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Everything posted by desertdude

  1. With all due respect, you think I don't have anything better to do ? If you really want my advice then don't get an Xterra in the first place.
  2. I guess for the avg Joe who doesn't know much about cars it's alright. 9 times out of 10 you can make out from the pictures posted of the car has been in a collision. Mismatched colour body panels, uneven gaps, wavy panels, new lights on one side old on the other. Rest can be checked by yourself when you see it for the mechanical issues. And most mechanics I've seen who "check" cars just get it over with. Would never trust them.
  3. Oh and just found out about Mirdif Fish n Chips suppose to be around for ages and very Pocket friendly. Might go there one of these days since I love fish n Chips too!
  4. Sorry for the late reply but what about Mcgettigan's for some original Irish fry up pub grub. Irish Village also has some Fish n Chips and cheaper by a few
  5. Well unfortunately I haven't had the honour to meet the great Shadow76
  6. You are talking strangers! My own friends don't listen to me! Oh she cries a lot if she is in the back and in a child seat, blah blah blah ! Its just how you bring them up. Since the day she left the hospital after being born till this day my daughter hasn't been in a moving car without being buckled up Now is older and can buckle her self in. But when she was smaller she would cry if you didn't buckle her in.
  7. Coincidence ? I was just listening to bring your daughter to the slaughter and watching some Nicko Mcbrain drumming videos? I like Iron Maiden more for their Eddy artwork than their music though. Unfortunately my leathers pants which were reserved for our band live gigs don't fit me anymore!
  8. Drain coolant from rad. Fill with water, drive around, flush, rinse and repeat for a few times until only water is coming out. Then refill with coolant. And you think if you go to "someone" they will flush it out? They will also just drain the rad and refill from top and be done with it
  9. Well I can say it will be nothing like of what we can think of today. Just like if you look at old reels from the 50s and 60s of the "Car of Tomorrow" and they are nothing like the cars of today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onoQhtSee34
  10. Flushing coolant is an easy DIY job, why go to anyone. Thinking of my doing my ride over the weekend.
  11. Breaking down in the middle of a busy highway. But when it actually happened it wasn't so scary. I broke down in my D1 between Dubai and Abu Dhabi highway. The tensioner pulley broke and the belt just came off and sat there and didn't get mangeled in fan. I saw the battery light come up and AC compressor topped working so pulled over. I called my Sharjah parts guys and asked how much is a tensioner pulley for. It was for around 120dhs. Well I wasn't going to dish out 300 plus for a recovery truck just for that. So called up a buddy asked him to bring me the pulley from Shj and I will make it worth his while. He said he was at work and get off in 2 hrs and another to reach me. I said no worries. I took my matt out of the car and moved as far as possible away on the other side of the crash barrier and just chilled under a palm tree for my friend. But to be honest it still is something always at the back of my mind when I'm driving. Hence I always carry a lot of tools and various other bits and bobs that might come in handy.
  12. @Carnity @Gaurav There is got to be a way to lock old threads over here. 6 month time limit before it gets locked, or a forum reminder that the thread you are about to post in is XYZ years old. Too much Necro'ing going on over here these days.
  13. Correct. On my Land Cruiser that literally went to the desert everyday. Quite a bit of the black paint on the sub frame, lower arm and chassis had literally been sand blasted away. Not to mention keeping everything else spiffy clean underneath as well. Easy example is just look how nice, clean and deep black your tyres look when you are in the desert. almost new. Which doesn't last very long the moment you inflate and hit the tarmac
  14. Best I can think of is as ask around places like Sedana Trading or the fancy tool shops on the city center signal on BMW rd.
  15. Desert sand is fine and it just falls off like water. Unless you have a oil leak somewhere or sprayed something like wd40 on something then you get a nice coating of fine sand.
  16. Wow that is awesome! You get to fly real 777s and get paid for it. Now I'm jealous!!!! Right now I can't think of anything off the top of my head but if something does come up I'll be sure to hit you up
  17. Yeah well the Xterra and FJC aren't feather weights either! Both weigh what an average full size 4x4 should weigh
  18. WOW! Man thats a broad sweeping statement. And mostly untrue. Available at Al Futtaim right now for 141k. LWB version avialable through Dynatrade or Burami Also available at the Nissan showroom in LWB or SWB form new with the 4.9 VTC monster engine Wont post the Land Cruiser 200 series as some people are allergic to it! LOL
  19. Well bright spark if you would have looked it up you would have known the donkey cart sprung Xterra is actually a 100kgs heavier than a 4dr V6 prado. All the weight of those big squeaky donkey cart leaf springs does add up! Oh and the SWB is lighter by around half a ton As for the FJ cruiser I use to love it until I actually drove it. Horrible 360 visibility, its like driving while wearing a niqab. With that tiny slit in the front. Off road is even worse, You go up a tiny dune and all you see is the sky, go down a tiny drop and all you see is the ground. Side peripheral which I sometimes use to aid in these kind of situations is also horrible. I think the new ones are coming with a dual tank set up but the early ones came with a gas tank the size of a small masafi bottle and had to be refueled every 500 mtrs. The rear door and seats are there just for namesake but practicality wise useless. The only people who are real fan of the FJ are the serious modding fan club. With big lift kits and huge tyres, baja style bumpers and what not. Hard to even tell there is an FJ under all that. But then I've seen those FJs tackle some serious terrain too.
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