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Everything posted by desertdude

  1. Agreed, Ghurka to me atleast always invoked the image of a tribe of tough people who grew up in the harsh cold ans barren environment of the Himalayas and then out of those a select few were chosen by the British Army as a elite force. To me its the other way around. Naming a puny 85hp diesel is not in keeping with Ghurkha name. I think the Ghurka name becoming synonymous with a lazy watchman is due to poor nepali immigrants cashing in on the ghurka fame. Im sure in the past actual retired ghurkhas were sought after by the rich as their body and security guards. Because who could be better at that job than an actual Ghurka. Its like hiring a member of the SAS for security.
  2. Your choice man, personally I have no love for them at all. Its like buying a washing machine, doesnt matter which one you get. But if its a choice between a Corolla and Camry. Id go for the 308. Because the yotas are the blandest of the bland. If you dont want to look like you are driving the cheapest rent a car in town, look around there are many other cars too. I know everyone's needle is always stuck on toyota for some odd reason. Look at what the Koreans and the Americans have to offer too. This being a buyers market,maybe even consider slightly older Merc C and E classes.
  3. Damn thats such fugly shizz son!
  4. desertdude

    Car Auctions

    I've been to auctions and seem people pay stupid money for stupid cars, people get carried away and overbid or turn into somekind of ego issue, even online auctions, close to ending time 90% of the cars prices go above market current value. Also beware, one friend bought a Toyota from a known auction house, paid cash and was told would get the papers in a couple of days, turned out to be a big legal mess with the guy never seeing his money back or being able to use the car as it was without papers, Another one bought it from another well known online auction house, nothing wrong with it but the process was so slow that it took over a month for all the paperwork to finish and him getting possession of the car, think it was a bank repossesion or court impounded. A funny car auction story is I just went with a friend to an auction at Aweer used car complex. Sat through the whole thing nothing good was on offer or prices went high, so getting bored my friend decided to fool around. A RTA Taxi Ford Mondeo with 450k kkms came up as one of the last cars for sale. A sudanese gentle man, bid 2500, my friend said watch this he bid 3000, then the other guy went 3500. Friend : 4000, smirking thinking he was driving the price high for the poor dude. 4000 any more offers Going once ---- friends face turning pale Going twice --- paler SOLD! Almost about to cry face! So he ended with a beige Ford Mondeo station wagon with almost half a million miles on it. But it does end well, he sold it year down the line for 10k and I must say even with that much mileage and a trough taxi life it drove pretty well and solid, as I had it for a week when my car was in the shop.
  5. Have you actually ever seen any French Cars ? Dunno about the 1st bit, but totally agree with the last bit. Same same but different
  6. I was thinking "they" would bury it deep some where so I always started in reverse order from the bottom up, who knew it was sitting right ther in the "A" section! Why do I have a sneaky suspicion, it was posted just recently, I could have missed it the first time round you could have missed it too, but both of us went through the site twice in the first week of the comp, what are the chances of us both missing it, two times! Hmmmm.....me thinks something fishy is afoot!
  7. Congrats Danny, you won it because you were the only one looking LOL, if that clue had appeared earlier would have saved me 6 days of going through each and every post twice before I quit. And relax "Carnity" visits the site once or twice a week, so have patience. I'm glad it went to you though rather than someone who just happened by chance to stumble upon it
  8. Inspired from Riva speedboats and practical big switch gear that can be used while wearing gloves. The L322 Range Rover has one of the best dashboards out there.
  9. I can only imagine how glacial a 2.5 diesel P38 would be. Hell I hate the 3.0 TD6 motor they later put in the L322. I had 4 38sbut never even thought of buying the 4.0 V8 as it was slow like a diesel tractor. The 4.6 V8 was just about reasonable. Not fast by any means but no slow either. Slow poking about hills and off roading in the desert are two different beast where momentum is king and not torque. Old small displacement diesels have no place in the desert. As for the OP a 3.0 on a swb chassis should be alright.
  10. A humble request, when cut and pasting articles its only gracious and ethical to credit the author and website the article is copied from via a link at the end of the post. I'm sure you would expect the same is someone published your post somewhere else. Thanks.
  11. Same here, I've scanned each and every thread, post, blog, advise, biz listing etc etc and even the classifieds, TWICE. Its probably so obscure or vague that even looking straight at it, or just not there, it would take you 5 mins to realize it, let alone scanning through the posts. EASY! You try going through 40,000 posts. Always looking for an easy way out! *insert faceplam emoji P.S : Still wondering what ""marketing text of iPhone X" really means
  12. I give up AGAIN! Ive scanned the ENTIRE site again and not found anything ( other than what I have posted here) I'm pretty much sure now its a wild goose chase.
  13. This, even though its not an image ???? 4th entry 1st page
  14. I give up, been searching for 3 days non stop. I have literally gone through every thread and post on carnity.com including the business listings and not found anything. If it turns out to be some trick question type of thing or some tiny advert of the phone in some shop window in the background of a pic, I',m going to be really ticked off!!!!!! The earlier post and this is all I got
  15. LOLOL! Reminds me if the black period in my life when I use to own a XJ
  16. Same old jeep problem like I mentioned in one of my earlier posts. You change or upgrade one thing and then you have you fiddle with a 100 more things to get the first one to work right.
  17. Ok, what about this ? scroll further down in the thread.
  18. Could you be a bit more clear as to what you mean by "marketing text" does it refer to a slogan, caption or any word or phrase Apple might have used in ther adverts or promotion of the iphone x ? Are you looking for anything in particular, certain word of phrase etc etc. Other wise its just too vague. For example the word display, face recognition or retina are used in their advs and I can Im find those words in many posts here and can be considered "marketing text" Better guidelines and definition is needed Thanks
  19. If you want a funny version of the good doctor, watch Becker, starring Ted Danson of Cheers fame, very underrated series. I watched Gran Turismo a few years back, pretty decent. Although one of my fav Clint movies is The Rookie with Charlie Sheen and Raul playing the villian. Old cop with a rookie partner, hilarity ensues along with good action thrown in for good measure.
  20. I look for LS430s, 7 Series, S Class and all sort of AMGs Oh and a lotta old American land yatchs. The 70s Lincoln coupe is my fav And recently have started to look at some 100 series Land Cruisers as well.
  21. Watch The Blacklist with James Spader. Its in its 5th season. You wont be disappointed. For good old Sitcoms watch According to Jim, Im just finishing watching Everybody Loves Raymond and already have King Of Queens lined up.
  22. Basically everything by Honda, Nissan and Mitsubishi. Save for the new NSX, GTR and Patrol
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