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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/2019 in all areas

  1. Where can I start- what a night! super duper! lets start right at the beginning. we deflated and moved to the start of the track and fixed our flags. Right after the start I had a refusal! Mmmm I thought... not such a great beginning. we then stopped at a great point overlooking the iftat bowl and could see many more clubs all around. gaurav bhai, rahimbhai ,Emmanuel, shamil all tried their hand successfully to climb thee bowl. The sheer number of suvs climbing the bowl at the same time was incredible. the site where we had camped-so to speak- was a hot bed of sand dunes and up and downs and the number of suvs going around here was unbelievable. At one point it looked like the Dubai Sharjah highway peak hour- seriously. it really was a wonder that there were no accidents. we broke the fast and as usually the food spread was just super- chick peas Sunday, biriyani varieties, aloo & chicken sandwich, chicken bites, meat, and emmanuel’s sweets and many more. I thought I ate very little but 1/2 hour later I was so full I wanted to just lie down and take a nap. then the drama started as we were getting ready to leave. shamil had a pop out at the foothills of the iftarbowl. Not to be outdone my left front was flat and I could not inflate it. thankfully asif bhai, Emmanuel and Aaquil helped me ( meaning they did all the work- as I had no clue of what to do- finding the leak from inside rim, jacking up the car and inflating. Thankfully it worked. so after some folks left for the exit gaurav bhai as lead and asif bhai followed by Mirza and yours truly with rahimbhai as sweep we started the drive. man o man o man- was it exciting. I was driving near blind and having the lights on low beam did not help- must have been dreaming when gaurav bhai told us on the radio to switch to high beam- anyway what is a drive without getting stuck. I did that so many times. Gaurav bhai,asif bhai and rahimbhai bhai were patient and helped me self extricate with constant tips and a shed load of shovelling sand by them/ thanks a lot. the left right twisting the wheel just doubled my biceps in that drive. it was awesome to drive at night and pretty scary- had atleast 3 hard lands after creating and a hard hit of smaller dune I did not see as I came down off one. my fjc earned its money last night. close to the end a shovel in rahimbhai’S suv got loose - probably the number of time he took it out to help me- and smacked his daughter’s head. Thankfully no major injury. we exited the desert but not without one final hard drop after a crest right near the exit. aaquil had joined me as passenger and must still be having nightmares of why he joined me. But boy, that man knows his cars. He was telling me so much about my fjc that I had no idea. Thanks a lot buddy. i am the type of guy who gets into the car starts it and point to where I go and then get lost in my thoughts. My wife says that red lights for me is just a suggestion to consider if I want to stop as apparently I sometimes ignore them. these drives with this group is teaching me so much I wish I could join on the drives each anyway, super night. I reached home by 2 am. i look forward to the next drive- probably July for me. thanks again everybody for such a memorable night
    8 points
  2. Great write up Dr @srini62 you do have an excellent flavour of writhing which cannot be matched. It's always a challenge heading to the deflation point with the family and packing up the car with equipment and food. This Friday was no different. As a result I got a bit delayed reaching the meeting point. I received a call from @Gaurav bhai that he has 8 cars and a few more people running late, so not to miss a good spot he will head in with the 8 cars and block a space for us. As I reached I saw @Asif Hussain drive in with his white Pathy for the first time, @Praveenmp was next in with @Shamil to be the last to join. As we deflated we were joined by @Gaurav bhai who lead us to the spot. @Gaurav bhai strategy had worked out wonders as we got a great spot and soon we were trying to arrange our cars to block the idiots throwing sand in that area as well as make space for us to lay our spread. The conditions were not the best though as the sands kept shifting which was later evident by the amount of sand gathered on the mats. As everyone started to put their offerings on the mat it was full of goodies which made us watch every second go by to break our fast and sink our teeth into the goodies. The variety was amazing and although we did not discuss over the forum what each one of us will be bringing but there was no duplication. As it was time for Azaan and we broke pur fast, one great treat after another awaited to wet our appetite for more. We took a break from eating to offer our Maghrib prayers behind Imam @Asif Hussain. We slowly continued to munch and drink to fill ourselves. @Shamil at this point discussed his bucket list which included a climb on the Iftaar bowl. I suggested I have a go first before he tries to give him an idea which he agreed to. This was later approved with a smile from @Gaurav bhai who was walking our way to suggest the same. For the initial drive to the base of the bowl I just was trying to get a feel for the Xterra. With the way clearing out I made a dash for the approach and soon we were riding the ridge on the left side. The Xterra with a never say die attitude kept climbing the dune like it would treat a highway. Soon we had reached the tip and I made our way back to the bottom. @Shamil was feeling confident that he knew what was to be done. However being fairly new to off roading his timing to accelerate and approach angle were a bit off due to which he had a few failed attempts. I tried to show him once again what he has to do and once again it climbed all the way without breaking a sweat. Coming down at an angle where I could build the kind of angle and momentum to approach the right side. Successfully but slightly more difficulty the Xterra made it to the top from the right side as well. At this point @Shamil knew he had it and tried once again, thinking about it now I feel the lack of light might be a reason for him not to get his timing and angle right. One last time up from the left side and we headed back to the convoy. I heard a slight wobble and stopped to notice the rear right tire deflated. It was not a pop out so we tried refilling the air but to no avail. By this time @Gaurav bhai had made it to the scene, we decided to Jack it up as the load on the tire might be creating a gap for the air to escape. Next it was the valve to be removed but after several attempts we decided to remove the tire to try and remove any sand sticking between the rim and the tire sidewall. Upon closer inspection we discovered that the rubber inside the rim had torn away not allowing the air to stay in the tire. At tis point we had to use the spare and due to its condition we had no choice but to exit him. @Emmanuel also announced on the radio that @srini62 was facing a similar issue and by the time we headed back that situation was also under control. Some of the cars had decided to head back led by @Emmanuel. As @Gaurav, @Asif Hussain, @yogic72, @srini62 and myself decided to have a quick drive. It was a challenging drive with some refusals and stucks, but we kept marching on. As soon as we made our way out we headed to the pump. Here we inflated our tires and after some heartfelt hugs headed back home. This is one of the best Grand Iftaar we had in a long time all thanks to the people who made it for the drive.
    6 points
  3. Very well written trip report @srini62 you are giving some serious competition to @Rahimdad.
    6 points
  4. Trip report- It's always a challenge heading to the deflation point with the family and packing up the car with equipment and food. This Friday was no different. As a result I got a bit delayed reaching the meeting point. I received a call from @Gaurav bhai that he has 8 cars and a few more people running late, so not to miss a good spot he will head in with the 8 cars and block a space for us. As I reached I saw @Asif Hussain drive in with his white Pathy for the first time, @Praveenmp was next in with @Shamil to be the last to join. As we deflated we were joined by @Gaurav bhai who lead us to the spot. @Gaurav bhai strategy had worked out wonders as we got a great spot and soon we were trying to arrange our cars to block the idiots throwing sand in that area as well as make space for us to lay our spread. The conditions were not the best though as the sands kept shifting which was later evident by the amount of sand gathered on the mats. As everyone started to put their offerings on the mat it was full of goodies which made us watch every second go by to break our fast and sink our teeth into the goodies. The variety was amazing and although we did not discuss over the forum what each one of us will be bringing but there was no duplication. As it was time for Azaan and we broke pur fast, one great treat after another awaited to wet our appetite for more. We took a break from eating to offer our Maghrib prayers behind Imam @Asif Hussain. We slowly continued to munch and drink to fill ourselves. @Shamil at this point discussed his bucket list which included a climb on the Iftaar bowl. I suggested I have a go first before he tries to give him an idea which he agreed to. This was later approved with a smile from @Gaurav bhai who was walking our way to suggest the same. For the initial drive to the base of the bowl I just was trying to get a feel for the Xterra. With the way clearing out I made a dash for the approach and soon we were riding the ridge on the left side. The Xterra with a never say die attitude kept climbing the dune like it would treat a highway. Soon we had reached the tip and I made our way back to the bottom. @Shamil was feeling confident that he knew what was to be done. However being fairly new to off roading his timing to accelerate and approach angle were a bit off due to which he had a few failed attempts. I tried to show him once again what he has to do and once again it climbed all the way without breaking a sweat. Coming down at an angle where I could build the kind of angle and momentum to approach the right side. Successfully but slightly more difficulty the Xterra made it to the top from the right side as well. At this point @Shamil knew he had it and tried once again, thinking about it now I feel the lack of light might be a reason for him not to get his timing and angle right. One last time up from the left side and we headed back to the convoy. I heard a slight wobble and stopped to notice the rear right tire deflated. It was not a pop out so we tried refilling the air but to no avail. By this time @Gaurav bhai had made it to the scene, we decided to Jack it up as the load on the tire might be creating a gap for the air to escape. Next it was the valve to be removed but after several attempts we decided to remove the tire to try and remove any sand sticking between the rim and the tire sidewall. Upon closer inspection we discovered that the rubber inside the rim had torn away not allowing the air to stay in the tire. At tis point we had to use the spare and due to its condition we had no choice but to exit him. @Emmanuel also announced on the radio that @srini62 was facing a similar issue and by the time we headed back that situation was also under control. Some of the cars had decided to head back led by @Emmanuel. As @Gaurav, @Asif Hussain, @yogic72, @srini62 and myself decided to have a quick drive. It was a challenging drive with some refusals and stucks, but we kept marching on. As soon as we made our way out we headed to the pump. Here we inflated our tires and after some heartfelt hugs headed back home. This is one of the best Grand Iftaar we had in a long time all thanks to the people who made it for the drive.
    5 points
  5. Great write up @srini62 and @Rahimdad. 👏 👏
    4 points
  6. We are getting some excellent trip reports from various perspectives. Good fun to read it. @Shamil I completely agree that the right side climb of Iftar bowl is one of the most exhilarating climb. With little more experience I m pretty sure you would be climbing the iftar bowl from all sides with your Xterra.
    3 points
  7. This drive was indeed a special one as is most drives with this group because there’s always a unique take away from each drive. I reached late but I realized there was a “late latheefs” convoy which I happily joined with a little less guilt. @GauravBhai led us to the spot which he had already picked prior to us reaching there and although this was a short drive, I enjoyed every bit of it because I realized how much I had missed driving during daytime. We reached the spot, broke our fast, prayed and relaxed for a bit after which I was tempted to attempt the much talked about - iftar bowl climb. This was the height of dune bashing(pun intended) in my point of view and I knew although I may not be that experienced, I should give it a try nonetheless. I told @Rahimdad Bhai and @Gaurav Bhai that I would like to attempt but I’ll need a little hand holding. @Rahimdad Bhai came along with me and showed me a couple of times the right technique to do this climb. When I however attempted, despite trying to do everything that @RahimdadBhai showed me, I was not successful. Whilst he was teaching me, we climbed the dune from the right side which was the steep side and that was probably one of the most exhilarating experiences ever. After this, when we descended and decided to proceed with the convoy drive is when we realized that one of my tires tore from the inside. @RahimdadBhai and @Gaurav Bhai rightfully assessed the situation and helped in replacing the tire like superheroes whilst I stood there scratching my head. It was then decided, that it would be in my best interest if I exited as the condition of my spare tire was compromised. @Emmanuel very kindly guided me to exit and that pretty much concluded an unforgettable drive with this amazing group.
    3 points
  8. Forgot to mention- sri we missed you on the drive. hope you get better soon. best wishes srini
    3 points
  9. hi guys ... I have a mini and the doors just seem to have stopped opening lol What I mean to say is that they seem locked .. MOST of the times they dont open so i have to roll down the windows and open them from the outside. If they please, they do open for me once in a while but thats very rare hence I am getting concerned. Did not expect something like that from a mini! help needed!
    2 points
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJkfrY2owb0
    2 points
  11. Hiya kevin, Although I don't have a mini but to be sure try spraying WD40 on the door gaps - this will lubricate the area and make door that the problem is not the doors being jammed ... rest you can also have your door latches checked, they might not be working properly.
    2 points
  12. Or simply dont but convertibles. What's the point of having a convertible in this country when 10 months out of 12 you can use them. I see convertibles all the time but can count on my fingers the amount of times I seen them with the top down in any given year. OR do what my friends boss does, never open it. He won a Merc CL 500 at the Dubai duty free amd for the 12-13 years he had it never once opened the top and strictly instructed everyone in his family and all his drivers to never touch the roof.!!!!
    1 point
  13. I drive a Mercedes S class with an AMG kit and that usually means expensive tyres as suggested by Continental as they are specially made just for Mercedes, and so there goes any savings you hopeed for, as the tyres are ridiculously expensive, approx AED 12-13K for 4 tyres. I folowed their advice and got the recommended ones the first time I changed it and thought it would last me 2-3 years. Alas I was asked to change it in less than 2 years and financially I was shocked at the thought of having to shell out another 12k. I researched like crazy and found dealers of the same size tye but Korean make and was shocked when I heard the price. They said AED 2200. I was like so 2200 x 4 right? they said no, 2200 in total. Now you know I was shocked. I drove to the workshop and checked out the tyres and perhaps reluctantly put on the Korean brand, Nexen inspite of many ppl telling me against it. They recommended filling Nitrogen in the tyres and I said go ahead. I took the risk as the price was just too good. Call me a risk taker ...but the moment I drove it off, it felt smoother than my earlier branded tyres and it was Love on the asphalt and I have no worries for the past 1.5 years.
    1 point
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