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Abilash Madhavan

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Posts posted by Abilash Madhavan

  1. @Frederic 

    I drove the Pajero, LWB - 3.5L in trip tronic main interchanging between 3,2and 1 and i must say it did the trick. Summarized below what i experienced as i feel this could really fellow new gen pajero mates.

    1. No overheated transmission which i experienced in 4 out of 5 trips done earlier.

    2. It took circa half an hour to get used to the up and down shift.

    3. Once used to, it was good, clear and predictable power delivery. It was difficult in auto mode during earlier drives as in there due to unwanted auto shifting often there are occassions you really didnt get the momentum you need.

    4. I believe revving up the engine a bit more which happens in the trip tronic mode is far better than overloading the transmission and suggest every one to try this mode out before making any changes to the vehicle.

    Thank you




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  2. Hello Friends,

    I have done 5 drives with Pajero, LWB 2015 model -3.5L. Three of those drives had overheating transmission at the fad end of drives, say after 3hrs of the 4hr drives.

    I have gone to a couple of decent workshops and both replied that transmission oil is in good condition. I have changed it at 70k and the car has now run 105k KMs. Both of them suggested a heavy duty fan or an extra fan to cool.

    But then i have discussed the matter with a couple of offroading friends. Majority of times(95%) of time i was driving in “D” mode on all the drives. I was pointed out that this is the reason as the transmission continously looks/change to a better gear ratio because of the terrain which eventually causes the heating issue. I am told to use triptronic manual gear option and then the issue will be solved. It seems to rev up the engine a little bit is a better option than overloading the transmission.

    I have tagged some of the Pajero friends and marshals i have drove with just to see if anybody else has faced this issue.

    Thankyou everyone- have a great evening.




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  3. @Srikumar


    Thankyou both for the hardwork you have to get me going. Taking it as part of the leading curve which will make me only better.

    Big thanks for everyone who had chipped in and will certainly catch u guys in the coming trips.

    @Michael Glavanis That drone clip is absolutely scintillating. Will send u a message to get it in whatsapp. Thanks

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  4. Hello Team,

    It was a nice get together and enjoyed every bit of it!

    Both Fredaric and Sartaj were amazing. The brief at the start was excellant and took away the nervousness. The tips coming in from Fradaric on when to accelarate, when to decelarate etc., were top notch and  helped a lot in not getting stuck. Sartaj put in his expertise whenever needed. The machine Pajero was amazing as well responded to all the needs, never thought the stuff we did was possible with it! Last but least, the team was great and kudos to everyone!

    And to anyone who still havent decided to do this, it is an amazing experience which we need to go for. Afterall, no point in keeping your 4x4 as a showcase!

    Looking forward to the next!


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