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Everything posted by desertdude

  1. Sorry don't think anyone is that much of a Pajero expert here I suggest do your own online research. Many OEM parts are also sold under their own brand names. So identify and look them up also this is not going to be easy for parts that are used rarely like piston rings.
  2. Or a donkey. Basically the same thing Shit, sorry totally forgot about this. Send me a msg if you're still interested
  3. Thing is people think ceramic coating is somekind of miracle auto carwash. That once they use it they will never have to wash or take care of their car again, at least for a year anyway. CC is really for those people who are nuts about their rides and like to keep it better than factory finish quality all the time. The kind that clean even the inside of the AC vents daily with a soft bristle brush More than anything it's paint protection the ease of cleaning is a secondary added bonus.
  4. Suggestion : Can't there be one mega omni promotions thread, reason being I have the latest activity thread bookmarked or the landing page and after a few drives the entire page is filled with these promotion threads ( some members I've never even seen a post from, not even in a thread about them ) and in all of this other threads get buried or pushed down making you miss them. Already there is a dearth of content here and this just makes one miss other threads. Or maybe even just one new thread mentioning all the promoted. Right now it just looks like the forum got spammed every couple of weeks. Suggestion two : Why not have a promotion ceremony after the drive or the next drive, this I'm sure this will be more memorable to the person than a thread, you can take pictures and post them in the "mega promotion thread" or ONE new thread or gallery *cue RD and Gaurav with a very serious post why I'm an A.hole for doing this and why promotions cannot be handled any other way than they are done currently!!!
  5. The USA among a few other countries excluding the UAE
  6. I still don't have a car that is worth ceramic coating
  7. It's not rocket science. It just like polish and a small bottle is enough for a sedan. Dab on wait until it dries and then wipe off
  8. Any one seen the movie blind fury!
  9. How is a Z4/Supra part of the best half
  10. Simple. AWD is mostly for better stability and grip on road and loose surfaces. 4WD is for off roading. End off OR in an optimists world easier to find your car in a big lot 😉
  11. Mitsu don't want to invest in a new generation of a Pajero, evident from the fact the current one is 14 years old now. Already discontinued in Japan But they gotta do something and soon before even the most die hard fans get bored of this old car and move on. Now with the recent tie up with Nissan seems like they are looking in the direction of a rebadged Nissan Patrol as the new Pajero. Although I don't see how that would help as the Patrol itself is pretty long in the tooth and starting to suffer the same issues. https://www.motor1.com/news/387982/nissan-patrol-mitsubishi-pajero-platform/amp/ So if Pajero Patrol and Land Cruiser don't come up with something new. Won't be long before people stop paying 2020 money for a 2006-8 product
  12. So basically they are just throwing shit at the wall hoping something will stick Start with the utter basics like checking wheel balancing then go down the list. Caster and camber angles Lift the tyres in the air and see if there is any play at the 12 n 6 and 3 n 9 position. Check all suspension bushings with a big tie rod for any play. Then check for any play in the steering. Then for any play in the drive shafts Finally check if your disc brakes run out in within spec Oh also no harm in having tyres checked out again. Ive heard and experienced newish tyres here go out of round or get bulges after a long day of driving in the rain. I was driving my friend's car last year and he had recently changed tyres. After being stuck for a couple of hours on a water logged mbz road. On the way back to Rak a vibration started to appear and got worse and worse. By the time I reached RAK it had gotten real bad. Turns out a bulge had formed. I think they were zeetex brand tyres and clearly being partially submerged for a few hours had messed them up.
  13. Spacers are aluminium so there is a chance of corrosion. Maybe not manufactured to support heavy steel wheels BTW question is why do you still have heavy steel wheels?
  14. If you don't mind going to Sharjah I can hook you up with a Land Rover Specialist. Works fast and work is solid and very reasonably priced. P.S : AliExpress is all Chinese junk
  15. I got the short end of the stick. A Land Rover made from BMW bits and bobs. So I'm actually even above number 1 Honestly BMW have some of the shittiest overcomplicated engineering I've seen. Next time round I wouldn't touch anything that BMW even looked at. Up to the mid to late 90s Mercedes was pretty solid and reliable. Guess that all went down the shitter later on
  16. Only old fat heartbroken aunties listen to Celine. You being the exception of course.
  17. Even mythbusters tackled this back in the day and found nothing really It's more erring on the side of caution more than anything else
  18. Ah I see! I like the 737 too haven't flown it much ( in my simulator of course) What's your opinion on the 787 with it's full glass cockpit.
  19. Yes, you're the only one Wait! You can see your engines from the flight deck of a 777?
  20. If you are doing a rebuild i.e bringing it back into the shape the day it left the factory then it would be worthwhile doing all the valves and valve seats. P S : Every moving part in an engine is a consumble that is suffer wear and tear
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