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Everything posted by M.Seidam

  1. Final check before bed : 1. Truck fluids checked 2. Off road stuff in place and secured 4. Cell alarm set ( just in case ⏰ ) 5. Final worning to my son to go to bed ( punctuality and without exception rules apply ) last but not least “ sand “ dream and nightly all 🥱✌️🚙
  2. @Tamas Hoffmann appreciate your considerate approach really this is the spirit of a real gentle desert wanderer see you tomorrow morning in Qudra drive , I will be behind you in number 3 cheers 🚙🌷👍 Wish you bon voyage @Islam Soliman 👍🛫
  3. Totally agree with @Rahimdad brother and in worse scenario not only both cars may get stuck . But a flip risk is increased as well thank you for the valuable comments and the pearls that you always highlight whenever there is a debate or question .🙏🏻
  4. My humble observation : all points from a to d can be optimized if any in this particular recovery clip I believe the only variable which is strong here was from the Beginning was point e) , initially the direction of the Xterra were the opposite and not in line with the direction of the recovery pull and that’s why multiple tugs were not successful at the beginning . Later in the clip when this was realized by the by stander and advised the driver to turn the wheel the car recovered immediately .
  5. dear @Chaitanya D I won’t be able to attend Saturday morning , please remove my name so some one else can take my place . Thanks
  6. Dear @Frederic truly I am delighted and happy to hear this wonderful news this morning . Although I drove with you once to pink rock but I and others sure read your meticulous articles over and over. I hope we meet again on this coming Friday with @Vanessa8580 and @Jeepie . It will be an honor . Wish you best health and joy always Hearty congratulations cheers 👍🙏🏻🌷
  7. Hi Chaitanya @Chaitanya D Second drive : wait list me please : first fiewbie + ( after Friday 5th fiewbie )
  8. Agree with this gradual going down with PSI till beyond that it’s no longer effective and the risk of pop out the tire especially upon sudden blip detour is becoming inevitable Personally I started like that ( same high profile Yokohama geolander A/T ) 15 PSI first and second newbie 14 third 13 4th 12 5th 12 first fewbie 11.5 second third and 4th fewbie let’s see Friday I will drop it to 11 PSI and compare to last week p.s : I notice that struggle is less however I am concerned about the siddies especially in the moment of correcting fishtailing that sometimes happens please note that the above figures are solely personal upon practice with my own car and not necessary to hold true for some another vehicle .
  9. Where is the initial pitfall ? One best answer please 😊 a) direction of tug . b) multiple attempts. c) communication . d) rope . e) Xterra tires direction .
  10. I have the Dejavu that it’s something like “intermediate minor” ... there is only one way to be certain if I am not wrong is to get the intermediate proper !
  11. Congratulations @Tbone ( Vinod ) now we need big lead as a treat 👍
  12. Congratulation @Gregory Perkin time to unleash the power of the red 👍
  13. Congratulations @Goutam prepare the yellow for softer sand 👍
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