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Posts posted by Rahimdad

  1. I don't know how I survived 3 weeks without a single drive. It wad tough, but I'm back. Excellent lead by @Gaurav bhai, excellent second lead by @Shafiq bhai, @shadow79 followed most of the instructions, while watching @Asif Hussain was like my whale watching trip in Boston. The Ford floated through the sands as a whale swims through the sea. Excellent trip with loads to do as sweep, but mind was still half asleep with just 2 hours sleep after a 14 hours flight. Well done everyone.

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  2. What a tiring week. Long hours in the office. 3pm all seems in control. 7 pm looks like I'll be out by 8pm. Bang 10 pm still in the office 11 pm meeting time. My first instinct to inform and get advise from @EmVarlet as I could not reach home, pick up my Pathfinder and reach any time before 12 midnight. With patience I got a response that they will wait for me, I was overjoyed.

    With a quick run home and reaching the meeting point just after 12 midnight I saw @EmVarlet waiting with @skumar83 and to my surprise @Gaurav bhai with his RR. No not Rolls Royce but his Range Rover. Same same. I had not had time for dinner so @EmVarlet shared an amazing sandwich with me which was completely healthy and filling. So time to deflate and head out with @EmVarlet in the lead for the first time for the entire trip.

    Understanbly nervous, but he managed to take us into some very nice area on the way to Pink Rocks, we were treated to some amazing dunes on the way and reached the play area near Pink Rocks with no fuss. Trying to touch the highest point we all made tries, undoubtedly @skumar83 Cherokee was the highest achiever. Then came a deadly combination, @Gaurav bhai with the Xterra, it seemed that it would not stop till it reached the moon and back, but to almost touch the rocks and back would be enough to earn our respect for the night.

    We had a quick chat to decide what we were going to do next and to my surprise we were planning to visit the Madam Ghost Town. After understanding to location the general consensus was to head to the bridge next to Big Red to cross over and head by track to Rifada and make our way from there. On the way we were ably lead by Emmanuel and our trusty Gaurav bhai through some awesome dunes. Upon reaching the shops at Badayer we took a short break to some delicious treats before heading out again.

    As the sun was just making it appearance we took the track to Rifada and had to negotiate some small technical and at times soft dunes where our cars just sank. Driving through the first thing to appear to us from the Ghost town was the Mosque. As we circled the area and decided to head in. We feasted our eyes on this beauty and the cameras started clicking, each getting gems from their prospective which are shared in the Gallery.

    Special thanks to Emmanuel for posting and leading his first drive and Gaurav bhai for being such a darling to be his co-driver and conclude such a wonderful time out with some great friends. I initially thought it would take a long time for me to post this trip report, but with a desert safari later on Friday I did not want to mix the 2 experiences. Hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed being on the drive. Until next time this is Rahimdad signing off.

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  3. So the start of the drive posted a very valid point. The same area again. I've been in this area several times a year in the past 10 years and it's never been a bore. Another point that came to mind was different lead, different flavour.

    One thing encouraged on this drive was for anybody to come forward and lead for as long as they are comfortable. Normal start with easy level building up but with no sticks or delays. Thanks to @sertac and @skumar83 for a wonderful sweep to keep team moving throughout. In no time we were on top of Fossil Rock and down headed to Camel Rock. As we approached Camel Rock, my second lead @EmVarlet took the lead. A little struggle with using the GPS but eventually we reached Faya lead by @EmVarlet within the shortest time ever.

    Race to the top started and eventually we all reached the top to lay our spread. Thanks to @Asif Hussain for some wonderful prawn palau and tea, @EmVarlet for some amazing treats. After the stomach was full it was time for a nap. Woken up at sunrise for an amazing view and after packing up time for the final run.

    The final run was the best part of the drive. With the sun still playing cool and the breeze being just as cool made that bit of the drive brilliant. Some amazing big rolling dunes, as we played from one dune to the next. It was pretty fast paced. In between the stubs kept us slow and cautious. But the last 15 minutes saw some huge areas to race our way to the finish line. With flags off for the last part we reached the Adnoc Petrol station to inflate and head back home.

    Surprised to see the noodles we made in the area, but these were the best noodles I ever had. Made me realize why this area never bores me. This area has everything to play and learn at the same time. Above all what makes any drive fantastic is the participants and we were absolutely blessed for this one. Missed you @Gaurav bhai.

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  4. The last few drives have been amazing but due to Ramadan the challenge of ending the drive on time due to Suhoor,. So I will make it nice and easy so that we can have a relaxed drive. The plan would be to start easy and slowly work on the toughness bit to make sure the learning curve does not stop. Furthermore, I would like to see who has grown in confidence and lead the convoy for a short while, details of which can be discussed during the driver's brief.

    When: 21 June 2018
    Meeting time: 10:45 PM, convoy will move sharp at 11 PM
    Where: Adnoc Petrol Station Maleha Road

    GPSCoordinate: https://goo.gl/maps/mzb26kxzte72

    Level of drive: Fewbie - Expert - Advance - All are welcome (absolute newbie and newbie as passengers only)
    Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance
    Plan: Night drive from Muhafiz to Camel Rock to Faya and further if time permits
    What to bring along: Loads of snacks, plenty of water - whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

    Approximate finish time: Open

    RSVP the below calendar:


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  5. The last drive was an amazing one but full of challenges, and with Gaurav Bhai's incident, I would be more comfortable with an area we have done a few time to be sure we face a little inconvenience as possible. The plan would be to start easy and slowly work on the toughness bit to make sure the learning curve does not stop.

    When: 14 June 2018
    Meeting time: 11 PM, convoy will move sharp at 11:15 PM
    Where: Adnoc Petrol Station Maleha Road

    GPS Coordinate: https://goo.gl/maps/mzb26kxzte72

    Level of drive: Absolute Newbie - Newbie - Fewbie - Expert - Advance - All are welcome
    Type of Car: Besides the Rav4 Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance
    Plan: Night drive from Mahafiz to Faya, Suhoor on top of Faya.
    What to bring along: Evening snacks, food for Suhoor, plenty of water - whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

    Approximate finish time: 5:30 am

    RSVP the below calendar:

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  6. Good day, bad day, mixed feelings. Read to the end to understand how a goid day turned bad.

    Everybody met on time and after a nice tea we were off to deflate near Bidayer. As we headed in and made it to the top of Big Red, we went through some big dunes to play around in slightly humid conditions. All of the participants managed very well all the way to Pink Rocks. We then crossed over to the other side where the dunes were even more challenging, but everyone performed well.

    The dunes formation was very challenging which added to the fun. Moreover @EmVarlet my second lead, @Shafiq, @sertac, @Gaurav and @skumar83 my trusted sweep team did extremely well and kept the convoy moving at all times. Soon we reached Big Fall where we lay our spread just in time to have our Suhoor. By chance @Gaurav and I got the same dish. There was plenty to go around and plenty time to enjoy.

    As the Fair Azaan was sounded we cleared up with everyone wanting to continue. We crossed over and headed to Faya where we played for sometime before we moved on to Fossil Rocks. Here we were treated with loads of bushes which I'm not so comfortable with, but given the terrain everyone showed a lot of patience and managed very well. Once on top of Fossil Rocks the challenge of the rocks was missing as the track was covered with sand.

    As we came down and heading out we all tried our luck and played around the front face of Fossil Rocks. With the sun making an appearance and things supposed to get heated up we decided to head out. At around half way mark the radio sounded that Gaurav bhai's faithful Pair to switched itself off. After waiting for a while we headed back. We tried everything from the air intake to the fuel supply to the sparks, everything seemed to be OK but it would not start. With the sun peaking now and all efforts failing we decided to tow it out. It was a difficult task but with great support from @EmVarlet we found an excellent path and were out without any hiccups.

    A great night turned sad with @Gaurav bhai's trusted Pajero leaving on a flat bed. Today I was made to realize the severity of the situation as confirmed that the engine is fried. We wish Gaurav bhai and his Pajero a speedy recovery as we cannot stay long without them. Until next time this is Rahimdad signing off.

    • Sad (0) 4
  7. After experiencing an amazing drive last Thursday night in excellent weather, we like to replicate another Suhoor night drive to enjoy the drive and eating together but in a different area - Bidayer to Pink Rocks to Big Fall and if time permits to either Fossil Rocks or Faya.

    This area offers all level terrain in some easy to medium size rolling dunes, and we expect to finish on some tall dune to enjoy suhoor with good breeze and company.

    When: 7 June 2018, Thursday
    Meeting time: 11 PM, convoy will move sharp at 11:15 PM
    Where: Old Emarat Petrol Station at Lahbab R/A

    GPS Coordinate: https://goo.gl/maps/gQd1UszDdSG2

    Level of drive: Absolute Newbie - Newbie - Fewbie - Expert - Advance - All are welcome
    Type of Car: Any proper 4x4 with front and back tow hooks and 10 inches of ground clearance
    Plan: Night drive from Bidayer to Pink rock to Big Fall and end at Fossil Rocks or Faya as time permits and enjoy Suhoor together.
    What to bring along: Evening snacks, food for Suhoor, plenty of water - whatever you like with little extra to share, water, liquids, smiles, stories, enthusiasm and willingness to learn.

    Approximate finish time: 4 AM, 8 June 2018. Friday


    List your name and mobile number in this drive thread and RSVP the below calendar:



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  8. Thank you @Gaurav bhai for posting this one. It was a one to remember for a long time. Thanks to @sertac, @skumar83, @Asif Hussain and @Shafiq for joining and making this night a wonderful experience.

    We started a bit late as I got delayed and my sincere apologies to all on the drive. We started in high spirits and that set the tone for the rest of the drive. With Gaurav bhai in the lead, Sri taking second lead, followed by Asif bhai, Shafiq bhai, Sertac bhai helping me with sweep duties. We started on a fairly easy track but slowly and gradually picked up the level as everybody got comfortable.as we wondered from one dune to the next with plenty of action we did not realize how quickly we had reached the Pink Rocks. After a little play round including a great try by Shafiq we were off to the other side and heading towards to Big Red.

    Gaurav bhai continued through some awesome set of dunes as we headed deeper and higher. At one point it seemed we would run out of time so we made our way to the tracks below and reached the base of Big Red with time for everyone to have a try on the front face. First up was Gaurav bhai, followed by Sri, Shafiq, Sertac and with Asif bhai making it to the top on the front face it was my turn. I had a couple of refusals and it was time to try out in low gear. Sure I reached the top, but with a little adjustment it was time to take it one notch up. With my car roaring in first gear low it just crossed the finish line to setup and start on our Suhoor.

    With loads of good food and awesome stories it was time to close our Suhoor and the beginning of another day of fast. We decided to head back in for about 30 minutes. But soon back into the drive I started feeling uncomfortable and had to head out. Everyone was really supportive as they decided to continue. I headed out and let everybody know I was safely out and headed home after a quick inflation. I will let somebody who continued tell the rest of the story, but Sertac has posted the video which is better than the thousand words I've just written.

    In all I was the last to reach and first to leave. Need to be on my A game next week. See you all then. Stay safe.

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  9. @desertdude whatever you've done or achieved is only known here partially by 2 people. Since you have already retired and no longer come out the rest only know your feats from what you have to say. And actions do speak louder than words. What you said rightly was the fact that it was your job, but this is our hobby, maybe that's why we have a different mind set. What @shadow79 pointed out at having each other's back is part of our experiences together. It was all safely managed as we kept checking every half an hour on the remaining belt and I think if you had been there you would have gone with the flow too.

    End off....

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