was there in the first place. So until the next time it comes back on keep that recovery truck number handy because Nissan made that one Xterra Xtra special which does not comply to OBD standards and you just happen to have it.
  25. Also being used for recovery doesn't mean they are meant to handle such loads. Just because something hasn't gone wrong till now means it won't in the future. With all the banging on about safety here on Carnity all the time, how is this practice acceptable?
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