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Everything posted by Srikumar

  1. I am bringing lots of wood for tomorrow. So will have plenty of time to listen to your adventures of Day 1
  2. Me and Fredy are planning to be there by 6 pm. There are a few others who would also be joining. As of now the plan is to camp on the right side of the meeting point. It's a flat surface, but you would have to deflate a bit else you would get stuck. Dropped pin https://maps.app.goo.gl/2ha5yLUm5FmYh5aEA It's a pretty big area so we can easily spread out, and also would help if you wish to make an early morning dash to ADNOC. Regarding bringing kids, hope they would be comfortable on a day long drive. As Fred mentioned, once we enter the only way out is from the other side.
  3. Now, I understand how you made such a daring bet. Belgium - 0 Morocco - 2
  4. I would be camping the night of the 1st. Will be bringing my 8 year old son as well...
  5. Even after doing the 1000 km, jumping straight into an IM drive is highly unadvisable.
  6. Great. Some of us who are driving on the 2nd would be camping close to the starting point.
  7. @Frederic looks like we have got a full house. This is going to be super fun. I am planning to camp close to the meeting point on 1st Dec
  8. Thanks @Gaurav for arranging a fantastic evening and a brilliant company recollecting all our desert stories and jokes. Just because someone was getting late for an early morning Dubai Run we had to cut short our evening. Hope to continue the stories and laughter again in YT Liwa.
  9. That doesn't applies to Jeeps and especially XJs..
  10. What a day, what a wonderful day!! These are the kind of days that's makes you realize why we all love this sport so much. Pushing the cars and drivers to the limit, and enjoying the success of each convoy member as they scale higher up the dunes. And for me there was no better way to enjoy this day than to have the company of @Frederic and @Gaurav. The fact that we have been together on an IM drive after 2.5 years, just made it even more special. Thank you guys for signing up. @GauravSoni you are a real brave heart. When I made the call to him on Thursday to share the lead at Qua, he simply said 'Oh Yes'. You lost your phone just at the start of the drive, something can put many Leads mind off, but you stuck to it and pulled off an amazing Lead. Well done. About our convoy members @Amr Aydin @ASAD. @Waqas Parvez @Vaibhav and @JeromeFJ you were the true superstars, cause you were able to maintain the very fine line of driving at the limit without going over it. And the reason why we had a successful adrenaline pumping drive. As the drive post said, the drive ended only when we started running out of fuel. As we took the sabkha for the final stretch to reach Y60 hill, the fatigue of the entire day finally kicked in. But we had one final challenge, to get to the top of Y60 hill. Since it's impossible to do it with our stock cars, a few of us made the balance climb to the top on foot. The achievement of standing on the tallest dune for miles was truly special. FInally, I can't end this with out showing my huge appreciation and gratitude to my mentor and brother @Gaurav for teaching me everything I know in this beautiful sport. From route planning to execution and to be my SL was a true privilege. P.S. That's why I let you take the Pajero Bowl 2 first. You have to believe me when I say this, that it was out of pure respect. 🤣
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