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Naveen Raj

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Everything posted by Naveen Raj

  1. @Chris Wingpleasure to meet you and thanks for your support, sure we will do more drives together in Dubai as well as in Abu Dhabi 👍 @Kailas thanks for the challenging drive, the drive really tested my off-road abilities and skills, enjoyed the long stretch of ride riding and criss crossing. @JeromeFJ @Dodi SyahdarThanks for your support is assisting with my refusals and stucks. I am so glad to be part of this amazing convoy of seasoned off-roaders, it was a huge learning experience for me by just observing how everyone handled the obstacles and rode ridges. Thanks and really enjoyed the drive with you all.
  2. FCA has given @S Jacoba brand new JGC as replacement when his old car which was still under warranty, started emitting weird burnt smell from ac vents and thereafter he had the good fortune with the dealer of getting all repairs under goodwill. So good luck to your friend.
  3. Lexi is my part time family off-roader, Pajero is my full time offroader 😃. See you in fewbie plus soon
  4. Thanks @munkybiznessbro for your inspiration. In reality i struggle a lot to keep up the pace with convoy especially in long hill climbs where I to have push my pony harder to its limits but will fail in most cases due to the notorious upshifting issue with 2008 - 2010 pajeros. I am still learning to maintain the rpm below 5300 to control the upshift. I am so happy to have this car as it will turn me into a good off-roader.
  5. Fully agree. Big shout out to @Kailas for assembling the convoy to witness all recoveries which @Lawrence_Chehimi@ M.Seidam did effortlessly. Overall the drive was a fantastic learning experience to all.
  6. Taqi Nizwa is Anish’s playground, he rocks and keeps us also challenged and attentive. Amazing and challenging drive. Splendid performance by everyone and special call out to @Danish Mohammad @Abdul Rafay-S @Looper.
  7. I don’t think you can enjoy your Daler mehndi when Gaurav is leading 😃
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