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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2020 in Posts

  1. Night Drives Might Give you Nightmares So this is put up front and clear, @Jeepie, who led the majority of the drive (in daylight yesterday) did a great job. It was challenging, careful, playful and everyone was doing incredibly well in the conditions. Remember, this was the return match of Carnity and Iftar Bowl that had (well, it’s too harsh to say it had been ‘lost’ the week before) been a challenge. Starting from close to the bowl and not the treacherous sands of Badayer the drive was smooth @Foxtrot Oscar commanding in second lead and @Emmanuel sweeping. With @Vanessa8580 shoring up the middle of the drive it was all going swimmingly well – and that’s from the perspective of the passenger of the car for the whole of the drive during the daytime drive. Apart from a few stucks and recoveries there we no major mishaps and I give credit to @Jeepie for the cool head and decision making that kept everything moving, allowed for playtime and avoided the lunatics crossing our path and track with not a thought for safety. The sand was soft, and that’s not an easy place in which to lead at the best of times. This drive description did promise a Night Drive element. Indeed, when the ‘night’ element was announced it was planned as an ‘easy’ exit to let everyone get the feel for night driving. Exiting at close to 10.30pm was not the plan. So here’s the thing, there’s a very fine line between Exciting and Exiting. Perhaps the sand had misheard ‘Now we need to Exit’ and thought they heard, ‘Now we need to Excite?’ For some of us, the challenge in any drive is not just getting the vehicle from A - B. Most of the time that is quite simple. I love solving puzzles and there’s a degree of satisfaction that comes from looking at a situation, assessing and solving the puzzle that I really enjoy. Last night put that theory to the test, and while I arrived home with more sand in my shoes than ever, and every part of me was covered in sand, sweat and muscles ached from digging (and yes, we did dig a bit yesterday), it was a great drive. @Jeepie had given us the first course, the night gave us the second … and the TV last night was lousy, so why would I want to get back home any earlier! Having said that. I am not in charge of this club, but here’s my plea which I hope will be hear by those who are. If think it’s OK to turn up to a drive without the simplest most basic equipment (and it’s clearly stated what you need to have with you when you get promoted to be a Fewbie) I don’t. And you should not be allowed on a drive if you turn up unprepared. Poor tow points can seriously damage. We were incredibly lucky yesterday that the tow point that sheared during the drive did nothing more (!) than cosmetic damage. If your tow points don’t work then you’ll need to shovel: WHICH MEANS YOU NEED TO HAVE A SHOVEL IN YOUR CAR. Everyone else, congratulations for making it a memorable drive and the people who helped so much during the evening. Thanks. I t could not have been done without you. See you soon in the sand.
    11 points
  2. Seems like it was quite a challenging night. But congratulations to the entire convoy and especially to the senior members @Emmanuel @Wrangeld @Jeepie @Vanessa8580 @Foxtrot Oscar for keeping their cool and getting everyone out safely even though it was beyond schedule. And you are right @Wrangeld, its absolutely unacceptable that drivers turn up for drives without the mandatory gear. Shovel is a mandatory gear right from a Newbie level onwards and its the cheapest recovery tool that one can buy. But despite repeatedly stating to come prepared, people come unprepared. Moving forward, I propose that the trip lead and Marshal check prior to drive starting whether the drivers have the proper recovery gear as per their designation and if found inadequate, the trip lead has the right to send them back. Regarding the tow point failure, it was truly our lucky day that there was no physical injury. Tow point failure is extremely serious and especially if its going to come flying off so easily on a gentle tug. During all our briefings, we have repeatedly stated that its important to keep checking the condition of your tow point every few months and especially after some extreme tugging. Its a 15 mins job at any garage, so everyone please take the effort of doing the check. Yesterday would have been a good learning ground and hopefully our members become more serious about such basic requirements.
    10 points
  3. Thanks to @Jeepie @Wrangeld and @Emmanuel for leading us through dune after dune yesterday! While the going was tough for the convoy at some stages, we all made it out safely and with a lot of learning under the belt. A huge shoutout also to @Rinelle Sanaani and @Tbone - we have been riding together at the back for a few trips now, and, while the tough bits are well churned-up by the time we arrive, they seem to handle all with ease! And they are always willing to jump in and help with the shoveling and pushing!
    8 points
  4. Our newbie drive today... Our drive today started nice and early with quite a lot of side sloppings which were really enjoyable and technical as well. We then proceeded to more and more ascending and steeper slopes some which i managed and some which i got some refusals and attempted again successfully. As a second lead, @Gregory Perkin driving ahead of me did a fantastic job in keeping the convoy on standby whenever @Gaurav had to reroute or the terrain was not as good to proceed with. We then proceeded to some criss crossing dunes and again i managed some and i finally got stuck (like a nasty one🤪) when nobody was expecting it, as the drive was going on really smoothly. Since self-recovery and recovery even by shoveling didn't work, tow rope recovery was the only option. @Gaurav then involved @Colin Jordan and @Matti Brockman for them to know how to handle the tow rope recovery. @Anish S and @Matti Brockman really had to keep on shovelling as the car was digging and we move a bit and we dig in more whilst @Colin Jordan was towing my car from his car. Am out of words to praise @Gaurav's leadership here and the team effort, it is really beyond! thank you so much guys. (In this case we also met one of the purposes of the drive which was the training of tow rope recovery😉) Not over yet! After my nasty stuck, i got like crusted stucks where only towing could help. Thanks to @Matti Brockman and @Gaurav who got me out and then we managed our way ahead. Also today, my car was getting overheated so twice we had to kind of cool it down with water which we learnt from @Gaurav today. As we proceeded to a more tricky area i was getting refusals and @Anish S got us out eventually. Continuing our drive actually became slightly more challenging as the night falls but it looks really nice and there's a nice breeze which can enjoy. Also watching the fewbie and above at the play area at pink rock was really nice with the lights. The other carnity convoys was also there and was great to see @Rahimdad for a few minutes. Thank you the rest of the team as well for doing a great job and fantastic drive today...!
    8 points
  5. It was my first drive in as sweeper. Even though there was a responsibility on my shoulder, I enjoyed even more then usual drives. I guess responsibility made an positive impact on enjoyment. I had the chance to compare between my old drives which I attended as a regular driver and this one with as a sweeper, I realized how much effort and energy are being spent on organizing these drives. So once again thanks to all marshalls and senior drivers!! Thank you @Ale Vallecchi, for considering me as sweeper and thanks @Vanessa8580 for your help. I hope I've provided what is expected from me. Route was amazing it felt like two different drives combined together. First half was tough and challenging, second half was technical and fun. Lastly, I feel like in 10 years time there will be no desert in UAE, those plants! They are getting more & more every day. It's good for climate change but bad for sand surfers Hope to see everyone next week!
    7 points
  6. Fortunately or unfortunately we in the front half of the convoy ( No 2,3,4 and 5) missed all the action happening at the back towards the end as we waited for you all to get out of the situation, while enjoying the breeze in the moonlight (looking at the positive aspect ). Well done all of you👍
    7 points
  7. @Kalahari thank u so much sir.. weve been riding alot of trails together .. its either u or me in front of each other.. i always enjoy watching and learning from u..
    7 points
  8. Comletely agree with you @Kalahari and I was going to give you a shout out. Considering how churned up everything was at the end of the convoy it's testament to the team work of the three of you @Rinelle Sanaani and @Tbone and how you were relly looking out for each other that there was only one moment when you needed a little bit of help. And, invaluable, both digging pushing and pulling from you guys - if you had not done that, we might still be there today! Hoping that soon we will be putting you closer to the front to have you second lead or support on the recoveries.
    7 points
  9. 6 points
  10. Many thanks to @Jeepie for once again leading us through the desert and choosing a fantastic route with many challenges and lots of fun play areas. With every drive I learn more and more As darkness fell the challenge increased exponentially. The dunes that lay ahead were technically difficult , thankfully we had the Dune Whisperer @Emmanuel to lead us through this very challenging part of the drive. It was difficult trying to keep distance in order to reroute if necessary whilst maintaining a close enough distance to keep eyes on the lead, I relished the challenge.However, I didn't relish the 'pop out'. Things you think will never happen to you and then....the thing is it was so innocuous , I was driving fine and then came the wobble on the steering wheel. Again a huge thanks to @Jeepie , @Wrangeld @Emmanuel and @Vanessa8580 for their assistance in resolving the issue. I think all on the drive coped remarkably well with the night section and its a credit to those who are brave enough to lead and sweep , the ones who double back to check on us all and constantly provide advice as well as much needed reassurance Thank you
    6 points
  11. Nice Drive @Ale Vallecchi and thanks for the multiple hill climbs and sideys workouts . A drive with no stucks and no tugging - good support from @Vanessa8580 and @Denizzalbayrak . Everyone drove like pros but unfortunate for @asifk. Next time ! As usual video below and pics in the gallery XiaoYing_Video_1593801197396_312x240.mp4
    6 points
  12. What you all have gone through yesterday was a part and parcel of the infamous Shuwaib area that start right behind Iftar bowl and spans to few kms with treacherous vast desert. I wont say this area is jinxed as many offroaders of my era use to call it, but this area is well known among offroaders community to test your patience, skills and teamwork. We have had endless incidents and issues in the same area that whenever we step there, we know that we are going to get into some serious action today. It's very unfortunate of tow hook breaking due to sheer negligence as it broke with gentle tug, that means it has never been checked properly for integrity before. @Srikumar and @Wrangeld every promotion thread has this line, so now it's time to implement firmly and start sending drivers back, who don't understand the importance of acquiring off-road gear as basic as shovel. @Jeepie heartiest congratulation on successfully completing your first independent drive lead under Marshal supervision and that too in such a tricky terrain plus without any prior navigational research and planning. Really well done. It is so nice to read that we have so many great contributors and team player than just silent observers who stand up to the occasion to help and support when the need arise. Well done @Kalahari, @Tbone and @Rinelle Sanaani
    5 points
  13. @Ale Vallecchi thank u so much for the oppurtunity , to watch u first hand on how well u planned and execute a great lead.. ur a REAL ALPHA WOLF... It was really fun from the start... it was like a hyperadrenaline joy ride thru ur RUMBLE OF THE JUNGLE..
    5 points
  14. Just home from this gripping drive!.. well what I realized is that this sport gets serious and tough as you progress and do more. Kudos to @Emmanuel and @Wrangeld who were literally drenched in sweat fixing pop outs, managing tugs and stuck situations. All drivers too did very well trying their best to keep up the pace and technicality. @Jeepie,@Vanessa8580 thanks for your support... relax and get ready to sweat it out next week friends. Some images uploaded in gallery.
    5 points
  15. Thank you @Ale Vallecchi @Vanessa8580 @Denizzalbayrak . My very first Fewbie drive and it was a wonderful experience.
    5 points
  16. Well done @Ale Vallecchi you finally got the award of "Boring Drives" without any stuck and tow rope. It should probably be the highest award for any trip lead, but we don't recognize that as we love getting stuck to learn new stuff, lolololol. Really well done Ale, for perfect planning and leading the whole convoy with good pace, excitement and safety. @J J you are fantastic in giving rightful tribute to Ale with Ale Ale Ale Ale song in your drive video. Very creative.
    4 points
  17. Cooling system overheating on tarmac is a sign of overall cooling system inefficiency. My best guess is probably it has some air pocket as you mentioned recently topped up with new coolant, so probably mechanic didn't bleed the air bubbles out. You should do this first by yourself. Open the radiator cap when car is completely cold, top up the coolant in radiator if it's low, then start the car and let little bit of coolant overflow from the open radiator cap. This way some air bubbles might escape the cooling system. Ideally less than 5 min with open radiator gap is good enough and then close the cap. And drive for 30 minutes to let jeep reach its ideal temperature and then switch off the car. Let it cool off for an hour or two, do again same exercise for 2 or 3 times until air bubble stop coming out from the open radiator cap. P.S. If too much coolant comes out as soon you start the car, switch off and show it to mechanic, there is something more serious that need to be checked with "competent" mechanic. P.S. 2. NEVER EVER open radiator cap when car is hot. Let car sit for an hour or two before opening the radiator cap. If after this bleeding the coolant system, still car overheat on the tarmac, let us know how high it goes. Ideal Jeep wrangler sits at 200 degrees Fahrenheit = 98.8 degrees Celsius. Little movement (upto 10%) with AC on while slow speed in this peak summer is borderline acceptable,if it shoots beyond 10%, do not drive. Check without AC while on tarmac if it stays fine then it needs better air circulation and need additional fan. I guess @Wrangeld recently got AUX fan installed, so do the same from any workshop near you. It's the easiest and fastest fix. Secondly, you can get the viscose clutch fan direct by some turning guy, so it will always run at idle rpm and providing better cooling.
    3 points
  18. If in 4000kms you haven't seen the coolant level drop than most probably you don't have a leak. And dont use any junk in your radiator unless it's an emergency patch up to get home in a fix That thing will circulate in your entire cooling system possibly clogging up your engine water galleries, radiator, water pump etc etc
    3 points
  19. Radiator stop leak can cause more problems than it cures sometimes. I had to take the dashboard out of a LandCruiser a while back to replace the heater matrix after the owner put 2 bottles of stop leak in and clogged up the cooling system. If you can’t see any signs of leakage but you believe there is a leak, you need to use a pressure tester and put 10-12 psi in the system and monitor it for pressure loss over a period of time. If the pressure drops, you can start inspecting to see where the coolant is escaping from. Any coolant leak should be sorted straight away as it could result in loss of pressure leading to overheating.
    3 points
  20. Great drive, amazing reading of convoy level of confidence from @Srikumar. Started easy and lifted the level little by little as drivers confidence increased. Definitely a good and enjoyable newbie drive, some refusals and stucks here and there always happily and efficiently solved with the help of @Srikumar and @sertac. Any stuck and refusal teaches something and they are definitely part of any drive! At the beginning sand seemed to be quite hard with dunes shaped by the wind blowing the couple of days before the drive, while it became softer as the drive progressed. All in all yet another great experience, thank you to all the participants and see you next time! Some pictures and a video here as usual.
    3 points
  21. Drive Report @IMAMP @Remco Snoek @Jeffrey Osito Pilgreen @Martin. thank you all for joining sweihan drive. It was pleasent morning and we all reached on time, deflated and started to explore the dunes without wasting time. We entered the dunes from a different side today and had to tackle lot of pockets one after other. Keeping @Jeffrey Osito Pilgreen driving his whale GMC canyon in mind I decided to leave that area and drive down side towards naqrah dune where there are huges set of long range dunes. I slowly started to increase the pace and everyone drove well and where upto the mark. We kept moving with ridge riding and sideys whatever came in our path. At one moment I crossed a ridge and waited for others to cross and I was watching one by one. @Jeffrey Osito Pilgreen did perfect crossing and stopped at 20 to 30deg angle and I was guiding him to steer right and come down but he was not moving and I heard him saying my air bags. GMC canyon side air bags beployed and his car stalled. We had to reset the computer to bring it on flat track. Without wasting time we cleared all the bags which was blocking the side views and Jeffery decide to exit. We dropped him to nearest exit and continued our drive. We had few refusals and few stucks today. @Remco Snoek you had done a brilliant recovery of @IMAMP at soft patch and my recovery twice. @Martin. you had done a brilliant sweep duty. @IMAMP &@Jeffrey Osito Pilgreen you guys drove amazing. Jeffrey hope you will fix your ride and join us soon. Install a kill switch or locate the exact fuse location to diactivate airbags by removing before the drive. We always mention in our newbie briefing to disable all the traction aids and air bags. Side airbags are designed to deploy at certain degree impact. Cars equipped with side air bags must disable them before you start off-roading. Sometimes airbag sensors senses the impact and triggers. It was nice day out. See you all soon. VID_20200704005702.mp4
    3 points
  22. Wow @J J where did you find the Fiorentina's audio?!?!? That's great! Thanks a lot, and see you soon.
    3 points
  23. Trip report from my eye. It was an amazing drive. Everyone was there on time. We started after checking all the cars tire pressures and hooks. A small brief was given by Sri and he ask few questions to make sure everyone watch the newbie brief video. Sri really knows how to build the pace. Today i am sure our absolute newbies learned a lot. They learned how to go strait up and straight down. They learned how to do small side slopes. They learned how to deal with refusals and they learned how to deal with stucks. I saw some people had struggle at the beginning but with time everyone warmed up and they followed the convoy perfectly. Very big thanks to @Srikumar for great lead. @paolo dassi showed his talent as 2th lead. He did the right moves to keep the convoy safe. Thanks to all participants for this great drive.
    3 points
  24. @Frederic, @Jorge Stepniak Felippe, @Wrangeld, thank you so much for organizing such a great off road trip today, I really enjoyed and learned a lot. thank you everyone and see you soon again. as usual here you go with short video of our activities today 😊😊
    3 points
  25. Very big appreciation to @Ale Vallecchi for todays drive where he very well managed and took us in a new route with well planned, you did a grate job without even a single stuck and very few refusal. I really like the way you rerouted us in a safe patch. Really enjoyed the play area with 3 adjacent slopes. @Vanessa8580 and @Denizzalbayrak did a grate job to manage the convey through out the drive. See you all soon. Picture uploaded in gallery.
    3 points
  26. Thanks for wonderful and detailed trip report @Veedooshee. You and @VipinShetty really surprised me yesterday as being two new newbies with relatively heavier car failed to get crested in the whole drive, where I was waiting for an excuse to teach Matti and Colin. Of course @Carlos Fernandez being slightly older newbie and with SWB wrangler has no chance of stuck if you two in front are doing so good in flattening all the crest. Luckily and thankfully you gave all of us that one moment to train and then plenty more to revise it properly, lol. Everyone drove very nice and hope everyone enjoyed the lead too with a tiny twist of night drive. Thanks @Gregory Perkin for the responsible second lead. Thanks @Nacho and @E.C. TAN for amazing sweep and keep on updating me of the drive progress. Thanks @Colin Jordan for center forward, you had a very nice questions on tow rope recovery and that's how one should reason out things while learning to understand fully. Your tow rope and shackles are good, let's start putting them to good use now. Thanks @Matti Brockman for second center forward and plenty of digging and tugging support, please sort your shackles as your rope is perfect. And keep using them more often to advance your learning.
    2 points
  27. I highly agree with @Barry and @desertdude on not using any stop leak thing in cooling system. And let same or other mechanic diagnose it 100% about the coolant leak, as in present summer all engine coolant system are working in 200% capacity to keep engine cool and smallest leak can be fatal on your next drive. So please do not ignore or prolong such maintenance, it might be very pricey if you cook your engine.
    2 points
  28. It all comes down to how lucky you’re feeling and how many times you prayed that day.
    2 points
  29. Thank you all for a great morning in the desert! @Frederic showed his skills of getting unstuck and was great to be able to help the convoy use the easier path. I was surpoprised that for the first 2 hours I could ride with the windows open...it is a very different experience and nothing like an afternoon nap to recover from the short night sleep We covered 36km and did some serious dune climbing to test our cars' limits @Wrangeld your Jeep is great and so compact. Thanks for all the help @George Francis sorry that we were too fast at times, I was keeping my eye on you and Frederic enjoy your Saturday
    2 points
  30. @J J you are making me feel like being in love with the desert and off roading. Nice video.
    2 points
  31. a little bird told me .. tons of them in YouTube ! See u soon. Cheers.
    2 points
  32. I do hope so. Trouble is, as you well know, that the sooo many bushes don't show in the maps, and really change the landscape, forcing changes to the original plan that sometimes are not optimal. But we all managed well, and learned some more.
    2 points
  33. What a fantastic drive report and seeing Vanessa coming home with a smile after such a great drive means your preparation and planning really paid off !
    2 points
  34. Dear fellow Desernauts. To paraphrase @Wrangeld Richard’s report titles, I guess we should call this one “The Rumble in the Jungle”. I don’t know you, but I have never seen any desert in such green and lush conditions. That cloud seeding is certainly working, to the benefit of the citizens and residents, yet to the detriment of the off-roading community. Having escaped successfully from Mahafiz’s jungle (and to a lesser extent that around Fossil Rock), I’ll have to mow the lawn trapped under the car If I want to be able to drive without literally sweeping Dubai’s highways. Backtracking to the beginning of the drive, first of all, a commendation to all drivers for their timely (or in most cases, even early) arrival. After an unhurried deflation, we proceeded to move in the following order: @Rinelle Sanaani for his first second lead, diligently and patiently executed, @asifk doing great until his car experienced transmission issues (luckily resolved) which forced him to exit prematurely, @Shiju Manuel @RohanH, @Jolly Abraham and @J J, driving with poise and control in spite of the tricky terrain, @Vanessa8580 dominating the convoy, covering its length to help direct the occasional refusal, @Najeeb Mohammed much improved in extracting the power under his FJ’s hood, @Chaitanya D totally enjoying his new desert toy, @Anish S, overcoming a cooling issue to finish the drive in perfect conditions, @Tbone and @Janarthan navigating as a perfectly synchronized pair, and finally @Denizzalbayrak, who swept the convoy with exceptional control, lending his precious help to Vanessa in sorting out some refusals. The great news is that, in spite of some challenges that the bushy and very technical environment threw at me (and I, in turn, threw back at the convoy), it’s the first ever drive that I have done, ever, with no stucks. Truly amazing, guys (and girl)!! So, what else did we do? We started backward from the usual itinerary, to exploit the cooler air and sand to scale Faya’s first wall (as Faya has many, most of which were to be conquered later in the day by @Javier M's convoy). Not everybody made it to the top: unfortunately, the Pajero contingent had some issues with engine power and shifting gears (following which Vanessa will ask Fred for a new car). Nonetheless, everybody truly enjoyed the sideys on Faya’s second high slope, which most did twice, with great control. And, very importantly, we all enjoyed the sunrise while driving away from Faya, toward Camel Rock and then Fossil Rock. Here we found some very soft sand, which forced us to pause for a few minutes, to cool a few engines off and check the tires’ pressure. Finally, we managed to descend from Fossil Rock toward the pylons, where some of the cars almost crossed paths with @Frederic's convoy, running on the opposite Mahafiz-to-Faya lane. En-route to Mahafiz, we paid a mandatory visit to what are now known as @Gaurav's Slopes”: a play area with a set of 3 adjacent slopes, which all cars drove twice, to everybody’s satisfaction. As the vegetation became denser as we were approaching our exit point, we still managed to side slope a few more dunes, adding some criss-crossing to the challenge. We all arrived safe and sound at the exit point, which was none other than the group of trees where we usually deflate when doing the opposite route. The drive, started at 5:21AM, took us 4 hours and 1 minute, at an average speed of 11Km/H, with 141 meters of altitude gradient. That’s all from the Rumble in the Jungle. Have a great week-end and see you soon.
    2 points
  35. TRIP REPORT Due to COVID-19, it's been a while since we had so many fresh faces on a drive and hence I was pretty excited for this drive. It's wonderful that there is a trend of being at the meeting point on or before the scheduled time. It was also good to see that those who brought radios had taken the effort to program them before the drive. After a quick introduction and brief for the Absolute Newbies we started moving. @paolo dassi was my second lead and he did a splendid job of following instructions, responding clearly and keeping adequate gap incase of any route correction. @Islam Solimanhad a real challenge today in getting to know his monstrous GMC Yukon. But as the drive progressed you could see the confidence and better throttle control. Well done as that is certainly not an easy car to drive on the sand. As mentioned I strongly recommend that you remove the Air Dam (Lower Front bumper extension) so that you have better approach angles for future drives. @Biju Abdul had joined with his FJ and I hardly heard anything from him, even in the form of a refusal. Bravo. @Anam Fatima managed herself pretty well and the number of refusals kept reducing as the drive was progressing. It's a sign of growing confidence and better control. However, for the next drive please ensure that you have proper rated tow points at the front. Even though you have a metal bumper which is bolted onto the chassis, it will most likely not be accepted by the lead on the next drive. @David Ortells and @Edgar had absolutely no issues at the back of the convoy and were nicely gliding through the dunes with a lot of ease. And finally big thanks to @sertac for supporting the drive and to be more than willing to help recover some of the stuck vehicles when needed. Hope you guys had a good drive, for I most certainly did. See you next time
    2 points
  36. Thank you everyone for the successful drive, we had no stucks but few refusals that was successfully recovered with the guidance of @Ale VallecchiVallecchi @Vanessa8580 @Denizzalbayrak...there was no need for tow rope, n not even shovel actually. Under the leadership of @Ale VallecchiVallecchi, it was a great opportunity to learn different new techniques since the drive was technical and challenging. @Vanessa8580 did an amazing job as always and today in the middle of the convoy she ensured communication is effective and she kept the convoy together running up and down assisting us. @Denizzalbayrak our sweeper had a tricky job and he did amazingly well...he also helped me when I got refusals and provide valuable guidance to recover and also adviced rerouting when needed. I was driving behind Dr. @Chaitanya D and It was obvious that he is now very comfortable with the Xterra n I can see massive progress. When the track was getting messed up, it was so nice to see him taking the initiative to do minor rerouting and changes to tackle the dunes better. Keep it up...
    2 points
  37. I guess the only reason I’m still here is because I spent most of my time in the garage fixing my crappy broken cars instead of driving them. Funny story time. I bought a 1.1 205 just for scooting to work and back when I was building my Subaru. I don’t remember if it was a 1.0 or a 1.1 but it was a clean 2 door shell so I cut the front springs, reset the rear torsion bars and threw a gti body kit and wheels on it. It looked good for what it was. Anyway, I was doing stuff I probably shouldn’t have been doing with this girl at a party and she had no way of getting home so I volunteered to drop her off in the next town. I was driving at 85 just to get rid of her as fast as I could, she wasn’t very nice. I saw the blue lights in my rear view mirror so I pulled over. The cop walked up and tapped my window and I rolled it down. He asked me why I was doing 85. I apologised and said I’m sorry officer, that’s as fast as this car would go. He booked me on the spot. Apparently police are born without a sense of humour.
    2 points
  38. I got my tiny lightbar installed. I am ready for darkness. It looks like an Inspector mustache though 😄😄
    2 points
  39. I imagine this road would be fun to drive on Dubai style. Sending it in a Sunny with a white Patrol 2 inches off your back bumper flashing the headlights. It’s not a limit, it’s a target and don’t forget the 20 kph buffer if you don’t want to be pushed out of the way.
    1 point
  40. @desertdude it's an industry MYTH that you are referring to and I have done my extensive research based on calculations and data before suggesting this. Viscose clutch fan direct will take max 2-5 hp additional and won't scream or howl as you are mentioning. I am using direct clutch fan since 5 years, especially for off-road vehicle with older cars - that's the bestest and bomb proof solution to keep borderline 4x4 run cooler. On the contrary 4x4 will loose tremendous HP if its overheating or "RUNNING WARM" as oppose to less 2-5 HP used by clutch fan. Bigger tires probably slows down more by adding several kg extra weight on all 4 axles than this clutch fan load. Offroad tires makes more noise on highway than this fan clutch howling (so called). I was like you too scared of all these before going this route and I havent "noticed" any big change in noise level or climbing faya from front face, before and after this change.
    1 point
  41. Is it overheating or running hot? 2 different things.
    1 point
  42. 1 point
  43. ... and this is the distinguishing benefit of a drive with @Yousef Alimadadi
    1 point
  44. Great @asifk. First of all, very good news that the car functions well. I do believe the decision was for the best, just in case. You will be back on the sand in no time. And it's great that you managed to get some extra action, while (most importantly) literally saving the poor couple from a sun stroke, and possibly a damaged car. Well done!!!
    1 point
  45. Well done @asifk that’s one of the things we always preach to help out others and especially now you have obtained the skills to do so !
    1 point
  46. Your radiator can be clogged. Flushing it is not helping sometimes you need to change it.
    1 point
  47. Hi @Lucky sAm, as you have signed up so late at 9 PM on Thursday when drive RSVP has closed in the morning at 9 AM. Your name has been removed from the calendar. Please try to sign up early next week, and if the drive is full, leave a note on the drive thread to a waitlist in case anyone signs out last minute.
    1 point
  48. @Emmanuel I have just sing up for this drive. I don't have additional light on my car.Hope its OK to drive with regular headlights for this level of drive. Please Advise..
    1 point
  49. We have lost two carnity spare radio's one with sticker at the back and one without it. Both are Motorola MT777, if anyone finds it please return it to any of the Marshal or your trip lead. Thanks in advance.
    1 point
  50. @Emmanuel I will unsubscribe, no problem at all, as these are the rules 😥. I indeed do not have enough fewbie drives with Carnity, that's correct, even though it should be said that, with the latest ones done with other groups last saturday, I have totaled 18 drives (335km on the sand) since Feb' 20. Enjoy the ride and see you next time.
    1 point
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