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Everything posted by Vanessa8580

  1. Thank you @Srikumar for giving me the sweeping position for a change. I am so used to be center forward so it was nice to have a change 😊 To be honest, I always have fun, no matter what position I am driving in. This drive was a good mix of a bit of everything, except for a lot of stucks and extensive shoveling, which I was happy with ! In about every drive for the last 4 weeks, we got a pop-out so I think I will become an expert in fixing pop-outs 😁 Everyone drove very well and I was happy so see a few new faces too. Some newbies, I didn't meet yet. See you next week in the sand !
  2. I am a very bad sleeper and I am definitely a morning person and like most of you know, I can be pretty loud 🤣 I can give you all a call if you like 😜You will definitely be awake !!!!
  3. Congratulations @Foxtrot Oscar ! Now you can help me shovel 😜
  4. It was a very interesting morning .... Good job from our two new leads this morning @Jeepie and @Wrangeld. You guys did show us some nice track and tricky dunes. The sand was extremely soft and a few of the new fewbies or the ones that didn't drive in the summersand yet had a bit of a shock I guess. We had quite a few refusals and stucks but I didn't complain, I had to try out my new equipment so I was happy 😁 I even lost some of my new equipment when my hubby @Frederic had to cut one of my soft shackles. Luckily he didn't have to cut my rope ..... I agree with @Wrangeld, shoes at this time of year are really advisable unless you like having your feet burned ! Well done everyone and see you next week in the sand
  5. Congratulations Marjan ! You did fantastic yesterday !
  6. Congratulations @Brette ! You deserve this so much !!
  7. It was a very good drive yesterday and I enjoyed the new leads, well done to @Jeepie and @Wrangeld. Mahafiz is a really nice area for a drive. The dunes are amazing and can find some pretty nice play area's. I hoped we could have some more time on the second play area but unfortunately I had a pop out and it took some time to fix it. Luckily @Frederic already taught me how to do it so I was prepared by the time @Rahimdad came and helped me. It was another experience and I am quite happy to see how it's been done. I learn something every week ! I realized on this drive I still have to learn a lot and I need to learn to keep control of my car. I made a few mistakes but hey, I keep learning and keep getting better. I am extremely grateful for all the support I am getting. See you next week in the sand !
  8. Congrats @Mels Wolf! Now we can shovel together instead of you mocking me 😜
  9. Woohoo !!!!! Congratulations @Desert Dweller!! Girl power 😁
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