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Everything posted by M.Seidam

  1. From red to white sounds interesting route Fred 👍 … on your foot prints my friend following 😄
  2. Sometimes you have only one shot once for all but not always things comes as anticipated. The D shackle I put on my side was hard to dismantle due to very tight rope to max. I aborted the idea of cutting the rope or the soft shackle at @Waqas Parvez side because I was afraid the sudden rebound after cutting might hurt some one or the one who cuts even if we put sand bag or extra safety rope . luckily as you see in the picture the dune in front of @Karthik Raptor car would allow his front to point up which will be in favour to reverse back and this also another reason why I didn’t double rope his car to waqas other wise we would need a 4th car if all would tight 😅 eventually it was done with excellent coordination between the 3 in the cars and @Vaibhavwho was our eyes out side observing the rope . well done all 👍🙏
  3. Well done every one and many thanks for the team work 🙏👍
  4. Is this Ghafeteen bowl ? It’s nice . It’s name taken from the two Ghaf 🌲 two tree their 😄
  5. Yeah remember this brining our friend from behind the dune before we leave NAGRAH
  6. Left to my X a nasty V if dropped in it could be worse . Well done @Karthik Raptor pulling both of us 👍
  7. Dear Friends I was delighted meeting you all today morning. After a quick brief stressing on safety points we all got into our trucks taking the track leading to NAGRAH . Truth is I choose the longer way on track which is almost double the distance if would have started from E16 heading east. The main thing which made me choose it is that the sun reflection would be behind us after sun rise. In addition the terrain is better and easier to navigate though longer from east to west than visa versa. We took a detour from south ,entering the dunes , to west where @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler encountered right sided double pop outs which was dealt as fast as possible by the team and we moved on looping and bowling up and down till we rejoined the track again. just before reaching the mighty dune I got my first sideway crest which with couple of shoveling, thanks to ever one,I could side it down to climb one more dune before facing the slip face of NAGRAH. I was surprised of the endless scars , I mean cross tracks everywhere but more it was semi quite where we sow couple of convoys that some how we understood each other😅. The climb from this face was bumpy and softy so after couple trials we looped to see what is behind and that was epic. with such high altitude and long huge sidys with criss cross entailed precise control and guys you have nerves of steel . Well done every one. Time passing fast till we realized it’s 9:00 and the old lady was waiting patiently in the far south . Sorry we missed you this time as I preferred to get stuck in super soft area better than to get in a nasty V shaped ditch which could be far worse. Thank you @Waqas Parvez for the attempt and @Karthik Raptor later to bring us both down when the rope was tight. Sometimes it’s good to have the power in such situations 😅. on the way back on the track as it was approaching 10 am the final tricky stuck had to be mine as well as I was trying to short cut it to the leading track to exit but I noticed the broken fence late while I was on the crest . One more brilliant tug from @Waqas Parvez and I was safely home 🙏 @Waqas Parvez for me the true second lead is a leader and you were today. Your corrections , notifications suggestions and guidance to our friends especially on top of NAGRAH was so remarkable and truly appreciated let alone the last brilliant tug when I was in awkward trick position. Keep it up 👍 @Haitham Khattab you drove like a pro brother and climbing the massive dune from behind made me to think was it really your first IM drive 😉. Thanks as well whenever help needed . Well done @Santoso Marjukipleasure having you today and trust me even bead-locked tires can pop out at a pressure like 5psi especially when tackling super large dunes at NAGRAH. Thank you indeed for all the help during recovery . Hope coming from AD city was worth it 🙏 @Imran Kashif after today I am not anxious at all seeing you controlling and taking the wise call always safely. You drive really very good today . 👍thanks for all the help as well 🙏 @Imteeazsecond time in a row in Sweihan . As you see each drive has it’s own charisma . Hope you enjoyed it today . I will send you the clip but first my 20 Derhams first 🤣 . Well done 👍 @Karthik Raptor pleasure having you in any drive . I always say we don’t need the extra power to climb but today we needed it in saving my rope from being cut 🤣 . Thanks for the accompany @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler probably the double pop out made you more vigilant regardless you drive safely and as I knew you always . Well done 👍 @ASAD. Fine drive and powerful climb precise control . Pleasure meeting today my friend 🙏 @Vaibhav Thank you dear for watching our back today . Flawless drive as well and treat to the eye seeing conquering NAGRAH.👍 All and all I enjoyed it learned from it and mostly I had a good time with you my friends stay tuned for next week 😄 Cheers Seidam
  8. Amazing clip @Looper appreciate the time a d effort to prepare such fantastic clip . Can’t wait to see part II
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