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Everything posted by M.Seidam

  1. @Jorge Stepniak Felippe last time we drove I guess with Immanuel at my only extreme drive last year . Was a blast day . Good to see you , same and better 😅
  2. Drive report ( little Sweihan ) Approaching closer toward a drive event we usually witness last minute drop outs but to get a drive overbooked in the last hours this is unheard of especially in weekdays drive .Regardless I was so happy and pleased to see friends whom I haven’t driven with them from ages and to catch up with all the familiar ones and with the exception of @Sunil Mathew who informed earlier that might not show due to work every one else showed up bringing along with them their wide smiles and fire 🔥 hearts for this afternoon quick blast drive and it was . when we all were set up I took the shortest route possible on the track ( 15 km ) heading to our play area of today and didn’t take us long to find our self gliding over the soft sand doing all the manoeuvres safely. The biggest challenge for me as a lead was to keep the pace fluid and steady for such a long convoy in this particular area regardless of speed but somehow we could manage despite few stops due to refusals and stucks which was managed promptly and safely as usual . Some self recoverd while others needed a rope and this was just fun and fine . Probably the only miss happen today was when we were attending two stucks @Anoop Nairwrangler slipped from nosedive position and it’s front left bumper hit@GauravSoni’s right rear. Luckily no one was around in the immediate vicinity and the impact was not that strong that the car moved few inches . Relevant pictures taken . No disputes , bumpers rearranged and the drive continues till the end safely. I have to say that I enjoyed todays drive a lot and hope you all did as well . All the time we learn new things whenever we go to the wild and this is the essence we meet we greet we have fun and we learn always . Thank you @Rizwanfor your flawless second lead and reroute in the proper time in the moments of my struggles . It was a pleasure having you today . same goes for @Shaaz Sha it has been for a while since we drove together brother really good to see you with your mighty red Xterra . @Gaurav Sonilast minute addition to the drive it was a pleasure and really sorry of your car hope it’s fixable soon . Your help and guidance was highly appreciated 🙏 .Dear @Kailas maybe the last time we drove together was in a split convoy on the new year 2022 afternoon . Really nice to see you after such a long time . Thanks for coming and all the help in the rear of the convoy . Rest of the team @Gok Krish@Fabien Monleau @Simon Dawood @Charbel @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler @Anoop Nair and @Jorge Stepniak Felippe thank you all for making this afternoon so enjoyable. till we meet again please drive safe and wish you nice weekend ahead . Cheers Seidam P.S pictures in Gallery
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