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Everything posted by Vanessa8580

  1. until
    Drive Details Level: Fewbie and Above When: 16 Oct 2020, Friday. Meeting time: 3:30PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: - https://goo.gl/maps/57igcyLN8FPPjJWd6 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 07:30 PM
  2. This drive is organized in full compliance with the COVID19 guidelines. We expect every member that joins this drive to go through below information and and strictly follow these guidelines in order not to jeopardize someone's health, and to ensure we can keep organizing these drives safely. MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: COVID19 Precautions MUST READ AND TOTALLY AGREE: BAN POST Two Way Radio Guidelines Every Offroader brings his own radio, programmed to the frequencies described in below advice topic. We will not share spare radios or program your radio on the drive. If you need assistance in programming the radio, post a topic on the Carnity website with your questions and we will help you out. Make sure your radio is fully charged. It will be your only way of communication while driving. Before buying, please carefully read below advice so you are informed properly on which model / cost / shops... No radio = No drive. It is an essential tool and you should make sure you bring it on every drive and learn/practice how to use it. Drive Details Level: Fewbie and Above When: 16 Oct 2020, Friday. Meeting time: 3:30PM (SHARP - Without any exceptions) Meeting Point: - https://goo.gl/maps/57igcyLN8FPPjJWd6 Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 8-10 inches of ground clearance. What to bring along: Loads of water, snacks (for yourself), smiles, face mask, rubber gloves, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 07:30 PM LIMITED SPOTS AVAILABLE: Limited to 10 cars only. 1 Lead Marshal + 1 Senior Members + 10 Members. If the RSVP is full and you wish to join, please mention your name on the drive thread to add on the waiting list. Latecomers will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Members without RSVP will be returned back - without ANY EXCEPTIONS. Please withdraw your RSVP, if you aren't joining, so your spot can be taken by others. Repeated no-show members after RSVP will have their account suspended for a month. PLEASE RSVP THE BELOW CALENDAR EVENT
  3. Trip report I left my house at 2.15pm, way too early, but i was nervous and excited at the same time. It was my first official drive lead and although i was prepared and i practised the track this week, my stomach felt a bit weird. I got to the deflation point at 2.50pm and i parked my car, took a few deep breaths and started deflating my tyres. Everyone came on time and we could start the briefing and radio checks at 3.30pm. Of course i forgot half of my briefing, the nerves took over at that point. We started moving with @Srikumar as my second lead and @Desert Dweller as my sweep. I think it was the first time in Carnity history that we had a lady in the front and the back of the convoy !! Girl power all the way !! Once we started moving into the desert, the nerves went away and i started to relax. Murqab is a beautiful area with a lot of amazing long range dunes so we did a whole lot of side sloping. The entire convoy did amazingly well and everybody enjoyed themselves. We had a minimum of refusals and stucks en we covered about 38km in a little less than 3 hours. Thank you so much to the whole convoy for your nice words after the drive and for giving me a fantastic first drive lead, i could not have done it without all of you. Special thanks to @Srikumar and @Desert Dweller for all your support ! See you all next week in the sand
  4. @asifk Like Fred said, I never have overheating problems with my Pajero. I always drive in tiptronic but mostly drive in 2nd hear, I only shift back to first to do a hill climb or when I need a little power if I lose momentum. Try to keep your car in 2nd as much as possible ....
  5. Boy, was I nervous this morning when I woke up .... I was not sure I could lead a convoy through the desert, especially Lisaili. But after a talk with @Rahimdad where he assured me that if I was not feeling comfortable, I didn't have to lead. So we head off with @Rahimdad in the lead. First through some smaller dunes but we soon reached the nice long rolling dunes and I felt so happy and confident that I maybe could take the lead after all. After a few weeks of supporting AN and newbie drives, I really needed to stretch my legs and have some adrenaline going through my body. The long dunes in Lisaili are so much fun and I enjoyed them a lot ! I almost forgot I had a convoy behind me 😊 I want to thank @Rahimdad for giving me the opportunity to lead today and @Gaurav for the leaders leads I could join and of course my hubby @Frederic for always standing behind me and teaching me everything I know. See you all soon back in the sand !
  6. I am driving a LWB Pajero from 2008. When I bought the car, the previous owner put new covers over the original leather seats but I got them off today because they annoy me and it's difficult to clean and vacuum the seats after my drives in the desert. The sand is getting stuck between the covers and the original seats. Of course, my original seats are not in the best shape, it's a bit of an old car .... Does anyone know an address, maybe in Sharjah (it's a bit cheaper 😜) of someone who can replace or fix the seats in my car ??
  7. I don't have any climbing issues with my Pajero. I just have to make sure that you have enough momentum before you begin a climb and then the Pajero takes you everywhere.
  8. Thank you @Gaurav for the training, I am so happy I was able to make it. I did quite some recoveries in the last few weeks when I was supporting the absolute newbie en newbie drives and I learned a lot already but I was extremely impressed with the crest recovery we did yesterday. I knew about the V-track but to see it being done was wonderful ! Also the drive before the training, I really enjoyed. I was a bit worried about it because everyone in the convoy did loads more intermediate drives than I did but I think I managed quite well and I had a lot of fun ! Thanks to @Chaitanya D for the perfect crest and I cannot wait for the next training. See you all again soon 😊
  9. In my opinion, if you follow the rules, then you don't get in trouble ! I know Gaurav for a long time and he is not going to give you a warning for nothing. He makes sure we can all drive every weekend, even under the circumstances we are in so be respectful and listen !!! If you want to be treated like adults, then behave like adults !
  10. You went to the wrong meeting point, you were registered in the ABSOLUTE newbie desert drive in the morning !
  11. I love my Big Blue but that doesn't mean I cannot love a new one even more 😂
  12. It's only a few months ago since I also started as an absolute newbie. I still remember how exciting it was to be behind the wheel and how scary it looked to take my first side slope. Yesterday it didn't really feel like an AN drive, everyone was driving very well and I was quite impressed with how little refusals we had ! I was also happy to see a name on the list that was a girl's name 😁 welcome @Sara EL FANIDI we can use some more ladies in the club ! There are not a lot of us so we have to stick together ! Everyone well done and see you soon in the sand !
  13. Hi Lisa I am driving a Pajero and for oil change, I recommend Shell, Castrol or Mobil one. Be careful with the gas station brands. Welcome to the Pajero club 😜
  14. Oh boy, what the hell is that ?!?!?!?! There is something seriously wrong with that person 😱
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