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What is the reasons for crooked headlight?

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I have seen many times the opposite side of the car from incoming traffic and their beam is really not straight on road, one is point down and other is pointing sideways. I am curious to know what is the reason for such crooked headlights, I mean what owner must have done to get this result?

I am thinking on some headlight upgrades on my car, so need to understand first what all I should not do...! lol.

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Hi rayre,

You make an interesting point.

All cars have some adjustment on their headlights, and even on cars that have perfectly aligned headlights, one light will point slightly downward to avoid blinding oncoming drivers, and the outside light will point slightly sideways to light up the area next to the road.

However, this "crookedness" should not really be visible, which makes me think that the owners of these cars you mention have adjusted their lights deliberately. I can't imagine why, since now the road ahead of them will not be lit up.

The other possible explanation is that these drivers have "upgraded" their headlights with projection head lights that were not made for their cars. The lenses of these lights depend on the shape of the entire light assembly (and not just the shape of the lens) to work properly, but lately, some pirate manufacturers have started making "projection" head lights that fit in place of the bulbs on normal lights.

The result is that the shape of the normal headlight lens can "bend", or deflect the beam of light, so instead of shining straight ahead, the light beam can shine sideways, upward, or even almost straight down, depending on the car invoved, so I think this is what you are seeing.

I would think twice before upgrading to projection lights if the manufacturer of your car does not supply them. These lights generate very high temperatures, and since your car was not designed to work with projection lights, you could set your car on fire. Another problem is that your car might not be wired for high intensity projection lights, so check with you dealer before you damage the electrical system.

You might also find that changing your headlights might be illegal, so I suggest you check with the traffic authorities before you do any sort of upgrade.   


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Hi rayre, what you see are those deira naif market xenon light fitment, that comes with extra ballast to boost the normal halogen voltage to support the xenon. Often times (more 75%) they have these crooked behaviour while driving because of the technical part explained very well by hanif.

If I am not wrong in 2014 Dubai police make some crack down on those fake xenon boyz in all market and issue a notice of not to use blinding xenon fitment. If your car is not having xenon, it's better to not to pursue aftermarket xenon as it will bring more headache and trouble with police and then in car passing in annual registration.

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