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Everything posted by Gaurav

  1. This is a typical scenario as car businesses always try to push there products than fixing the actual cause. Imagine if you would have bought 4 new BFG for 2800 and still face the vibration......!
  2. Bent wheels can be straighten too, if its not crack or hard accident impact. You can get old wheel straighten in 100-200 dhs instead of buying 4 rims. Rims do come in 4 but sold as one piece too depending on style and exclusivity, I think you have those arctic truck rim so check the single rim price from them to replace. Alternatively use the spare one, no big deal as slightly bent or repaired rim can work fine in spare for those emergency situations only.
  3. If its for Saleem then it should be in two tranches: God is with us God, please be with us
  4. Well done, that means you do hear the first call and wait for the second shout to respond or not. Ok whose next, now to ask.
  5. Let's play a small game like dumb charades for guessing the offroad driver based on clues and hints provided. Rules: One driver at a time to be discussed, so that every other offroaders can make a guess. Clue to be specific and not just good driver etc. but it should be less revealing so that game remains entertaining. Asker can give any number of clues in following attempts, but not on the first go. Game is not limited to Marshals and crew but open to all offroaders we have in Carnity offroad club. Clues can be good or bad or funny but not humiliating or disrespectful. I hold the right to edit or delete any comment that violate with above rules Guess the offroad driver: Never respond on the first radio call, maybe on 2nd or 3rd attempt, if you are lucky.
  6. And if such list exist for UAE then top places will go to the highest bidders, just like businesses buying awards like a furniture these days on peony reasoning. From hospitality industry to banking to medical to insurance etc.
  7. My personal problem is the lack of honesty from mechanic's here. I don't mind paying mechanic or workshop premium for honesty as far they exactly do what it should be. Some mechanic's are dishonest and others are uneducated resulting same for car owners to keep hit an trial until the actual problem get fixed. What's the point of spending 3000 dhs for the cause of 100 dhs problem and if someone can charge 100+100 premium for fancy workshop or honesty Im fine, as I will still save 2800 in end. I have been too close to several mechanic in past and when you see them ripping layman your heart cries. Guy came with wobbling complaint in front of me and that mechanic advise him to leave the car and come in evening and in 500 dhs he will fix the problem. Once owner left he showed me that one of rear tire lug (nut) was missing and he need to replace that for 20 dhs. If he would have done that in front of customer he will only get 50 dhs in place of 500. Damn after seeing such nice trade secret, I left that mechanic. Another mechanic friend charged 1000 dhs for computer (ECU) reprogramming by changing 4 spark plugs that was acting funny. Another mechanic changed 10 parts in place of 1 knock sensor, as he will make ton of labor and commission on parts money before changing the actual faulty knock sensor - some are genuinely not technically capable and others are pure evil. And this was evil as they were 20 years experience in maintaining Land Rover's only and cannot scan the error code first before changing 10 unwanted parts.....? Changing most consumable items are the pet for fake mechanics - be it changing oil, tires, brake pads, brake disc, belts, hoses, fluids etc. As none of them has a set life that normal owner can easily identify - its mostly depending on mechanics judgement. Another is the scare tactics, you go for small job and then that mechanic point another area of concern if left unattended your car will explode in million pieces "right now" and make you believe that thank god that mechanic spotted that issue in time and you should fix it right now. After all It's all in the mind and people make you fool in jiffy to make their living - its no less than a conman does.
  8. Change to Yokohama geolander if you are not into Extreme offroading, rock climbing, etc. For daily driver + best of offroading you will be very happy with geo. BFG are always overpriced, heavy and noisy. They are very good for self recovery in extreme spots but very bad for long hill climb on stock engine, if turbo or supercharge they can rock. Had them for 1 year and seen the huge difference when I changed to michelin, but they aren't good for rocks as much as geo - best of three - road+sand+rock in 400 - 450 per tire, I guess. I'm using my second set of geo from last 6 years.
  9. Yes it could be tires as BFG are big beefy tires and when old they become hard and start loosing chunks from random places. I had loosing chunk problem with BFG and Cooper ATR in the past. Before that, I would go to any tire shop and ask them to open all 4 tires to see if there is sand inside, clean them and balance again by seeing proper zero and zero on both sides. Sand in tire will behave in similar manner to vibrate at set speed - usually 80-100 - very common speed bracket for unbalanced tires or with sand presence. If they still vibrate after this 50-100 dhs exercise then you definitely need new tires.
  10. If you read that article full, you will understand that writer is "Proposing" not yet confirm to "END" "J200" shape of LC and Toyota is not actually killing or discontinuing the Land Cruiser as a whole. It's a flagship legend of Toyota. So even if writer is true, then after 2022 Toyota will launch J300 series Land Cruiser (I assume).
  11. Telling you that cleaning is only meant for RTA test passing.
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