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Everything posted by Frederic

  1. Thanks for the kind words @Rahimdad. You are right, she enjoys the drives and the bonding. We had a fantastic day and look forward to many more of them in the future !
  2. 1) Music. Listening to almost all genres of music since I was a small kid. Unfortunately never had the talent nor the patience to learn to play an instrument. Deejayed for 15+ years for private parties and few years in clubs. 2) Hifi and Sound. Former hobby where i was installing sound systems in cars and houses. 3) DIY repairs. Always have stuff laying around the house to fiddle with or repair. 4) Dogs. Totally in love with my two Salukis and walking them calms me down 5) Offroading with Carnity and camping during winter season. Absolutely love it. Exploring Oman is also part of that. IF I’d have more time and money I’d look into: - Astronomy - Overlanding - Music production - Collecting old cars - Photography
  3. UPDATE: for the GaiaGps app users, the Google Maps like Satellite, Terrain, or Hybrid, which is my favorite, are not standard built in, but can easily be added by using the GaiaGps website. This is the procedure: While logged into Gaiagps.com, add a custom map source via TMS here:https://www.gaiagps.com/mapsource/add/ And use this TMS URL to get Google Terrain:https://mt0.google.com/vt/lyrs=p&hl=en&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&s=Ga Then hit "add this map source" and the saved map should show up in your Gaia app the next time you sync. Some other map links: Google Maps: https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=r&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} Google Satellite:https://www.google.cn/maps/vt?lyrs=s@189&gl=cn&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} Google Satellite Hybrid:https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} Google Terrain:https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=t&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} Google Roads:https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=h&x={x}&y={y}&z={z} ESRI Sattelite Imagery:https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}
  4. I’ve never heard about a belt that has to settle in. 🤔 Where do you notice the vibration ? On the steering wheel, the whole car ? Is there a noise that comes with it ? Is the car running fine and stable on idle ?
  5. UPDATE: Wheel balancing done and definitely improved on how the car behaves in terms of stability. Vibration is still there but less noticeable. They found a large nail stuck sideways in the tyre, but luckily not a puncture. Could have created imbalance. Both front upper arm rubber bushes are worn, so that’s up for the next service. Probably not the culprit. Both tie rod end bushings are also on their way out too, but that’s nothing new and will definitely improve the on road stability even more. Did some slow motion donuts and no crunching sound from the CV axle this time. The rubber boot however is torn and I’m afraid sand might have gone inside and messed up the bearing I’ll keep an eye on it the next coming weeks and schedule some works on the next service. Thanks for the swift replies and help !
  6. Makes a person think, and that’s what I liked about it. Especially the part on agregate efficiencies was an eye opener.
  7. You’re missing the point buddy. A Land Cruiser is gonna cost you a lot more on fuel and maintenance. The higher price Tag is also because of Hybrid Technology.
  8. Thanks Barry. I’ll go for a balancing tonight to start with, but I’m also more thinking about a worn CV axle. On the last drive when making a full turn right I started to hear a slight crunching sound every now and then. Could that be the culprit ? It does not change with revs, and the vibration itself is pretty high in frequency, bit like holding a beard clipper in my hands instead of the steering wheel 😆
  9. I’m gonna sound very blunt and rude now but as much respect I have for these guys I see 80 percent of them driving as they should, while the other 20 percent drive like they stole the bike and think they are in a video game. In no possible way is any job worth risking your life for and if you don’t ride defensively in UAE on a motor bike you’re signing your own death warrant. For some reason whatsoever many of them can’t seem to grasp when they are driving in the blind spot of the car in front of them, or overtake from the craziest angles and speeds. Sorry for these people I have zero respect
  10. Since a few days the blue lady has developed some humming kind of vibration from the steering wheel, most noticeable between 70-90kmh in 2WD on the highway. Below or above these speeds the vibration disappears. The steering wheel is not shaking, it’s a slight vibration felt in the center of the steering wheel. I was suspecting a wheel bearing so jacked up the front and turned the wheels but couldn’t really find anything wrong. Later i realized that on 2WD my rear wheels are driven and the front ones are freewheeling so I’ll still need to check the rear wheels. The vibration is also there during coasting (release gas and put in N), so I suppose drivetrain could be excluded ? Unless drive shaft maybe ? Also thinking about wheel balancing: maybe a balancing weight fell off from one of the wheels.... Tyre pressures are all at 35psi. any other hints or tips before I go for the balancing ?
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