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Why people punish with tailgating and then hard braking


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I always wonder why drivers in Dubai do the hard tailgating and once they get chance to pass, they come in front and brake hard in front of you and leave.


Why do you punish others who abide the speed limit and cant go above speed limit for the sake of law/safety/fines.


Not everyone is like you:

  • Who doesn't care of fines as you are rich.
  • Who doosn't care about law, as you have good wasta (contacts).
  • Who doesn't care about safety as you think your car is very strong (unbreakable).

Most of the Nissan Patrol and some sports cars in today's road demonstrate such behavior and I seriously want to understand what exactly they want from others....? Please help.

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No offence, may be you drive slow in fast lane means lot of people here stick to precise speed limit and sometime slightly under the speed limit, like on the road of 100 they will drive at 95-98. However not many people know that on road of 100 you can drive in between 100-120 and at 121 radar will get clicked not at 100. This grace speed of 20 kmph makes many people confuse and cause more trouble than any gain.

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Of course we all know that 20 kmph is grace before camera clicks. No brainier.

btw I don't drive like grandma in fast lane, I stick to 118 on the road of 100 and that 2 kmph shouldn't make that hell of a difference.

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Another part that you might not know as many here don't know. Even if you are at 118 and someone comes close to you from behind and lane in front of you is empty YOU HAVE TO MOVE AWAY, even if you are at 200 speed.

This law/rule is made for handling emergencies only, Imagine someone house is on fire or his pregnant wife is in pain who will abide the speed limit....?


However, that said I also agree that plenty or majority of folks here abuse this rule for the sake of fun and then stop for hours in front of cafeteria and having tea and smoke. Simply lacks the maturity.

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Well said Kasim +1


Especially dumb ass who comes in front and brake hard is not an emergency case for sure.

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Lane manners: You can drive in any lane you wish at any speed, but if next right lane is empty you need to move in that lane.


If everyone follow above lane manners then majority of problems will get solved automatically. I have seen people here cutting across 4 lanes in one shot that too without indicator, so expecting this far is totally impossible.

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