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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/09/2024 in all areas

  1. Revolutionizing the UAE Desert Experience: Green Sand Dunes and Lush Vegetation Unveiled After 75-Year Rainfall Phenomenon Dubai, UAE - [9 May 2024] - In a rare and extraordinary turn of events, the deserts of the United Arab Emirates have transformed into a breathtaking verdant paradise following the heaviest rainfall in 75 years. The once golden sands have given way to lush green dunes adorned with meter-tall vegetation, including vibrant shrubs and hardy desert plants painting a surreal picture of nature's resilience and beauty. This rare and remarkable phenomenon has captivated adventurers and nature enthusiasts alike, offering a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to witness the desert in a way never seen before. The lush greenery contrasts magnificently against the backdrop of the arid desert, creating a visual spectacle that has drawn attention from around the world. Carnity, renowned for its expertise in off-road club drives and desert driving courses, recognizes the unique opportunity this natural phenomenon presents to 4x4 owners and enthusiasts. With the desert terrain now transformed into a green oasis, there's never been a better time to experience the magic of desert driving, surrounded by vibrant vegetation, exotic birds and stunning landscapes. "The lush green sand dunes and thriving vegetation offer a completely new perspective on desert exploration, and participants can navigate this transformed terrain safely and responsibly." @Frederic Frederic Nuyttens, Crew: The UAE desert is far more dynamic than what people think. Even though it has transformed over Millions of years from a sea into a dry uninhabited land, there is still plenty of life and vegetation to be found. The recent changes have turned some areas into green lush lands, providing better shelter and grazing opportunities for many animals. The question will remain on how long these newly created lakes and lush greenery will stay in place to experience. @Gaurav Gaurav Khanna, Crew: expressed his excitement about this natural wonder and its impact on desert exploration. "The transformation of the UAE deserts into a green oasis is nothing short of an extraordinary experience." This is a unique opportunity for 4x4 owners and adventure enthusiasts to experience the desert in a whole new light with their completely stock 4WD vehicle. "I love seeing the 4x4 owner's amazed reactions every day after their first desert drive." @Ale Vallecchi Ale Vallecchi, Senior Marshal: The UAE deserts, including parts of Dubai, have become greener due to increased rainfall in recent years. This has led to more vegetation, changing some areas from desert to shrubland. For off-roaders, driving tips after heavy rain include: Deflation is less important on firmer surfaces. Watch out for mud patches on flat areas, preferring grass patches or visible sand ripples. Drive faster to avoid sinking in mud. Be cautious on dunes as ridges may collapse or sand may harden, causing unexpected hazards. Enjoy the greenery but be careful when exploring after rain. @Islam Soliman Islam Soliman, Marshal: Other than the water rivers changing the topology which is a temporary feature, the long-term impact is the expansive growth of vegetation in sabkhas turning it into massive green fields. The growth of different types of grass and medium-sized plants attracts all sorts of life around it from butterflies and slugs to larger animals like oryxes and gazelles. Observed massive growth in the count of baby gazelles and oryxes in different areas, especially around Al Qudra and Al Fagaa area in the Dubai Desert. The vegetation growth on the dunes is helping stabilize the sand on the dunes, making them hard and compact. If the increased rainfall continues, this will help reduce the dust levels in the surrounding areas. @Looper Goutam Sharma, Expert: The deserts of Dubai have been becoming green for some time now; be it Qudra or Faqa'a the creation of lakes has increased the water level in the deserts of Dubai, and the rain has only exacerbated the situation. In our recent drive from Faqa'a to Al Qudra Desert (Bab Al Shams) we found a great example of it, where the desert was lush green with only the tops of the dunes having some sand. @Simon D Simon Dawood, Expert: Amidst global climate change, the UAE's deserts have experienced a noteworthy shift, highlighted by increased rainfall that has transformed arid landscapes into lush expanses. The emergence of a 'vegetation carpet' across areas like Lisaili, Al Qudra, Murquab, Nizwa, and beyond showcases nature's resilience. Revived wadis like Wadi Shawka and Wadi Al Qor, now with flowing water, are further signs of rejuvenation. For off-roaders and nature enthusiasts, the sight of a green desert signifies more than just visual beauty - it represents hope and renewal. This transformation serves as a touching reminder that unexpected changes can yield beauty and growth in our natural environment. "I can't hide my smile when I see a Green Desert." @DP1011 Deepak Panchariya, Expert: As an experienced off-roader, I've witnessed an incredible transformation in the UAE's off-road scene. This transformation is thanks to the UAE's dedication to ecological balance, exemplified by ongoing cloud-seeding projects and nature's support. Initially, many of us may have simply seen it as adding more greenery to the desert. However, taking a step back reveals a different perspective - the thriving desert life that these efforts nurture is truly remarkable. The UAE's expansive areas, like the pristine dunes in Qudra and Faqa, offer us a unique experience now. We can now enjoy driving through green landscapes, encountering desert wildlife, and marveling at clear dunes just at a short distance. It's a true luxury to be in this amazing country, where we can immerse ourselves in diverse natural beauty and experiences. Carnity Desert Driving Course is designed for both novice and experienced drivers seeking to explore the desert with confidence and respect for the environment. The comprehensive Masterclass covers essential topics such as sand driving techniques, vehicle preparation, navigation skills, and safety techniques. Participants learn the art of traversing challenging terrains and gain a deeper understanding of desert driving skills while respecting ecosystems and conservation principles. With expert guidance from seasoned instructors, drivers can navigate the green sand dunes and lush vegetation while minimizing environmental impact and preserving the natural beauty of the desert. As the UAE continues to attract adventurers and nature lovers seeking unparalleled experiences, Carnity remains at the forefront of desert driving education. With a focus on safety, sustainability, and immersive learning, we empower individuals to explore the wonders of the desert with the perfect blend of education, excitement, and environmental stewardship.
    8 points
  2. Hi @Ale Vallecchi @Luke K P @Aser and anyone who is interested. A brief history of my Grandfather Alexander Melvill and his involvement with the LRDG. After Schooling in South Africa he studied mine surveying and started work in the deep gold mines near Springs. After an accident where his entire crew was lost, he missed it as one of his men had left my Grandfathers plumb bob behind and he went to retrieve it. He left the mine and started work in topographic mapping, A few years later he went up to then Northern Rhodesia and worked on the Copper mines, once the Great Depression hit re was retrenched and with his pay out flew up to then Tanganika to try his luck. Here he worked on a gold mine as a mine surveyor and then did topographic mapping along the western border and into what is now the DRC. In 1936 he returned to South Africa, worked on power station construction and then as a topographic surveyor. During this time he met my Grandmother. After the outbreak of the War he volunteered and left his wife and two young boys on the family farm in South Africa. He was 1st stationed in East Africa but not long after was transferred to the 8th Army in North Africa, he was officially part of the 46 Survey group. After studying astral navigation, using a theodolite to observe the stars and give precise position coordinates, he was seconded to the LRDG. There are two missions that I have been told about in his time with the LRDG. Near Buerat in Libya he led a small group of men to obtain ground control of an area so that it could be mapped and to confirm the info received from aerial photographs. For this operation he received the Military Medal from General Montgomery. Just prior to the battle of El Alamein he mapped a route through the Qatara depression, in an area that was only accessible by using the LRDG expertise. In addition to mapping a route for the main army they surveyed enemy positions prior to the main battle of El Alamein. After the War he returned to South Africa worked as a miner, surveyor and farmer. Signed Recomendation.pdf
    5 points
  3. Dear Desertnauts Welcome to this Newbia and above drive. First note is for @James Dunlop: as an Absolute Newbie, please make sure you'll have viewed with attention the brifing attached to the drive's post, and below: For all other members ( @Andrew John Melvill, @Dariush Eghtedari, @Martin Schwaiger, @Talal H, @Vijay Cowlagi, @Matt - monkeywrench, @Nicolò, @Ahmed Wagdy, @Guido Ferriani, @Abdul Hanaan, @Damian and @Luke K P), this will (should) be a relaxing afternoon drive. We'll surely feel like we are in a desert (after all, heat is one of deserts' defining conditions), but as we progress into the afternoon, it will get much more comfortable, and we should be able to enjoy a nice sunset. A complete briefing will be given a few minutes into the drive, to familiarize everyone with basic off-roading skills and security guidelines. I will announce the convoy order just before leaving the meeting and deflation point. Please, try to arrive slightly before 3:00 PM, so we may check all the cars' conditions, help with the deflation, and insure a timely departure. Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday afternoon. Enjoy the end of the week.
    3 points
  4. Thanks Ale, can confirm that I would love to join this drive.
    2 points
  5. Hi all, has anyone got a recommendation for the following? Camping light, probably one of the telescopic ones Battery for the light, added bonus for a 3 pin inverter I'd prefer lights that aren't white, rather natural colour but I can't seem to find any I've seen a few on Amazon, but never really trust electrical products from there, hence looking for recommendations! Thanks in advance!
    1 point
  6. Dear Desertnauts almost time for the beginning of the weekend, and for our opening drive. The meeting point, just posted, will be just past an underpass on E95 Nahil Rd.. We'll briefly follow the track, before turning right into the sand, with a plan of reaching a couple of nice bowls and star dunes, on the way to our possible exit along the Sweihan-Al Ain Rd. Not much else to say about the itinerary, other than it should be around 65 Km long, and that as we cross sabkhas and taller dunes we should remain very vigilant, looking to avoid any mud patches, collapsed ridges, and breaks or holes on the dunes' slip-faces. Safety first (in case we'll encounter any of those situations, we'll keep going, speeding up the pace, and using speed as a substitute for other adrenaline-generating passages). The convoy order at the moment should be: @Marek in Second Lead @zak at #3 @lucas amat at #4 @Brett Eicher at #5 and @Hani Howeedy in Sweep. See you all tomorrow, a little before 3:00 PM. Enjoy the end of the week.
    1 point
  7. Thanks @Andrew John Melvill. I will add you. See you on Saturday
    1 point
  8. Hope I can be bumped up from the waitlist for this drive, have had to pull out of the Saturday morning Fewbie drive due to weekend ruining work commitments!
    1 point
  9. Hi @Emanuel, I would love to keep the White Rhino in the @Carnity community as it was born and raised here. If money is an obstacle at this point, we can workout a payment plan between us especially that I know you in person. The only thing I can tell you for sure is that there will be no Pajero similar to this car as no shortcuts were taken in building it. If it was not done at Al Habtoor, the modification were made at the premium garages in Dubai which usually charge 2x, 3x the market price for labor (Not allowed to name names @Gaurav ). All the mods are the highest a Pajero can have, if not custom made specifically for this car. The engine is fully stock and I did not a drill a single hole in the car, everything was carefully designed and built. This car cost me over 170K and selling it at AED 105 in 2 years time is a catch for a very lucky buyer, if interested. Hit me up if I can be of help in any way. hi Theo, I would have not let go of this car had I not found a car that ticks all the boxes that I was getting through multiple cars. I had the Jeep 392 in my sight as well as the new Toyota Tacoma TRD Pro and then suddenly I see the new Ford Ranger Raptor which combines the capabilities of the only two cars in my wishlist in one formidable truck. This Pajero was built to stay for a long time until the urges in my head won over the logical thing to do
    1 point
  10. Got me looking at this again @Mike M.! Wish I were in a position to take a serious look at the White Rhino. Amazing what you've done with her. I've been thinking about upgrades for my Pajero or moving to a more formidable off road vehicle; however, the timing isn't right at the moment. I hope someone in Carnity takes you up on this offer.
    1 point
  11. Thank you @Andrew John Melvill!
    1 point
  12. Thanks! I'll take a look
    1 point
  13. Well done @Ishak, enjoy the new level of excitement 💪
    1 point
  14. Well done @Ishak. See you on the sand soon.
    1 point
  15. Hi @JeromeFJ dropping out of this one as I’ll most likely be busy on Saturday afternoon, so don’t want to hold up a spot. Have a great one!
    0 points
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