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Everything posted by Looper

  1. @Niki Are you referring to the store that is on the ground floor of the new parking building, as soon as you come down the escalator? The prices seemed to be a on the higher side than the amazon for the product I was looking for (I was not looking for dashcam though). The price as per the online dragon mart is unbeatable for this, but as you mentioned you have to be careful for the version number. I have a couple of versions and the 2nd one is what I am currently using and that allows the watermark to be removed. First one does not allow removing the water mark, with the same software on the phone. Xiaomi keeps updating their models without any notice as such and it is a stress figuring out which one is current.
  2. I have bought this one: https://www.amazon.ae/dp/B083KV8LRC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_DNiC2A7moWXwK but suggest buy the latest one. In my device it does not record GPS, and you would want to have it record GPS so that you can extract it. with the Garmin app it is easy to do. I have to overlay the Gaia using app which is time consuming.
  3. And a few more. In my newest project I’ll be putting GPS overlay.
  4. In case you want to store the drive videos, You may keep a few 64 GB memory cards in the car. I have numbered mine and change them after every drive. Few because I don’t have to rush to backup after every drive. 64 GB because that is the recommended capacity. I remove the power cable to the device and put it back after I changed the memory card because when I remove the card, the device switches itself off. I have recordings of all my drives safely stored in my NAS, and edited a few to put on YouTube. I am too lazy to do for all. It will be a summer project perhaps, when I have nothing else to do.
  5. A drive befitting for a Monday morning. Fast drive with just a few minor refusals and a super quick pop out fix. One could not have asked for any better. I loved the run on the Sabkas, the mini Sweihan and every minute of the entire no sweat drive we had today. Thanks @Lorenzo Candelpergher for the lead and @Dodi Syahdar for keeping an eye at the back. Everyone drove exceedingly well making it a memorable drive.
  6. Thank you. I did miss this post. So it is 10 drives plus intermediate drives are necessary not 5 as mentioned here in as requirement.
  7. Mai 70 has inbuilt battery and records while parked. I have connected it to the cigarette lighter so it records for sometime before switching off, but if it connected to the mains then it will continue to record. I should have said I use the footage for the videos but it is a normal dash can only. it has good night recording capabilities. See some online reviews on it before you decide. If you want to test I have a spare one as well.
  8. My rear bumper issues continued. The plastic number plate bracket was connected with clips and it easily get dislodged from the metal bumper. The light connection got severed as well and I drove for a short while without light on the number plate. Many times the drivers behind me helped picking up the number plate bracket. Later I started to pull it my self and keep it in the car while driving in the desert and putting it back when the drive is finished. But knowing it is a temporary fix (jugad) I decided to get a relocation bracket (AED 487 incl. installation). Had the garage secure the remaining plastic bracket with screws, but I don’t have much hopes it will last for long.
  9. I will suggest mai70 dash cam. I have it in my car and I use it for making the driving videos as well. In the newer versions you can remove the mai70 watermark from the settings. Records at 2.7k and you can use that aspect to crop the video. It can record in intervals of 1 min, 3 min etc. there is an option for a GPS module which is used to track speed and for lane departure warning and to warn that the car I front has moved. I don’t use it at all, so you can save some bucks not ordering it. You have to login using the Mi account but it has its own app and manage the settings.
  10. This was the first time I drove in the RAK and it was a great experience for me. RAK offers some interesting dunes to attempt to conquer but they are difficult and will need a lot of practice that I intend to get. As the day progressed the day was quite hot, touching 43 degrees at only 9:00 am in the morning. Thanks to @Ale Vallecchi for leading a wonderful drive. I have shared some pictures I took that day in the gallery for all to enjoy. See you soon in the desert where we have decided that we belong.
  11. As we saw during climbing the Pink Rock/Camel Rock - this place offers a few challenges and one needs to be careful while driving in the rocky climbs and soft sand dunes. How I hoped the drive to continue without an end. As the summer comes I have to start more and more early in the day and weirdly I was the last to arrive at the drive. I used to pride myself to be the first to arrive at most drive locations before. Thank you very much @Vanessa8580 for the lead and @Hisham Masaad, @Shaaz Sha, @Gaurav Soni for managing the support functions. See you all very soon I hope.
  12. Immediately after@Foxtrot Oscar lock herself out, I knew where my car keys are going to be. Safely in the pocket. I then went and helped recover a mini truck carrying some camel feed. I saw him struggle and was waiting for him to ask for help but he would not come forward, while looking at us thinking "they could help". In the process I put a knot on my recovery rope. The novices-ness does show off in annoying ways. As a newbie, I had problem determining how much gas to apply - too much gas when stuck and too little when it is needed. As the day progressed convoy to figured out how it is done and it was a smooth sailing quite soon into the drive. Kudos to Angela @Foxtrot Oscar to mix a verity of driving challenges to hone the skills and end it off with a night technical drive towards the exit. A few pictures I snapped are in gallery for everyone to enjoy. See you all in the next drive.
  13. It was the largest concentration of Yellow `jeeps I have seen till date.
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