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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/2015 in all areas

  1. Victoria....I am sure your TUCSON is automatic?. Every Automatic Gear shift has signs "+" and "-" on the gear shift frame. Push the gear shift lever to left and you are in TRIPTRONIC Mode and the number of gear with display on your "digital panel" ..You do not need clutch for trip tronic just push it forward for increasing number and push lever back for lower number gears. When you push back to Right the lever it goes to Automatic mode. If you have manual that is even better, you do not need TRIPTRONIC...
    1 point
  2. Get the "DISC PADS" changed. The new discs are 10mm thick and should not go down below 8.5mm !!! Change the pads and measure disc from all sides..If uneven thickness for all four sides, then change discs and do not skim them.. For future avoid braking too much, use the trip tronic gear to lower gears to slow down the car in traffic or approaching signals or speed breakers...You will get better mileage and also long life for your Disc Pads...
    1 point
  3. I was the owner of one 207 -2008 . Had terrible experience with this little annoying beast. The faster you get rid of this car "as is" for a scrap yard the better you will be. Get any Korean or Japanese car and you will be better off. There are too many sensors in European Cars..many do not work and die out in this Middle Eastern heat. The European manufacturers are not bothered about Middle East/Asian hot weather market. Their market share is so minimal that they do not bother to do Quality Tests in Middle East prior to launch....So you are better of with Japanese or Korean....
    1 point
  4. I like the BMW evolution and then going back to the basic after 100 years (almost). lol
    1 point
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