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Everything posted by munkybizness

  1. My kit: Fujifilm X-E1 with 35mm f/1.4 + 18-55mm f/2.8 I guess I will be a lone munky
  2. Get enough people to camp, and we can wake each other up. @Waqas Parvez has been a very good alarm system for me recently 😛
  3. Congratulations @Sam K! FB is where things get really interesting. Enjoy
  4. Great going @DP1011 , Deepak wrangler! Congratulations on the new level 🚀
  5. Congratulations @eldose baby - enjoy the lovely new change in pace!
  6. Doc @Chaitanya D: A night drive, in Abu Dhabi, with you leading - it should not even be a question 😎
  7. Congratulations @Peter Hager! Enjoy the amazing new change in pace
  8. Congratulations @Tom B! I've heard so many legends of the Yamato. I hope I see you on a drive soon!
  9. Congratulations and well done @Emanuel! Enjoy the new level
  10. Congratulations @Simon Dawood! Supremely well deserved and in spectacular fashion too. Make that Pajero flyyyy
  11. Congratulations @topgear! And what a fantastic way to get there after such a phenomenal drive at peak FB+ with the entire family
  12. Onwards & upwards 🚀 @GauravSoni! Can’t wait to be on a drive you lead soon!
  13. Well done @Ignacio Quindos! You drove so well in our challenging drive last weekend. Can’t wait to have you on more drives.
  14. Well done @Joji varghese! Supremely well deserved and you’re in for a real treat.
  15. Flying through @Rob S! I still vividly remember on a night drive, you being so surprised that it had taken me so long to get into the desert when it was first thing you did after getting here. Your passion shows in heaps and bounds. Congratulations and enjoy!
  16. Out on asphalt, where we spend most of our days, knowing where you are going is pre-destined. Even if you were driving with a purpose to explore or perhaps without aim, the path you can take to get somewhere is laid out for you. Off the road, and unlike the mountains, in the desert there is no trail or path. Faced with a million choices, driving in the sand can lend a billion and more outcomes. And not all of them will ensure that every single subsequent direction you go in, will neatly flow in with the path you've taken so far. Now, add to this, the midday sun hitting warm lightly colored sand. Any perception of depth and gradation is lost further still. Those million choices, now have an additional level of complexity. Where earlier you had to contend with reacting to what lies on the other face of the ridge or crest you're climbing, now you're unsure even of the seemingly flat surface immediately ahead of you. I write all of this to paint you the incredible challenge that any marshal faces in finding a path that a dozen cars behind it has to follow, and do it continuously, without breaks, and with pace. Suddenly, this already seemingly challenging series of decisions on which turns to take, transforms into an impossible one. Yet, suddenly with great resplendence, a brightly coloured serpent twirls through this vast emptiness, covering over a 100kms and stopping only for the briefest of moments. How does this elastic chain of colorful components find a path so pristinely elegant and flowing beats the mind?! And where the serpent itself glows with vibrant yellow, reds and silvers catching the fast dipping late afternoon sun, at the head is an innocuous grey with flashes of purple as its only embellishments. After all, when grey matter itself is showing such great form, the need for colourful exuberance isn't required. Like a clean classical harmony, it rises and races without pomp and attention, with great grace and care. And yet, with great velocity and prowess. Thank you, @Ale Vallecchi for giving me and all of the others, a taste of what harmony feels and drives like. But more so, I am in awe of your eye with which you saw, carved, and laid the path you did yesterday. Because any single deviation would have meant us not moving at the pace we did, or with the sheer ease that we did. In your masterful hands as our ribbon twirler, this convoy's motion if tracked would look like the most glorious cloth flying gracefully through the late afternoon sky. For that experience, thank you. And then to @Zixuan Huang - Charlie, @Alexanderrr, @Vaibhav, @Prakash Anoop, @Anoop Nair, @Rob S, @Ranjan Das, @Daniel Rodas, @Ashok chaturvedi, @topgear and @varunmehndiratta; I thank every single one of you for carrying that energy through the chain. It is a drive that I will remember for days to come. See you all out on the sands again soon! [ 🐵 ] P.S. @Prakash Anoop - apologies again, for the much too hard of a tug. I am glad that no damage was done, and I sit now with fresh knowledge to improve myself for the future.
  17. What a journey @Abed M - well done! From the passenger seat to the driver's and flying through the grades. And having such an educated & experience voice in your dad, will no doubt make you one of the best. Good luck, and I hope we're on a drive soon!
  18. To one of the best "Second Leads" in Carnity, well done @Warren Flay and congratulations
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