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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/27/2024 in Posts

  1. @Sreenath G@Batuhan Kulac@Alphin Aloor@Pascal@Rafey Hashmi@Richard Franks@Gautam Banka@Amr A@AlexM with the fantastic support of several Carnity seniors: @DP1011@Asif Hussain@Simon [email protected]@Ranjan Das@Senthil Kumar Thank you all for signing up for another LIWA adventure ! @GauravSoni and myself are looking forward to plan an adventurous route, but there's a couple of things we want to highlight for those who have not experienced LIWA yet: 1. This is not a typical ridge-riding / dunebashing style of drive. The main reason behind this are the massive and unpredictable shape of dunes, and the remoteness from easy exit points. This means it's more of an exploration drive where we will need to navigate monster dunes, cliffs, and find our way through this challenging terrain with treacherous bowls and soft sand. 2. Your skillset will be tested on this drive, so as your patience and mental resilience. It's a long drive where we will come across plenty of challenges with re-routing, stucks, and refusals. All part of the fun of going to LIWA of course 3. You need to prepare yourselves but your vehicle as well. If it breaks down in this remote desert, it will be a massive challenge to pull it out. Hence, PLEASE check-check-doublecheck your tires, fluids, suspension, battery, and make sure the car is properly serviced and inspected. Breakdowns can always happen but prevention is the key here. 4. Make sure you carry enough snacks, water, and the necessary stuff to camp comfortably. 5. Make sure all items, and especially your jerrycan is properly strapped tight in the car. 6. Get enough rest beforehand, as tiredness can be extremely dangerous in this environment. 7. Enjoy the terrain but be humble, otherwise LIWA will make you humble. It's not the place for crazy stunts. Having said that, i have no doubt we will be having a fantastic day out, and we can all gather at the camp on Saturday evening to share our stories. Whoever has extra space for some firewood, please bring it along as we can make a bonfire to keep us warm
    8 points
  2. My first drive with @Looper - and damn he is fearless. If anyone has played the old Prince of Persia games, you might remember the 'wall running' technique. Pretty famous. I really didn't know cars can wall run too. Even though at times I gulped before attempting, but the sheer passion of pushing myself, kept me going. As Looper said himself, there is a fine line between challenging your self and stupidity, I steered down whenever I started to fall towards the latter. @PAJERO petelczyc luke, great SL, and thanks for the heads up, plate watching and ofc the fuel top up! Learning from the drive - 95% of the time 1st gear on 4H, a Jimny can take it. - Wiggling worked on higher climbs. - With enough momentum a vertical wall of soft sand can be driven on and even crossed over. - Radio silence means people are having a lot of fun - Fuel up even if it shows full πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ #JimnyPower
    5 points
  3. Potential Camping Spots: OPTION 1. If you prefer to sleep in the car, and want to be nearby the ADNOC LIWA: https://maps.app.goo.gl/S3iFtPUpegWJrbv78 OPTION 2. If you want to set up your tent nearby the starting point: https://maps.app.goo.gl/cExrzT4HgyAY44Ve9 Follow the directions for the starting point to pass through the gate, then go a little bit right onto the sabkha. OPTION 3. Camp deeper inside LIWA dunes for a tranquil night: https://maps.app.goo.gl/phKVd7ySsSRX82dTA Enter at this point and follow the dirt track that leads inside the dunes. It's a hard track with little bit of sand, where deflation is not needed. Guaranteed of a quiet night under the stars. GPX file in attachment. Liwa Camp.gpx Myself, i will probably go for option 2 and camp nearby the starting point and sleep in the car. Feel free to let us know what your plan is. The third option is probably the most private one and there is plenty of space in that area to find something that gives you privacy.
    4 points
  4. @Simon D drives are a mix of 2 scoops of adrenaline stir fried with 6 ounces of learning resulting in a drive you playback in your mind until the next weekend. @Emanuel being the awesome second lead that he is. Thanks for watching my plate for me too Loved the efforts on the videos! Learnings from this drive - Wiggling the steering on climbs can help gain 15-20% more area than normal - Tried 4Low on 3rd as Jimny is a high rev car anyway. It immediately turned into an RC car. - '8' shape driving or snake maneuver can make a Jimny cross whatever is thrown at it. Looking forward to the next one #JimnyPower
    2 points
  5. Always a new skill to learn πŸ˜‚, I lost a bash plate bolt as well on that drive 😜
    1 point
  6. Thanks for the tip. Might be time to YouTube how to weld 😎
    1 point
  7. Those fixed anchor nuts on the Pajero strip out really easy, best option is to drill and tap for a bigger bolt or take the plate off and weld in some decent nuts to bolt to.
    1 point
  8. Congrats @Gautam Banka enjoy the new level and challenge! Well deserved mate
    1 point
  9. Great drive @Davie Chase it was fluid and calm. A perfect start for any newbie I hope to support more of your drives soon mate a true smooth operator. @Srikumar great to meet up again amazing support from the back the Cherokee looks like it’s back in its prime! everyone drove incredibly and I was impressed with all of you! Till next weekend lads. See you soon.
    1 point
  10. Well spotted @AlexM. Moved all timings to 8AM as its indeed much better.
    1 point
  11. Hello esteemed desert ghost busters, here are the remaining two installments of videos I made. Enjoy.
    1 point
  12. Thanks @Simon D for an excellent action packed, ghost busting up drive and @Tareq Al Turq for sweeping. Here is the first and most important video from this drive. The Carnity Off-Road Club Ghost Busters video. @Rafey Hashmi , @Robk , @Mahesh_ , @Hugo , @Deepak Eswar , @Rk ram - thanks for your courage and determination. If you liked the video please smash the Like button on YouTube. Cc. @Davie Chase @Frederic @Vanessa8580 @Looper @Imteeaz @Gaurav @JeromeFJ
    1 point
  13. Thank you again, @Looper for this great drive. Fast-pace, variety in the terrain as well as cars. Seeing @Rafey Hashmi's Jimny hop voer the dunes was a true sight to behold. A bit sad we had to end early but hey, I was running out of fuel anyways lol. I wish everyone a good week ahead. See you next time on the sand.
    1 point
  14. Another casualty from this drive, I've lost two bolts and a spacer for my bash plate. (Remaining drivers side one pictured) every bump I go over has the plate banging against the sway bar and making a ping pong ball sound.... Off to the hardware store tonight for some more home repairs. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«πŸ«¨
    0 points
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