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    Syrian Arab Republic
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Everything posted by Rawad

  1. What kind of issues are you having now? Would be great if you list them here and also list the solution afterwards Also what tyres/wheels are you running?
  2. Yep, once for me since I joined the club and that was after a pop-out in my first newbie drive I don't think your mechanic is being totally practical about it unless your upgraded suspension or lift require such maintenance. Am not sure. By all means, you would feel it when your Y62 needs some alignment no?
  3. So latest surprise from Nissan dealer here in Dubai, that the warranty will be affected if I change to 18" rims. They said the gear and differentials will, and here I quote, "will have issues if I change wheels or rims sizes". @Lawrence_Chehimidid you check that with them before going 17s?
  4. I have an OEM system that comes with the Y62 but I've seen these on youtube and I assume that they are programmable to your preferred pressure and that you can also turn the inside car piece off so you can only use it for offroading. But again this is just from watching youtube so I will try to post the link here Hope someone will have an idea where to get such a system in the local market
  5. Why not considering an after market TPMS system that gives the pressure and temperature readings for each tyre. I believe they come easy on the pocket I have a built in system in my Y62 and it saved me from some popouts since I can see a tyre dropping irregularly, so you take the action and inflate before the worse happens
  6. Convoy 2 First let me start with a big thank you to @Tamas Hoffmannfor the whole drive idea, and another big thanks to @Vanessa8580for picking up the pieces of the scattered convoy this morning due to the closed Faqa exist @Lorenzo Candelpergher this was my first drive with you, and it was remarkable indeed. We've had so much fun as you started to increase the challenge and even so it was a relatively a short drive, yet it was absolutely fulfilling I surely ended up with more confidence, and this drive provided the exact needed pace and challenge for me to learn more of how to handle my car. Hope I didn't bother @Goutammuch by my early exits specially on the bumpy ridges Great job @Dodi Syahdar It was pleasure driving with all of you A side note: I dont know what made me think that changing my name to my gaming tag would be cool 😅😅 I will change it back as soon as the system allows it. My name is Rawad. I believe it was hard for you to hear it correctly@Lorenzo Candelpergher when I was shouting it behind a mask so you ended up hearing Arwan 😂😂... totally my fault tho🤭🤭 Until we meet again 🤘
  7. @Lorenzo Candelpergher@Tamas Hoffmann you kicked me out guys 😂😂 I cant find my name in any convoy
  8. @Islam Solimancongrats for this well deserved promotion my dear
  9. @Lawrence_Chehimibuddy since you changed the wheel/tyres size, are you driving on a different PSI from the recommended 35? If so, have you been able to change the TPMS settings on the car computer to make it horn on the new setting when you are inflating?
  10. Awesome @Hisham Masaad I dont want one but I just want to celebrate your generosity and I believe this is a great green initiative to recycle unwanted woodchips. Well done 👏👏👏👏
  11. Hi @Islam Soliman, it was this close 🤏 to have four Y62 beasts in a single drive but destiny wont allow it I guess. My car is still in the garage and wont be out until sunday Hope you guys have lots of fun Drive safe and see u all soon
  12. What I've shared with you is the ABS killing method and its important to fully disable ABS while on sand because this system senses slippery tires and disable the breaks to control the slipping. This is very bad on sand because sand is always slippery and you will need your breaks working 100% to help you stop before a cliff or any other dangerous situation For me I started disabling it on Fewbie level where the pace is faster and you will be using the breaks more harshly
  13. Hey @shu yangthis is how you disable ABS every time you go on the sand, and you need to restart the engine whenever you plug it out or in Screen_Recording_20210525-121032_YouTube_1.mp4
  14. Would like to know more about the action camera support system on the white FJ(suction mount, extended stick, etc)
  15. Thanks @Islam Soliman, @Tamas Hoffmann, @Abdul Rahman AK for great support, and thank you @Ranjan Dasfor the awesome 2nd lead Even though we tried to fight destiny by stealing an extra hour, and even though it fired back and got us all jinxed 😂😂, still we all learned a thing or two when it comes to super soft sand refusals with overheating 😅 Cant complain. It was a great drive with y'all
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