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Everything posted by Barry

  1. Barry

    Any Linux users?

    This is very true. I’ve even tried to disable through the system registry but still get prompts for updates. I will get the laptop up and running tomorrow and try inxi -Fxz and share the results. I’m new to Linux so still finding my feet and it’s hard to find basic information when starting out, most of it is all based around hardcore users.
  2. Barry

    Any Linux users?

    It's the standard Intel HD audio card so the drivers are freely available. I have tried many things in the Linux terminal as sudo user, removing all options, reinstalling the sound card, changing the source code, but I still can't get the system to recognise it. The problem first manifested in an unsanctioned windows 10 update. You know the one, windows is like ok I have to update find something else to do because I am shutting your computer down for 45 minutes. I got fed up with windows updating so hard that the computer was unusable so I went to Linux. Now I can't get sound no matter what I do.
  3. Following on from a conversation with Saleem bhai, I hate trying to find where a noise is coming from. Especially when a customer says it’s going grr grr tick brr. You ask where is coming from, they say I don’t know. Then you spend half a day or more trying to distinguish grr grr tick brr from brr brrr grr brr. My pet hate is dashboard rattles. Especially when it only happens on a speed bump. There are only so many opportunities to find it without heading to BMW road in Sharjah and trying to hit every pothole along to way to replicate it.
  4. Currently using Linux on an old laptop I revived, Ubuntu 16.04. I love it. Beats the hell out of Windows or iOS. So much But, I have a problem. I have tried everything I know but I can't get it to recognise the sound card. All sounds are being sent to dummy output. Is there anything I can do to test if the card is faulty?
  5. Just because you don't understand or like something doesn't make it crap. There are massive hatchback scenes all over the world and Ford have built some pretty cool Focuss (Focii?) and Fiestas. Light and fast can be just as much, if not more fun than a V8 heavy land yacht which has to be wrestled around corners. Fiesta models, XR2, Supersport, XR2i, Crayford, RS Turbo, Si, that's the older ones. Some good examples of them command higher prices than a brand new Mustang. Then you have the later ST models. 6.9 0-60, 159 BHP per tonne is nothing to be sniffed at, especially in a small hatchback. Many huge 4x4s can't even meet that figure. Then you also have the Fiesta WRC which speaks for itself. Incedentally, does anyone know why the Indian manufactured Fiestas are called Figo? With the Focus, standardish models, there was the Ghia X which offered Lexus luxury for a fraction of the price. Sportish wise, there was the RS. If you have a Mk1 Focus RS now, you can name your price for it. The later models have insane power. Even the "basic" ST model runs a 2.5 turbo Volvo engine which is crazy in a medium sized hatchback. Look at the limited edition RS500. It's what Mr Vader would drive. Now let's move to the WRC models, if it was good enough for the legend that was Colin McRae, it's good enough for me.
  6. I started following stadium trucks a while ago. Always like to see something different. The suspension is amazing. The amount of body roll they achieve when cornering and how they cock a wheel up and still don’t roll.
  7. This is true. But governments make a lot of money from taxing fossil fuels. If people start getting their energy from renewables, where will the shortfall come from? Its a fine line between paying petrol tax and breathing tax.
  8. We are ready for new technology. The problem is the worlds governments aren’t ready for it. They will lose their income. How do you put a tax on the wind, the sun, the rain, without people rebelling under the pretence of social liberty and human rights? Also to add, he’s right nobody has any training. No offence meant to bengalis and iranis but they just land here and hope they can learn in the job, breaking customers cars in the process I will always be the first to admit I have no formal training, most of what I know, I taught myself by reading. These guys coming into the country and working on cars have no interest in reading. They just want money. Another point, the majority of mechanics in UAE aren’t petrolheads. They couldn’t give a shit about cars. It’s just a job. This is what sets mechanics like me apart. I am genuinely interested in cars, I have built many fast cars and I always want to further my knowledge.
  9. Need a charging port replacement on a 5s. Would rather give it to a carnity member than the scammers down at the market
  10. Just to get this right in my mind. The air from the blower fan is blowing into the engine bay? Mental. I never seen seals that bad before. If it's blowing under the dash, the only option is to seal the leaks. Foam is ok but it's not 100%. Patch it up with silicon and let it cure properly before it dries would be the only option for me.
  11. Very true. In the European market, cars like the mustang or huge pickups like the f150 just don't make sense. The roads are too small and too policed. The fiesta, focus, and mondeo are bread and butter for them here.
  12. Usually in a case like this, it's a blocked AC filter, it's also called pollen filter in some countries. I've done a couple this week. But as far as I know, the XJ doesn't have one. Maybe it is leaky ducts like Saleem said. Put your hand up behind the dash, see if you can feel air blowing out from somewhere it shouldn't be. If you have an air leak in the system, it could be a real pain to repair it. You might need to remove the dash and seal all the leaks with silicon, assuming you don't want to buy the original seals which are probably obsolete. Also just to add from your original post. If you're leaving your car in the sun, the AC has to cool all your pipes and your dashboard before it can put out cold air. The cold air might be there but all the hot plastics are heating it up by the time it gets to the vents. Consider one of those dashboard carpet things.
  13. I still can't believe I'm reading this. I don't understand why Ford thought it would be a good idea considering the success of the current Focus and Fiesta. Ford are intending to drop to a 2 car lineup in the next couple of years, the Focus Active, kind of a jacked up faux SUV Focus, and the Mustang. The eventual plan is only to have the Mustang, SUVs and pickups. The saddest part for me is no more Ford WRC team. You can't throw a Mustang around a rally stage. They have had immense rally success with many cars, starting from the Mk 1 escort all the way up to the Cosworth versions, the Sierra Cosworth, RS200, Focus, Fiesta etc. https://www.caranddriver.com/news/abandon-car-ford-dropping-all-passenger-car-models-except-mustang https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/cars/2018/04/25/ford-kill-fusion-taurus-and-fiesta-cars/552148002/
  14. https://www.thatcham.org/car-safety/automatic-braking/ Thatcham claim that 1,100 lives could be saved and 122,860 casualties could be prevented in the UK over the next 10 years if autonomous braking was implemented by all manufacturers on new cars. Whatever happened to people being responsible for their own actions?
  15. We did this conversion before but it was 2JZ with 50 shot Nas
  16. As a professional, I say dont ever do this. Use a bead seater tank. in the real world I have done it many times but instead of using spray I had a half cup of petrol. Pour it all the way round the tyre, light it and the tyre will seat on the bead so you can inflate it properly with a mini compressor. Be careful. Don't hold a lighter near the bead. Last thing you want is to lose a finger stuck between the tyre and rim. Pour some petrol on the end of a stick, light it then poke the tyre. But be careful. Have something on hand to put out the flames. Inflate the tyre, remove the valve to expel the explosive gases then inflate it again.
  17. So vlad looks like a stretched out Johnny 5?
  18. Sharjah car museum. I love that place. 600 Pullman. I worked on one before. As for vlads car, I like it. Looks classier than the rolls Royce or the maybach.
  19. Rope oil will help to keep it in condition. It's used on cranes.
  20. At first I thought the whole flat earth thing was a troll. Then more people got involved and I started to wonder if the trolls were trolling the trolls. Now maybe the whole thing is one big troll and they’re all laughing at us?
  21. There is no way to really end this debate with a yes or no answer. People have their own experiences and driving styles. Some people can drive manual, some can drive auto. Some people can't drive either without hitting the only tree in the desert. My conclusion, drive what works for you. Kali wali what anyone else says. It's you driving, not them.
  22. This is the simplest video I could find on it, basically, it's a hybrid engine. Jet at the front, rocket at the back. I don't know why anyone didn't think of it before. Imagine if a modern Concorde or Tu-144 equivalent was running these engines, I could fly home and see my family in an hour instead of a cramped 9 hour flight with screaming children, people reclining their seat onto my long legs, people who have been traveling for 3 days with no shower etc. The short time would make it so much more bearable. Just like taking a bus to Al Quoz. There are many possible uses for this. The primary one I can think of is space tourism. As in space tourism, I don't mean proper going into space, seeing the dark side of the moon, more like a Virgin Galactic scenario. Get up above the atmosphere, see the curve of the earth and come down again. The photos would be awesome, great fuel to retroll the flat earthers.
  23. This is why you should always carry bananas when going off road.
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