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Davie Chase

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    United Kingdom
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Everything posted by Davie Chase

  1. Thanks @Wrangeld @Alex Raptor and @Niki for an excellent drive. Had a great morning out, saw some awesome sites none less than the new dorm camel that nearly melted Alex’s heart. Had some great information from richardpedia, saw an epic light show curtesy of the solar panels and the company and banter was awesome, lastly, the wife enjoyed it. So all in all in a fantastic way to spend a Saturday morning. Thank you all again appreciated.
  3. Thanks @Wrangeld for another great learning experience. it was truly a blast and was certainly different in the harder packed wet sand. As someone smarter than me said, the biggest risk in anything we do are the decisions we make. you certainly made the correct ones today to keep the risk down and us all safe, really appreciated. And of course thanks also to your wingman @Alex Raptor as always a great learning experience every time we are out, appreciate the knowledge sharing, and your puddle splashing expertise is second to none Great to meet some old and new friends out in the sand it was an exceptional drive made possible by you all, really enjoyed it thanks again @Rob Soughton @Reggie Landicho @Gertjan @Dinesh Kumar A @Felix Obst @Marcin Wronowski @Alexanderrr @Tom B @Amir Amiri
  4. Hi @Wrangeld the topic is Fewbie but drive details are Fewbie plus can you confirm which level this drive is please
  5. From Gulf today The Central Bank of the United Arab Emirates announced in a circular to banks, informing about the official weekly holiday for the banking sector. It said that all banks operating in the country must open their branches to provide services to the public for at least five hours a day and for a period of six days, including Fridays.
  6. My company has already stated we will go to Sat/Sun weekend and I believe that a lot of the schools are going as well. I am obviously in favor of Carnity adopting the new weekend as of 1st Jan
  7. Another great drive @Anish Sand @Kailasreally enjoyed the technical dunes and the deliberate stuck scenarios learnt a lot about me vehicle and maybe need to look at changing the steps lol great to meet a lot of new folks as well as those we have driven with before. Fantastic team work shoveling together as one. @Looper @Davie Chase @Marwan Haddad @Waqas Parvez @Fabien Monleau thanks for the support as always great to have you supporting@Alain Canivet-Abikhalil
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