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Everything posted by desertdude

  1. Starting to sound more like BeKar instead of Ekar !
  2. Unfortunately the old P38 is a body on ladder frame chassis with solid axels front and rear with no camber adjustments front or rear. But its worth to have to alignment and toe in and out checked. From the workshop manual here are the factory specs If everything checks out then you have a bent front axel and diff tube! Typical problem with patrols and jeeps who jump them alot in the desert LOL I'm calling this condition Ajmanitis !!!
  3. Fiats! Are you nuts, most unreliable POS ever and good luck trying to find parts if anything goes wrong and Mini is basically a BMW i.e shit and expensive to maintain. Stick with an old jap ecobox like a civic or corolla. Many for sale for 5k and under. I just saw a real nice white civic 2005 with 160k asking 5500. Buy something like that and spend another 1000 to bring it up to scratch and let the new driver have at it!
  4. Could be anything driveline related. From bearings to CV joints. Get it checked out.
  5. This is over 10 years ago. The wife had given 10 tests with Bel Hasa and kept failing. Even her instructor was bewildered as to why she was failing. So fed up decided to shift to Galadari. So went to BH to have the file transferred to Galadari, first they kept making a lot of excuses as why she shouldn't transfer. Its going to cost money, it will cause delays etc etc but once they realized our mind was made up, they said ok give us one last chance I said no I don't want her to wait another week to get a test date again, they said no worries we will fix you up for one day after tomorrow and our special instructor will take the test. And lo and behold she passed that test. Coincidence???
  6. Update : The App doesn't work, kept saying please try again later, after an hour of trying had to do it the old fashioned way at the cop shop. And everyone over there also kept advising me I should do it online and had to explain to half a dozen policemen that I tried and it don't work.
  7. This is what happens when you spend all your time in Ajman
  8. I learnt my lesson with Shj and Ajman long time ago, nowadays I try to keep as many traffic related transactions as possible out of Ajman and Shj. Last time a bus whacked my Land Cruiser parked outside my house and ran away. Took a weeks worth of running around to sort it out. And that time I really didn't even have the time. In the end I wished I hadn't reported it and just put it down to off roading battle scars. And don't worry car is leased by the company and in their name, so hence I'm not too bothered. But having said that what A.holes man! How can you almost crush someones cars and then run away like a coward without even having the decency at the very least leave your number. Now all this waste of time and expense for absolutely no fault of mine.
  9. Will try this out, just to see how well it works or doesn't work https://gulfnews.com/videos/how-to/how-to-report-accidents-with-the-dubai-police-app-1.1566376446928
  10. Ok somebody whacked into the rental sunny real good and women being women, the Mrs drove off not seeing it till the next day. Car is pretty dinged up rear tail light broken, busted bumper corner, slight ding on boot and even the quarter panel has ding in it. Either the sunny is made of paper or some truck bashed into the rear. This happened in bussiness bay dirt parking. Well ( thankfully ) its been almost two decades since I've had to get a police report. So whats the deal nowadays. Still do it the good old fashioned way of calling 999 or now as I was reading recently you have to report all minor incidents through the dubai police app or , they come have a look and give you report you get charged a 100dhs? And does anything change since its technically a hit and run. And since it being a rental regardless of whose fault it was or not we have to dish out 750 for a claim so question is do I have to pay something to get the report done or since its going to be done through an app ( I'm guessing ) it doesn't cost anything, not holding my breath on that one though.
  11. And because of this attitude artists don't make any actual money from sales and pennies from streaming. And you are the one constantly bleating on the forum that people need to pay for decent services and nothing good is for free. And then do a complete 180 that artists should spend their time money and effort into making good music with professional production values and then just give it away for free!?!?!?!? It's free to you but sponsored by advs.
  12. For some reason Ajman people like to stick to Ajman
  13. You guys do remember before we all actually did pay for our music, right! In the shape of records, tapes and CDs You guys can't be that young not to remember that!
  14. ^^^ Good advice, but you really need to know your cars in and out, have a keen eye to spot any repairs with just a quick look and know how to fix them on the cheap and even do some small DIY repairs to get a little extra profit. If you know your cars you can get some good deals because luxury cars with issues people think big money to fix to they get rid of them cheaply, but many times its just something small and simple thats where the shrewd wheeler dealer comes in who knows its not a big issue and can be sorted out on the cheap. Bought a Range Rover which the lady said wouldn't start, looked under the hood the main fan belt had broken and missing, so got a big chunk off the price on that. 80dhs belt and 30 minutes fixing it got it sorted out. Another lady with another Range Rover said there was some issue with the drive train. Saw underneath, front driveshaft missing which usually is a since of a sized viscous coupling in the transfer case. So got another big chunk off the buying price, 400dhs for used transfer case and 200dhs for a driveshaft from the scrappies and half a day at a buddies workshop and the car was up and running around perfectly. Deals are to be had but prime rule number one is buy low, never buy just a few grand short of what you think its going to sell for. But having said all that, for reasons known to everyone, its a buyers market, more cars for sale than buyers, specially with higher gas prices and expensive insurance.
  15. Last year for 6 months had a rental Yaris now swapped for a rental 2019 Sunny which I like to call the gutless wonder. The Yaris was good but didn't have during the peak summer season. Oct-March Sunny struggles a bit at peak summer midday have to keep it on full blast to keep cool. But around 4pm you can start to feel cold on the 2-3 setting. My 03 Range Rover also has a great AC. So much so during non peak summer time it's always making your knuckles freeze even at the lowest settings. I blame bad vent placement for that. My Disco 1 also had a good AC in all the and so did my 1998 Range Rover but it was a PITA to get it to top notch shape when I got it has two separate blowers controlled individually and when took me a good while to hack a good repair and trace the wiring issue on it. But once it was sorted it ran like a champ. And both these cars I never had to top up or refill the gas in all the time I owned them.
  16. Digging it, pretty snazzy from the inside and out. Would have loved to have seen a V8 in it but 400hp in a 90 will and should make it fly.
  17. Yeah thats another trick in the book, but that just get wet. With the quick radar change lane move guy gets fined. Even lead to a crash, although this time I was riding shotgun with a buddy. The overtaking lane just came to a screeching halt while he was being tailgated so did a quick flip of the steering wheel and the car behind us smashed into the car in front. Similar thing happened to me also. I was in Big Red my old Disco 1. It was night time and not busy but a tiny nissan bluebird, came up to suck on my exhaust pipe. And of course I wasn't moving. Two lane road with a bridge upfront. But up front I could see just as the bridge started to rise a dark coloured Jeep Xj had broken down and another car in front of him was helping him. In this time the sunny decided to undertake me and he pulled up beside me, he was looking at me and ready to go beserk and gunned it. I could see this will not end well. So I let go of the gas pedal. By the time I fell back and he turned to look upahead. It was too late. The guy went straight into the XJ, so hard his boot burst open and it was filled with packing peanuts. For second it snowed in Sharjah as the packing peanuts exploded out of the boot. Needless to say that Nissan Bluebird never drove on the roads of UAE again
  18. As luck would have it. Just now on the school run a AD plate came up right behind my gutless sunny which was doing 80 in a 60 zone, so already just on the radar grace line of 20 above. I trundled along then he started to flash me. I knew not too far away was a radar so decided to pull an old trick out of the hat. I didn't move until just 500 mtrs from the radar by this time the tailgater has probably lost it. So I quickly change Lanes. Hoping he guns it and gets flashed He mashed his pedal as soon as I scooched over and away he went and me anxiously waiting for the flash But Mothertrucker spotted the radar just in time and braked and I didn't see a flash. Ah well you win some and you lose some. Patrol 1 Desert Dude 0 this time round.
  19. You're starting to sound more like my Brit buddies than an Irish man. Even they stop whinging after a year or two of how things are not like back home.
  20. Well come to driving in the UAE the land of the 4x4s. Now hope you understand the aversion to small dinkys. Been driving the absolutely pathetic 2019 Sunny lately and hating it ( come so close to writing a scathing review of it here at least a dozen times ). Although I have no tailgating issues even though I am in the fast lane most of the time but doing the speed limit never over or too under. And if somebody does pull up close once in a while AND I'm doing the limit I let him enjoy seeing my ass because I don't move over. Maybe you're just too overtly sensitive, and expect the car to be a tiny dot in your rear view mirror or maybe you're just driving too slow all the time?
  21. Well shops that work in ugga dugga's also should receive payment in ugga buggas!
  22. I gotta drop my kid to school in Dubai from Sharjah. If you know the roads and even which Lanes on which roads to be on. They you'll be alright. Takes me 25 ish minutes to reach school. Earlier I use to drop my missus to work in Barsha from Sharjah. And that didn't take more than 40-45mins but I bypassed the city with what was then called the bypass road. During rush hours avoid shk Zayed, MBZ and dxb shj roads
  23. A V6 in a 4cyl is not street legal. Try swapping it out and then registering your car without pulling any strings
  24. Like that you can fit a W16 out of Veyron if you really wanted. I was talking about factory option for the earlier gens Learn to take a compliment!
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