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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/2017 in all areas

  1. So many people curious about the trip and want to know what went down. Firstly my hats off to all for being on time and meeting up on time as it is essential with a long drive and limited time. We drove all the way to the said area and were surprised to have a gate installed with a guard and another uniformed guy with a gun. From what we understood that some rich fellow is trying to build a castle for himself on that island, so we commoners have one less natural place in the UAE to explore. Thank God the spirits of the group were not dampened, in fact we came to find out later that while Abdul Basit and myself were scared of the gun, our very own @Gaurav bhai was amazed by the finishing of the gun. So we headed to the closest spot we knew, close to the Sir Baniyas Island Ferry Station. It was a great place to settle in and have a few good stories, recap, laughs and much more. Special thanks to Abdul Basit for the delicious biryani, @Gaurav bhai for the amazing Idlis and chutney, while I brought along the butter beer from Harry Potter. A little walk in the sea was refreshing and as the weather got better it was time to pack up and leave. The night was not over. As we drove back and after a quick refueling stop we headed to Last Exit. It was amazing weather and even better company as we all refueled ourselves to drive back home with sweet memories of the day. I will add my pics to the gallery to give you a better feel of the drive as a picture is worth a thousand words.
    1 point
  2. Time really files I've finally got my license in July. I've got to admit that the search for a car can be taxing on the mind. Moreover being in RAK has it's disadvantages. We've got to book the test drives. I test drove the ST, Ford Edge, Charger, Jeep Wrangler(a friend has it) and a CX9. No wonder the American cars are planted and solid. Even though it's a hatchback, the ST felt more safe and solid that a Nissan Maxima.
    1 point
  3. It was great driving with legends of desert, Thanks to 4 experts who has encouraged us to drive in desert
    1 point
  4. Very well put by Barry. Thanks for all clearing up the doubts when we were busy off-roading yesterday. Grandtrek are usually just OK, but they turn VERY BAD if they cross half life on their treads. If your Grandtreks are too bald with gone tread, then I would highly advise not to venture in sand as you will guaranteed to have pop-out. In my decade of offroad experience, I had 90% pop-outs on my Land Cruiser with beaten up Grandtrek. Going alone in desert with no previous experience is a suicidal mission. Desert safari "train track" is a different world and FAR from actual desert driving experience. Read below advises and it will help you clear your doubts more and dont forget to thank the author and like their content.
    1 point
  5. Thank you @Gaurav bhai. Great outing on many accounts, firstly a chance for the newbies to experience our favourite area while learning how to float in the soft stuff. Both @Sidshk and @Richard did well and special thanks to Richard for trusting me with his machine to climb Faya to the top. It took us close to 3 hours to get to Faya and all on top. Once on top we had some chilling weather, with some sandwiches, banana and soft drinks. Once we came down and we headed to the road to say good bye to Sid and Richard. After bidding them farewell The fantastic 4 were on the back of Faya and heading out to Fossil Rocks from some awesome dunes. It took us 45 minutes of absolute best driving skills and some awesome selection of dunes by Gaurav bhai to achieve that fear. What's more heart warning is 2 firsts for Carnity. Firstly 2 drives posted on the same week. Secondly someone other than Gaurav bhai or me. Congrats Basit on his first drive post and congrats to Carnity for the achievement.
    1 point
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