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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2017 in Posts

  1. Probably cheaper buy a proper 2nd 4x4 with a little more grunt. Than setting up a transfer case and all in what is basically a front wheel drive, with a torsen diff. But even then you wont get lockable front and rear diffs. Id say look for a full spec 80series which comes with difflocks.
    2 points
  2. I would vote for LC and not Patrol due to various reason: LC is more reliable to clock over 500k if maintained properly. IRRESPECTIVE of people BS here on Toyota cars. My company has three LC's running over half a million kms. Patrol is abnormally big with swollen looks. 2017 LC looks much better than new Patrol LC has better resale than Patrol LC still made in Japan unlike Patrol
    1 point
  3. @hAwX Both are good vehicles and equally capable. As was pointed out by Gaurav Bhai the reliability is slightly better on LC whereas the power off-road is slightly better for the Patrol. However, if coming out to the desert, the lesser the electronics and computers the better. A simpler vehicle is also less heavy on maintenance.
    1 point
  4. After 60 or 80 it goes from all wheels for front wheel drive and to drive continuously at that speed in desert can be hazardous and the transfer case while transferring force from transmission breaks it into a lower ratio increasing the torque and the best of the best production car offers 73:1 mind you its also manual gear and top of the line in off road and coming to a fj cruiser its 41.82:1 see the difference but I know almost everyone here will agree that fj is one of the best off road thing here in the scene...and pointing that a rav4 is as a corolla is just as saying a fish to climb a tree...so what's the point in if you have a Rubicon and yet don't know the tricks of sand....it basically is always the driver which makes the true difference...
    1 point
  5. We all went and got matching tattoos last week
    1 point
  6. You can buy them from many car accessories shop in deira (ramy4x4), naif (golden wheels, fany, khateeb etc), shj industrial area etc. This bullbar is mainly aimed for rock climbing situation and it won't protect your rear bumper damage from sand offroading. For sand Pajero bumpers tends to scoop lot of sand and that's what damage them. You need to install a metal plate inside the bumper to close that scoop permanently.
    1 point
  7. well well well i see some nice sand thorwing here...and i too will go for rebuild as i will surely know whats in it rather then cross my fingers while that initial starting phase waiting to see if this engine also has beaten rods or bearings maybe somtimes even the gaskit is also gone blowing water out of radiator...i have seen some change 6 engines of the same car as the engines the customer was bringing was plain shit go on boy i am making money while you are hauling those engines...
    1 point
  8. Just to add, no offense is being taken on my part, I'm just sharing my personal opinion. Any mechanic should be able to rebuild an engine to dealer spec and where I'm from, that's how it is. It's so simple to measure things like clearances, fastener torque etc and follow the spec sheet or workshop manual procedures, use or don't use the correct sealants in the correct places etc. The reality in UAE is that everyone calls themselves a mechanic but in reality the majority have less wit than a professional apprentice in their first year. They're not mechanics, they just screw things apart without thinking and put them back together covered in silicon and shellac with the most basic understanding of how it should work. These people give us professionals a bad name and drive our salaries down to the floor in competition. They will open an engine with zero diagnostics other than a gut feeling and hope it goes back together without any problems. I find it sad that people will choose a mechanic on price rather than quality of workmanship. In my first job in UAE, I remember the workshop foreman stripping down a VW Golf engine then asking me what was wrong with it after it was stripped and I had no way to do any diagnostic work. Zero knowledge or wit but somehow still made it to foreman. The same foreman shouted at me for cleaning the protective coating off a new brake disc before fitting it. I fitted the rest of the discs without cleaning them and the car came back a few days later with the brake linings cooked. The same guy had a car a leaking ABS pump and covered the leak with epoxy. The car came back a few days later with no brakes. Still, this garage got a lot of work because they were prepared cut corners and do jobs like head gaskets for under 500dhs. No quality of work whatsoever, no measuring of flatness, just send the head for a skim, cover it in shellac and bolt it down with an airgun and hope for the best. This is the sort of thing that is going on in UAE, cable tie and duct tape engineering and customers have no idea other than they are paying a low price for repairs. There is zero theory with these guys, most of them have never even read a book. I have read many books and articles on vehicle repair and I know what I'm doing. All good mechanics are similar. Sometimes I feel sick when I think of all the unpaid time I've spent educating myself on how to be a good mechanic/technician/electrician and end up having to do a job for a quarter of what it's worth just because someone with far less skills than me is being allowed to dictate the market price. I might rant more later when I'm not so busy.
    1 point
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