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Gary F

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Everything posted by Gary F

  1. Another successful morning newbie drive complete, I love that no two drives are the same and this morning’s adventure was no different with lots of refusals and stucks. The drive started with beautiful weather and sub 20c temperature, an excellent and detailed briefing as always by @Islam Soliman including toy car and miniature dune demonstrations, this is really affective in understanding what’s going on during fishtailing. The sand had an adventure in store for us, arm workouts were provided courtesy of multiple shovel times, and a reminder from our leader to us my arms not back, thanks @Islam Soliman I had one refusal in a very soft sand patch, as soon as I entered the gladiator sunk quick, as the convoy ahead was dealing with a tricky sections. I tried to crawl forward but that was not going to happen, followed by an attempt to reverse while in 4Hi but this just out me a little deeper. Jeeps have a gear box that has 2WD, 4Hi Auto, 4Hi Part time and 4 Wheel low. Before going to 4 Lo, I thought I would try 4 wheel part time which locks the front and rear driver shafts in unison, with a little gas, steering left and right in reverse I was out of the situation relatively quickly, ready to find a way round that particular soft patch. I had one more refusal that just required a reverse and re attempt. Feel like I'm getting the hang of what my car and the sand is telling me about the way it handles The remainder of the drive was a masterclass in observing how to recover vehicles, clear radio instructions, patience and teamwork. Thanks @Looper @Joseph Sebastian and the rest of the for a fun morning. P.S. I got some 360 camera video that i will be posting at some point when I have the time to review it.
  2. Thank you @Islam Soliman I’m surprised with such a WL to be going, looking forward to seeing you all on the sand in the morning.
  3. Missed the sign up last night due to meetings, but I have added myself to the long 🙄 waitlist.
  4. @Ahmad Nerat good to know you will be back in the dunes soon, thanks for the lovely Arabic coffee yesterday, it was a good start to the day.
  5. Sound like fun, with an off-road drive to boot.. @Benjamin you going to join too ?
  6. What a drive….ups and downs , fast and slow sections, shovels , tugs and pop outs … If a drive was a movie , this was Forest Gump… “life is like a box of chocolates “ and all that. This drive also highlighted the importance of being prepared for the unexpected, always bring extra water , good boots for the sand and a decent hat. Thanks to @Vanessa8580 the support team for leading with such great camaraderie
  7. Only managed to get one good photo from last Fridays night drive.
  8. Had a similar situation although with Waze, which is really unusual, it actually froze on us and it was only as it got closer to the meeting time , I realised we were at least 8km passed the meeting point. Have never had that happen before. it’s also good to study the meet location in google maps with satellite imagery on so you have a good sense of the surrounding areas and identify landmarks.
  9. @munkybizness wonderful journal entry of our early morning drive. The sand certainly had a difference feel which from the moisture, being long wheel base I felt at times I needed more momentum on the sidies but less throttle to prevent fishtailing. Surprisingly the gladiator felt more competent the higher up it was. still need to fight to right balance of speed for going over crests, too little and I crest, too much and I jump…
  10. Thank you all for a wonderful drive this morning, I really came to understand the importance of momentum when crossing over. Thank you to all shovel help when I had the frame buried on a crest. Thanks for the guidance following in your tracks@munkybizness and @Islam Soliman for leading. And of course @Benjamin for your 2nd lead. Impressed each time I see you other there. See you all again soon
  11. Thank you @Looper You are correct it’s the 4d JL Sport , sounds like a better bumper is in our future, it’s currently retained on one side with zip ties the other side will be next.. until we have a better solution. The connection points where the plastic bumper connects to the metal bracket on each end seems to be a particular weakness that easily breaks. thanks again Cc. @Benjamin
  12. Thanks @Looper , 🙄 4 stock bumpers or a variety broken ?
  13. Sorry I’m not going either @Gaurav I had removed myself from the drive last Monday, not sure what I re appeared.
  14. hello all does anyone know of a source for used rear bumpers for the Wrangler JL our existing one plastics are separating from the support. @Benjamin
  15. Thanks all for the drive this morning , great weather and company. Love that run up to Pink Rock. Thanks @Mark Birch for the photo and giving me context to what a Gladiator looks like when it’s fishtailing. @Benjamin maybe next time I’ll get stuck and you will need to bail the old man out .
  16. Thanks for the offer @Brette no need , I have one programmed to the Carnity channels.
  17. I appreciated getting stuck up to the frame in soft sand and impressed at how you handled it. @Benjamin hopefully when I have my first official drive I won’t do the same.
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