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Everything posted by Gaurav

  1. It's a great tribute to your father and to the mechanic or workshop owners who literally bring smile and satisfaction to every car owners with their magical hands. It's a very dependable profession who help car owners when they are distress, fix their cars to perfection (only professionals) which in turn take care of the car owner and their family. Car repair or maintenance industry is highly underestimated here with the influx of cheap and replaceable labour, that leaves them without any actual appreciation - most of the time. Instead, people fight to cut every single dirham from poor man bill and happily get themselves ripped at the dealership.
  2. Thanks, guys for valuable advises, I have cleaned the bottle and touch that brown sedimentation part and it was confirmed as sand and not rust. Later I recall that this happen in the past too and I just rinse the bottle and top it up with the coolant, without bothering asking this question. Now, my question is how sand is getting inside the coolant system and expansion bottle working as a catch-can to hold the sand at the base and only allowing coolant to recirculate as its suction pipe is a bit shorter than the height of the expansion bottle.
  3. I'm using Toby's 5D LED light for almost 2 years now and it's working great. Advised same to Sri and he also liked it very much. For best bargain go during weekdays as on weekend all toby's product shoot pricing by 50%. They told me 750 on the weekend when I was just passing by and next time when I genuinely wanted to buy they told me 500 and I bargained for 450 (I think). See if they have 6D now, it must be better even. It's the lens shape and arrangement called 4D, 5D or 6D that spreads the better LED lights.
  4. All I know about Dodge in UAE is that they have notoriously bad resale value, and I guess that's why you are getting a good deal. Having that said, bad resale value is a sign of car model or manufacturer who time everything with warranty and the car breaks more than often as soon as the warranty period runs out. Secondly, bad resale could be because of expensive parts or difficult to work mechanics. Do bit more research on these pointers or wait for someone more knowledgable here to advise.
  5. Looks like some new car blood coming to cinema after years of franchise. Looks amazing and sound quite promising with the fight and actions.
  6. Peugeot carrying their future car with Nissan Truck, couldn't be any better 06:57: There is so much space at the back.... really....? 09:05: Blue velvet seats, really......! 12:28: What a circus they made of future (if it's really a future) 14:02: Future doesn't need seat belts
  7. So now you are saying NO to the free BBQ........? I'll rem this, just like your Belgian chocolates.
  8. Jokes apart, these Lexus front black plastic humongous grills look soooooo cheap and empty that I have no words for it, let alone the fish-face shape is even weirder.
  9. Share your live location and we will pass by for eating BBQ.
  10. Sure it's a nice area, not too adventurous. If she has enjoyed previous fewbie level drives she will like this too.
  11. Yes, it is just an annoyance issue and no performance has been impacted. After a little while, you will develop an ignore mode on this little noise, that comes while braking or slow-moving when car nose moves up and down. It's not noticeable on highway. The entry model is quite capable and doesn't come with diff lock. The offroad version comes with diff lock, but again then there will be a trade-off that you are buying a car that has been previously abused in the sand. If you can find an offroad version that is not been in sand regularly, that will be your best choice by paying little extra (if you have to). If offroad version been on rocks and wadi's then also it's acceptable, as abuse of rocks and wadis can be easily identified by underbody damage by lifting the car. You can't fry the engine, gearbox and 4x4 in rocks much unlike in sand revving at 6K rpm every week.
  12. Well to me buying a new car itself is a big no to lose half the value in the first 2-3 years. If you are fine to lose that 50% of the car value, then these petty charges or fees wouldn't hurt you much. It's a known fact now that any car dealer in the world make more money servicing it than selling it. That's why service advisors are trained to upsell so hard for their commissions. I have been upsold once with a service advisor that my brake drum thickness is 5MM in place of a new drum of 6MM. I spent 4k dirhams and learned my lesson hard way, that I could have driven for another 2 more years without needing new brake drums. After that instance, I always read the owners manual and go and tell them what exactly I want than their suggestions.
  13. I will def clean the bottle and coolant is less than a year old. Any clue why expansion bottle turned brown...?
  14. Well looks like Ford following the footsteps of Raptor bringing down V8 - 6.2 to V6 with twin turbo. Hope they don't fall in Range Rover mindset of keeping RR with 3.0 and when sales dip they brought back the V8. For 64,000 Euro = 264,000 dhs this Ford Ranger raptor must be good. Running 33 inch BFG must be dead heavy for dunes with 2.0 litre having 210 hp and this big body.
  15. They are good too, but not better than Xterra in terms of offroad capabilities and approach and departure angles.
  16. There you go, but don't visit as mentioned by @Emmanuel it's a private property with guards. https://goo.gl/maps/rczkCsi26vhxEaCF9
  17. I second on everything @Srikumar has mentioned and advice. If you don't have any special affinity for Jeeps or Wrangler then Xterra makes a better choice - hands down. In 25K you can get cleaner and more latest model than Wrangler. Stock Xterra is absolutely capable of all type of drives you ever wish. If you continue this hobby, simply get the bash plate on Xterra (500-1000 dhs) and you are sorted. They are an awesome climber and damn reliable for offroading in the UAE as far as you can develop an ignore mode for it's squeaking suspension - known issue (minor). For any offroad ride, make sure that it not been previously used for dune bashing as it takes a huge toll on engine, gear, suspension, bushes. Pick the 4x4 that comes with skinny road tires and visually inspect the car interior for the presence of sand under the seats, mats and small crevices. If 4x4 has been regularly used for dune bashing it's very difficult to eliminate complete traces of sand. Go for full-service history car as far as possible and with as low mileage so that you have some good usable life, remember dune bashing takes a lot of toll on the overall life of the car.
  18. I have been using original Mitsubishi coolant in the radiator and in the expansion bottle always. To top after some time I use ENOC green coolant occasionally. Just now open the coolant expansion bottle as it was low, and noticed that green coolant has turned brown, literally rust or sand color brown. Opened the radiator cap to inspect and coolant was full with bright green color. Wondering, what can cause coolant in expansion bottle to turn brown?
  19. Totally agree @Barry that closed shoes/boots should come automatically than making a choice. I feel the problem is the impression you get from advertisement, lifestyle magazine, social media videos showing up people sitting bare feet or with sandals in the sand. This take away applied to offroad drive without using common sense is simply astonishing. We do take off our closed shoes off while sitting down on a mat or lying flat on my recliner chair, but that doesn't mean that people should see that 15 min impression and multiply that with 6 hours drive. After a continuous warning and briefing points, I still see people showing up in sandals with some or the other excuses.
  20. @sertac it was your lucky day that I was all ready and loaded in my car to head to Dubai lake area and able to do a quick detour to reach you within 30 minutes, faster than pizza delivery boys lololol. Imagine a scenario, if I am in office or out with my family this can easily take 4-5 hours to reach you. Thankfully you have rescued all passengers and brought them to the Bidayer shop as that's the most important thing to do, well done. Cars can stay in heat for a couple of hours but humans may not. After this quick recovery, I headed to Dubai Lake area and found that Emmanuel and Sri left from the entrance as it was guarded and appeared to be private property. Seems like Dubai Lake is primarily developed for offering a good aerial view for Skydive and hot air balloon visitors than visiting and chilling like at Qudra lake or Love Lake in Qudra Desert. At least, we have explored and marked one less thing in our to-do list that Dubai Lake is not a place or a park which is open for public visitors and we shouldn't get tempted with a picture or description posted in google maps.
  21. Sure you can join this drive as you have previous experience of driving in sand, so you should be fine with this night drive. Only absolute newbie is not fit for this night drive.
  22. Eid Mubarak to all of you and your loved ones
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