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Everything posted by Rahimdad

  1. For the gearing issue there is some Omani fix which @eduardo had mentioned on the last drive. Maybe he can guide us better.
  2. Funny a Jeep guy promoting a PF and Xterra.
  3. Due to gearing issues with Pajero pre 2014 models, I would recommend any model after 2014. SWB your 20% family outing goes out of the window, only good for off-road and daily commuter. But if you are going to invest so much, better to keep an eye on the Xterra as well. I recently saw one from a first owner for AED 18k.
  4. I'm sure that as we drive a car in long run we always find out new things as we get bored and try to experiment. I found something which maybe lots of people already know and I'm hoping you'll share your tips and tricks to make this thread even more valuable. Since there are so many Pajero owners here I'm excited to learn something new about my wife's car. Here my trick for the day. On your remote key click lock 3 times and that will fold the side mirrors. To unfold them click the open button 3 times and Walla the mirrors will unfold. Hope this helps a few.
  5. Thanks for sharing your experiences so far @desertdude and @Javier M. Still waiting for feedback on other models, I didn't even know Toyota adopted CVT thanks @desertdude to add to my knowledge.
  6. The other day I was speaking to @Barry about CVT transmission and he told me he had one on his DAC vehicle back in the 1980's. The CVT has started appearing in more vehicles in teh past 10 years. From all these I have only heard complains about CVT failure in Nissan vehicles, mostly Sentra and Altima. I once wanted to own a Mitsubishi Lancer EX GT which also had the CVT. Although the shape, specs were my favorite as soon as I test drove one the CVT kind of threw me off as the revs never exceeded 2K revs even with the pedal to the metal. My question though is the CVT only has a history to fail in the Nissan or are others facing any issues with teh CVT as well. I never heard a Lancer EX GT owner complaint that their CVT gearbox failed? Can you please enlighten me if you happen to own any Mitsubishi vehicle or any other makes with the CVT transmission. Have you faced problems, and how costly would be repairs to teh CVT or does it need to be changed. Many thanks in advance to all for sharing your experiences here.
  7. @Frederic I experienced the fytoplankton last year in Miami beach, at first it was scary since it was my first time and I had no idea about what it was. Once my cousin brother explained me the phenomena I was at ease and really enjoyed the moment. It is magical.
  8. @Javier M I am not big on mods and always prefer my car in as much stock condition as possible. However I don't hate mods and do like some tastefully done mods which enhance to look or performance of the car. I hate the over the board Fatwa mods with lights everywhere, excessive stickers, and stick on chrome that just looks shining ugly. Thanks for starting such an interesting thread, would like to see what everybodies preferences are.
  9. Thanks @Barryb@barry means a lot to us. Lucky to have a friend like you.
  10. @katana85 you meant gear oil. I am not so sure, but maybe the more experienced members like @Barry, @shadow79, @treks and @Glanz Lube can help.
  11. @Emmanuel hearty congratulations for a well deserved promotion. You have been one of the solid pillars since the time you have stepped in with your questions and suggestions. Looking forward to even more questions from your side to make things even better.
  12. Silly place and not much of a show. But great place to meet up with @Barry, @sertac and @Gaurav. Loved their company and saw the monster creations which were kind of huge and served their purpose of turning heads. Well worth visiting for the great company.
  13. Thanks @Asif Hussain for sharing, kindly share the video you have been working on here please.
  14. @dberclaz great to meet you and drive with you this Friday. Thank you for assisting @Emmanuel with the sweep duties. Glad you learned something about your Jeep on the drive and look forward to many more drives with you. Welcome to the Fewbie level.
  15. Trip Report - as I walked out of the house today I felt like it was December again, pretty cool and pleasant weather. Filled petrol and was excited like a school boy to meet up @Asif Hussain after a long time. With a great big hug from him we set off to the meeting point, with the chit chat on the way I completely lost track of where we were. After a polite enquiry Asif bhai confirmed that we were on the right path. It was great to see so many smiling faces this early in the morning and set off to the deflation point. At the deflation point we split the convoy to newbie and Fewbie. As we deflated and after a newbie briefing we were off with our newbie convoy. Sadly one of the driver had a moment when he was unconscious and since it seemed he was not feeling all that well I had to turn him back home for his safety and the safety of others. The route was more or less what we normally take with small dunes and easing our way to Pink Rocks. There were some soft patches on the way and a few refusals. But it is moments like these which challenge your skills and test your patience and span of attention. It was great to see everyone following the instructions well and maintaining a good convoy discipline. At this point I would like to thank @dberclaz for helping @Emmanuel with the sweep duties as Emmanuel had to skip to the front to help stuck vehicles. Thanks to @S1DD who taught @dberclaz something about his Jeep today in the true spirit of the community. This proves that if you are paying attention and are of a truly helping nature you don't have to count on long time experience, you can do it on your second drive within the club. Also thanks to @eduardo who was actually with the Fewbie drive but took time to help Pajero drivers light up their Christmas lights on the dashboard by removing the ABS fuse. As we got closer to Pink Rocks the terrain got a bit tougher, but after a few refusals on a demanding climb all made it to the top. From here we headed to the point where all 3 convoys had decided to meet up. We had fun trying to explore what our cars could do. Once everyone was together we headed to the other side of Pink Rocks and headed out towards the 2nd December Cafeteria. As everybody took put their bag of goodies we feasted as we do at the end of any drive. A celebration to celebrate the awesome time we had enjoyed together. At tis point I was getting late for Friday prayers, so loving hug from all and I was off for the prayers. Luckily just in time for the prayers, I inflated my tires just after praying and headed home only to prepare something awesome for next week. Until next week I bid you all farewell and looking forward to catching you on the next adventure.
  16. Well written Dr @srini62 and thank you for joining us. After a little deflation and getting the car in 4 high you managed well without another refusal. Since BF Goodrich are slightly heavy better to deflate them to 12 psi and do get another gauge to double check that both showing the right pressure. Overall a great day made possible with a great smile from you. Love your company sir, very humble and always willing to learn and grow. Great qualities.
  17. Always love a genuine gentleman among us @Barry. Looking forward to catching you tomorrow. Maybe @Gaurav, @Emmanuel, @Srikumar, @Asif Hussain and other off road enthusiasts can join us for this evening event.
  18. Thanks for sharing @Barry. Will definitely try to be there. Hope to catch you there.
  19. Please note there is a difference between a smart watch and a smart band, if I'm not mistaken fit bit is a smart band and not a smart watch, not so sure about the Garmin though.
  20. Amazing video and congratulations. A very respectable second place and space on the podium for true champions. Always loved to watch Mark Powell ride is buggy, very graceful.
  21. @Gaurav bhai you have used both smart phones and now understand that they do similar tasks, only treated differently by the OS used. Same way Smart watches offer you that functionality on your wrist. Now which smart phone is quicker, more efficient, gives you options not available on the other, example, Motion X is not available on Android. If you still cannot reach a decision, please try out each one from their respective stores and ask a staff to walk you through some of the daily used options. Which one do you find easier to use, which one has better skins for the watch functionality, better voice clarity, better visually, feels better on your wrist, etc. I have personally not used a smart watch, nor intrigued by them to research further, but everything is as per your preference, do not go with what everybody else prefers, just make your decision based on your preference. Do share which one you choose and why?
  22. Many happy returns of the day @Gaurav bhai. May God Almighty keep you and your family blessed.
  23. This might be old but made me laugh again. VID-20190424-WA0004.mp4
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