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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/06/2017 in Posts

  1. I would like to apologize to all for this drive which turned out several levels above most participants ability. At the same time I would like to thank each and every one personally for showing such patience and quick learning that we were all able to make it in and out without any major issues. It was a very sharp learning curve for all of us and everyone performed well above their capacity. A few cosmetic damages but thank God no major issues. I am really impressed with @baselsm83 for making the second lead his own position. So well done. I'm impressed with the way @skumar83 backed me up every inch of the way in sweep duties with his sister. I cannot thank @Abdul Basit Khan enough for jumping out ahead of me to assist with recoveries. I would be able to make it without his help. As for @DiamondDallas@Barry, Kris, @shadow79, @Asif Hussain, @RajuBhat without their patience, quick learning and absolute commitment we would have a very challenging but dull trip. Their enthusiasm and willingness to learn kept us all motivated. Well done guys and gals. Finally @Gaurav Bhai who was so excited for this trip. He has done so very well and earned my respect on this trip for having faith and knowledge. He ackowledged that it was more challenging than intended, asked me to keep faith in his knowledge, shared with me at every step his action plan and got us all out in 1 piece just ahead of the Friday prayers. Well done Gaurav bhai and looking forward to doing the same area with a few selected people as an intermediate drive. Thank you all for all the love and support and for the absolutely delicious breakfast. I was so full I only had my dinner in the night, had to skip lunch. Overall a challenging drive which I would not like to repeat in the near future, but definitely one to look forward to after a few relaxing drives.
    3 points
  2. I enjoyed yesterday. Beautiful weather and plenty of opportunities to stretch my legs. And thanks @Rahimdad Kris says I have to buy a pathfinder now. No more dreams of Pajeros.
    2 points
  3. This drive was very spectacular, remarkable, eventful, frustrating, long and VERY hot but all came out together as one team filled with lots and lot of patience, cooperation, trust and above all superb teamwork by everyone involved from all driver and their passengers. We started the drive on time and joined with 3 first timer here (Raju, Diamond and Saleem) and out of which 2 were absolute newbies (Raju and Diamond). I am sure it was a big learning curve for all newbies as to jumped into "newbie-fewbie" level drive instead of "absolute-newbie" drive. We almost had all the possible different scenario of refusals, stuck, side-slope stuck, cresting, pop-out, deep bowl stuck and what not. I lost the track of recoveries we did, but I guess it was more than 15-20 recoveries in 5 hour drive. Due to frequent held up we couldn't even manage to finish 1 out of 7 way points (as planned) and decided to trim the route to safe exit just after the breakfast break. As we were getting late now inside the desert after 10 AM sun started to kick in with full throttle and made the terrain even more difficult. As we were in white sand of lisalli with sun shining on top, so reading the sand or following the track was real challenge to keep an eye on right spot. After 2 hours of intense struggle in heat (assuming 40-45 degrees), we finally made the safe exit and smile on all the faces were priceless, who were looking so tensed, stressed and frustrating few minutes back. Thanks @baselsm83 for second lead, @skumar83 for second sweep and our superman @Rahimdad for excellent sweep duties with cool head at all times. Based on all votes we have awarded Saleem @shadow79 the best driver prize for pushing his Rav4 through this fewbie terrain with all the gearing and head gasket issue. Then we also decided to prize @RajuBhat as the best driver for adapting and picking up the desert driving at impeccable pace on his first desert drive. Both drivers received the 23 pieces ratchets, bits and socket set tool kit as their prize of honor. By 12:30 we touched the tarmac and rush to Al Qudra parking lot area to catch the Friday prayers. While inflating at Al Qudra we manually recorded the temperature showing 56.2 Degrees at 1:40 PM. Overall it was very colorful drive but I feel there is a very big lesson for all of us here: To pay extra attention on the level of drive you signup to meet your experience, so that you enjoy and learn from the drive in a safe way.
    2 points
  4. i have better yet idea get coupe rav 98 or 99 that car is chota mirchi...
    1 point
  5. @Rahimdad Vin Diesel said "it's not the car but the Driver" Awesome you were and Pathfinder Tow Truck was as Amazing. Further @Barry get the Rav4 @shadow79 was driving. Was Cool. Thank You Carnity to make my First Dune Bashing Great love you for Support and Knowledge. The Fear of Damaging my Car is gone. Thank you @Barry for fixing my Car so well so only you knew what fear I had. Was Awesome. Thank you all.
    1 point
  6. A very challenging drive..more in terms of the number of recoveries than the terrain...was a great drive and learning experience on the various methods of recovery...great job by Gaurav and Rahim to keep their cool and get all the vehicles out safely. Cheers
    1 point
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