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Martin M

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Martin M last won the day on July 27

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    Ford Bronco 2022

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  1. Hi @Ale Vallecchi, thank you very much for today's drive. It was great experience despite challenging conditions. I'm sorry for causing a delay with the skid plate issue. Obviously this is not my best week. @Simon D I really appreciate your help and the advice. Hope you all had perfect time for the rest of the drive and nice sunset view.
  2. Hi @Ale Vallecchi, I truly apologize for late response since offline. My intention was to book for Saturday only and I've added today by mistake. I just realized that when got your message. I'm very sorry and apologize for any delay it might caused. I'm looking forward to join on Saturday. Once again, please accept my apologies.
  3. Thank you once again @JeromeFJ for the great drive and choosing an exclusive terrain.
  4. @Gaurav Completely understand your point. Hopefully next time I'll get the opportunity to take part.
  5. @Gaurav I have noticed that couple of attendees canceled tomorrow's drive. Would it be possible to join for me from the waitlist? I would really appreciate the opportunity.
  6. Thank you @Mahmoud Taha, @DP1011, @Davie Chase, @Ishak! looking forward to see you guys in one of the drives 👍
  7. Thank you very much @Gaurav for great news. I appreciate opportunity to improve in the new level. Thank you @Fredericand @Looper, looking forward for next trip under your leadership. Thank you @Jaro Tuzinskyfor encouraging me. I'm really grateful for your support 🙏
  8. Thank you @Ale Vallecchi for great experience. Really appreciate the trail you have chosen, it was brilliant and quite educative as well. Grazie mille Alessio. (baci e abbracci da Jana) Thank to @Ishak for second lead, @JERINE_B for great middle man and to @Theo09 for no man left behind. Guys @Ishak, @Lea Degner, @SUMEDH KRISHNA WAGHMARE, @Soufiane, @Soufiane, @Mahesh_, @Arravind, @JERINE_B, @Usman Basit, @frederic demolder, @AnasArif, @Theo09 please feel free to download pictures my copilot Jana took https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/rqfmdhg7obzwj25po4r0j/h?rlkey=x43u5mhd0st79857flgddj0a3&dl=0
  9. Thank you very much @Abhilash Kottakkal for your help🙏 Training cresting while having the best possible team around was an opportunity hard to resist Thank you @Chaitanya Dand @Simon D for amazing experience and choosing the best of Sweihan.
  10. Hi @Gaurav definitely I'm interesting to join your ride. Would be great privilege if I get the spot. Thank you.
  11. Thank you @Gaurav Certainly I understand your point. Hope there will be spot available for your ride. Unfortunately I'm most of weekends outside Dubai so it would great for me to use this weekend.
  12. Hi @Gaurav I would like to check if there is a chance to join the drive with you on Sunday.
  13. Thank you very much @Frederic & @Rajat Verma for great ride and excellent leadership. Very pleased to to had opportunity to drive with you all guys. I have attached few pictures from my co-pilot Jana.. she was in charge of documenting. If anyone wants pictures in better resolution please let me know. Cheers, Martin
  14. Good afternoon @Frederic, thank you for your warm welcome. I am really excited to take part in club activities. Looking forward to meet you in person. Regarding you questions: 1. Yes, I do have some essential off road driving experiences. I had taken a course to learn some basic navigation skills, recoveries of the vehicle stuck/unstuck and additionally I had desert driving course with an instructor too. Apart from that I already had couple of easy rides in desert conditions with friends so I could gained some basic experiences there. But definitely looking forward for improvement within club driving activities. 2. I will bring Ford Bronco 3. yes, the car is in good condition and has tow points. If you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. Cheers and all the best Martin
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