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Everything posted by Rahimdad

  1. Newtrip report. What an amazing day. Started with the announcement of the first ever Marshal for Carnity. Congratulations @Srikumar, for his hard work, dedication, enthusiasm, willingness to help and a very positive attitude. At this point we split the convoy between Newbie and Fewbie. We were 5 cars in the Fewbie level @eduardo, @yogic72, @AKR ,@Srikumar and I. We started with some dune crossings with a good momentum and everydody managed well, we even crossed a herd of goats and was a pleasant surprise besides the regular camels and donkeys around. Finally we started heading though some amazing tracks where we came across a lot of small trees, shrubs and bushes, but with enough gap to just pass through. The challenge of crossing the dunes and keeping between the greenery was very pleasant and the team named it the little forest. We had a couple of refusals and stucks, but the convoy discipline and capability was so good that we came very close to the breakfast area with an hour to go. So I made an announcement if anybody would like to lead for short stints and all agreed. First was @eduardo and he was managing well before he had his first stuck and shortly another one. At this point @AKR took over and he too after a short lead got stuck. After recovering him we had no time to test out @yogic72 and also there was some trouble with one of the steering pump so decided to exit to road and head to the breakfast point. The area was amazing shaded with loads of trees. We were even welcomed by a bunch of camels including 2 baby camels who left due to the roar of one of the vehicles whose exhaust pipe was disconnected. As we lay our spread and waited for the newbies to join, we had a couple of discussions about being promoted from newbie to Fewbie level, the difference felt and the short leads. This is a topic I will raise another thread as feedback was interesting. Soon the newbies caught up and we had our feast. In the time that everybody was relaxed and chatting we got the exhaust sorted out, but no solution found for the steering pump. As we headed out and inflated it was time to say goid bye and hoping for another drive next week which will bring all these amazing people out with some new friends to be made. Until that time idios.
  2. Really, no PM on lower level, I might need to downgrade my account, I too get numerous massages on my PM which should actually be discussed on the forum.
  3. @vanhack long time no hear buddy. Great to have you back. My respect to all who do their own jobs on cars. My dad used to be with quick cabs back in Karachi Pakistan and had his eyes on the workshop. So he used to be very knowledgeable about cars, he passed on some of it to me. As a result I do all the regular checks. I started my drive life with a very basic Honda Civic and I changed the air filter, spark plugs and even the mechanical fuel pump. So I'm into very basic stuff and not comfortable with things which take longer time and use too many tools.
  4. So many good advises by all. My Pathy is the 2001 model which is the last of 3.3 litre engine., post 2002 models are 3.5 litre which is highly recommended. Automatic or manual depends on your preference, as @Srikumar said less the 200k kilometres on the odometer would be nice, but make sure they are original miles and not tampered with.
  5. @Frederic your efforts and thoughtfulness is much appreciated. We would love to have you on either drive.
  6. I have been hearing a lot about Dobinson lately, it's not a cheap mod so if you don't like you can change. Try to check with people who own FJ and have already moded, check with them if you can try their ride and decide. Maybe the garage you want it done at has a moded vehicle they will let you try out. Check with Future Tyres in the business listings. Lot of positive feedbacks for them and they might be able to point you in the right direction. Regarding the wheel spacers please go with a good brand spacers and not the Iranian ones. Plus after the spacers the wheels might protude out of the vehicle which is a no no for RTA, so you will have to het bigger fender flares so the tires don't show out of the body. Plus get a good alignment and balancing job done after the lift, preferably from the same shop that is doing the lift for you.
  7. For the FJ I would recommend going for the fox suspension, it improves the balance of the vehicle and you'll feel much more comfortable with the fox. Normally an inch wheel spacer will make sure that your centre of gravity is not compromised.
  8. Thank you @yogic72 for brining this to our notice. Your upgrade has been applied. However need more interaction from you on the drives as well as on the forum.
  9. Congratulations @yogic72. With great power comes great responsibilities, use wisely.
  10. Great write up. My snatch strap I got femrom Ace lasted me 7 years. Just for a careless tug from someone who left a knot in the rope it broke on the very next attempt. So a cut in the rope is a long way as a knot can easily break your strap. There is no certain life, but if you keep your rope or strap in a shade and clean the rope to make sure no sant is stuck in it can last you a very long time.
  11. Try Zakher Lake in Al Ain. Not many people know about this place but it is very relaxing close to Jebel Hafeet. It's a lake in the middle of the desert. Very scenic and has some gazebos which can be reached by saloon and some gazebos can only be reached with a 4x4. https://maps.app.goo.gl/6y9mK
  12. It's time to have a relaxed Fewbie drive in our much-loved sandbox - Maliha - Fossil rock. Looking forward to an easy relaxing drive for everyone with plenty of opportunities to learn and grow, hill climb, and ridge riding. Fewbies will have great chance to see and learn the real fun that off-roading offers in a very safe and organized environment. Level May be changed upon convoy level. When: 19 April 2019 Meeting time: 0630 am, convoy will move about 0645 am Where: Adnoc Petrol Station Maleha Road GPS Coordinate: https://goo.gl/maps/mzb26kxzte72 Level of drive: Fewbie and above. Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance. Plan: Drive, train and enjoy till about 11 am What to bring along: Loads of snacks, plenty of water - whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 11 am Please RSVP on below calendar
  13. until
    It's time to have a relaxed Fewbie drive in our much-loved sandbox - Maliha - Fossil rock. Looking forward to an easy relaxing drive for everyone with plenty of opportunities to learn and grow, hill climb, and ridge riding. Fewbies will have great chance to see and learn the real fun that off-roading offers in a very safe and organized environment. Level May be changed upon convoy level. When: 19 April 2019 Meeting time: 0630 am, convoy will move about 0645 am Where: Adnoc Petrol Station Maleha Road GPS Coordinate: https://goo.gl/maps/mzb26kxzte72 Level of drive: Fewbie and above. Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance. Plan: Drive, train and enjoy till about 11 am What to bring along: Loads of snacks, plenty of water - whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn. Approximate finish time: 11 am Please RSVP on below calendar
  14. Well done @AKR. Really well done, your progress has been very steady. Appreciate the way you keep your cool and follow instruction. Welcome to the Fewbie level, very steady growth.
  15. Well deserved @O.Farahat. The quickest member to reach Fewbie level for not only his drive experience, but with his great attitude. Omar firstly I was impressed with your persistence in joining Carnity membership even before you joined the drive. During the drive also what I liked about you was your enthusiasm, willingness to help, with your experience following and respecting convoy discipline. Happy to have you on board.
  16. @LewisCocks90 the first time I saw such a light hearted video which shows the true excitement and your prospective on the drive. Really enjoyed the video, please @Carnity do award some bonus points for such an amazing video.
  17. Trip report: Great day, great people, loads of smiles, patience and enthusiasm. Initially we had decided to split the convoy, to newbie and Fewbie levels, but since we had very few Fewbie we decided to have both the convoys together with an imaginary split. As my newbie drives are we started with some easy track and gradually increased the level. Mostly everybody managed it well with a few refusals to add to our learning process. We unfortunately had I little incident with the FJ Cruiser where the radiator was hit, thanks to some technical help at hand and @Gaurav bhai who stayed back to help, the rest of the convoy followed me to our play ground. Here we had a few experienced individuals try out the sideys. It was a lot of fun and had a false alarm where @eduardo Pajero had its jump quota after a long time and started weeping out of joy. Soon we established that there was nothing to worry about and moved on to our breakfast point. After a quick bite and some jokes cracked we had to pack up and move out due to Friday prayer time. By this time @Gaurav bhai had joined us. We headed to the road, prayers and finally the petrol station where some of us inflated to head home, while others headed back to the afternoon Fewbie drive. All in all a good day and thank you to all for joining. With special thanks to @yogic72 for being my second lead, @Gaurav, @Srikumar, @Emmanuel, @eduardo and @Fuad for supporting the drive. Until next time adios amigos.
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