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    Offroad Enthusiast & Tread Lightly Advocate
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    Rubicon Recon, JLU
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    President of Nova Jeepers; NVJA Trail Guide
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    Vehicle Recovery, Obstacle Negotiation & Navigation

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  1. I don't have an Expedition Timberline but recovery/cargo/storage can be universal. Some thoughts from the cheap seats... Hi-lift Jacks, if you have a rack you can mount it there, personal opinions and experience, jacks secured inside of the cargo area pose a greater risk to the driver and/or passengers should an accident ensue or a mount fails. Mounts for a fire extinguisher are universal, you can build your own or order one, my personal favorite is a fast mount so you aren't sitting there untying it/removing straps should you need it. Seconds count in this situation. Rear cargo trays are a cheap option, or depending how custom you want to go you can cut out/custom make a platform to your cargo area with drawers for recovery gear or tools. I have seen military folks tend to lean towards that option. Another option are cargo panels, tools and bags can be attached. If your recovery gear is lengthy you might want a full tool box that clicks together to differentiate. Check if they have a storage system you'd like to invest in, I can't recall if you're specific model has one but I'm sure there has to be compatibilities somewhere. First aid kits... can be attached to panels too. Depends on your vision... and hope this helps.
  2. Great. This is what I was looking for. Thanks for the insight!
  3. Just for my clarification, when you mentioned a shovel... did you mean a ground anchor to aid in recovery or a regular shovel? Both will provide their own benefits. More my curiosity here... Thanks!
  4. Interested to see if recovery kits vary for the desert troopers... coming from a rock crawler background... we have trees and large boulders that give us an advantage to use our winches during recovery. What does your recovery kit include, and why? What are the most common recovery strategies you have found on the dunes? My Personal Recovery Gear includes: 3 snatch blocks with synthetic shackles light weight aluminum style pulleys 1 steel snatch block 2 aluminum shackles 4 soft shackles 1 long soft shackle 2 tree savers 2 chafe guards 2 line dampeners Kinetic recovery rope Tow straps Fast fid rope (rope splicing tool) Gloves (we use gloves at all times, I have had to recover someone's finger off a trail to the hospital/assist with a Member that accidentally spliced their finger too) Hand-held GMRS radio Well-functioning winch/winch controller/free pull available & synthetic line
  5. Thank you @Gaurav and @Vijay Vaidya, looking forward to it. One of the reasons they close certain terrains or trails is due to the public not being aware of Tread Lightly principles. Happy to pass on knowledge I've learned over the years. We conduct 9 hours of guide work in the mountains to teach Members to grow and develop leadership skills under pressure. I have found it's the best way to grow the offroad community, and keep Members safe. Until then... I'll keep roaming around this forum, just got full access. Thanks for the warm welcome.
  6. Hello, Moving to Dubai in a couple of months, and with that anticipation, looking to find a new home in the offroad community. I have 8 years of experience and volunteer as a Trail Guide to assist others and build their knowledge. Most of my experience is rock-like terrain, therefore dunes will be a new adrenaline rush. Looking to meet new people and make some friends in the industry, eventually get into racing... Since Dubai will be new to me... any recommendations on where to start?
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