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  1. Tricky Drive It was very nice to start the drive earlier, i think it would be better for all evening drive to start @16:30 so that we get more time on the wheel. It was a fantastic drive led and managed by @Ale Vallecchi @Frederic @Wrangeld. It was great to have information provided by @Ale Vallecchi as a foretaste where the expectation was set well in advance and made us mentally prepared. It was a goal achieved for all of us. The tricky terrain made the drive more interesting where we had opportunities to learn how to manoeuvre a different nature of sand and dunes, we also had the chance to do some ridge riding and criss cross...Luckily this week as well, i got the privilege to drive behind one of the most skilled senior member @Frederic, it is really gainful and enriching to attentively observe highly experienced driver and again i made the most it. Lesson learned from today's drive is refreshed knowledge on ridge ride and criss cross which was briefed and explained by the leader @Ale Vallecchi. Secondly, it was enhancing to learn how to navigate through soft sand though I got stuck twice. The first one was actually after i self-recovered from a refusal and i reversed to gain some more momentum when i found myself in super soft sand. My second stuck was also when i lost momentum and i was trying to descend and found myself in another soft sand pocket. Thanks to @Frederic assistance and @Wrangeld guidance, i was able to be back on track. Eventually, it makes me more confident to tackle such circumstance in future. Understanding different dunes is essential when off-roading and the direction of the wind tells lot about the form of sand dunes. There was an article by @Frederic on 'How to read sand dunes formation and texture?' which tells a lot about dunes and it is also mentioned that the wind direction in UAE is from NW to SE, however i was always wondering how to identify the wind direction in the middle of the desert without a Compass 😬. This dilemma of mine is solved when @Frederic shared with the team that wind direction can be guessed by looking at the flags mounted on our vehicles which is a new thing i learned today. I really appreciated the patience and guidance from @Chaitanya D when i got stuck. Thank you so much @Kalahari for the wooden base for the jack, i was looking for it for long. Thank you everybody for the enthusiastic drive.
    11 points
  2. Trip report from my point of view. Firstly I would like to apologize for the 20 minutes delay. But Captain @Wrangeld briefing before take off was enjoyable, I'm glad I didn't miss it. By 5:30 am though we were all ready to move. I'm glad I took @Wrangeld invitation to join this drive, I would not change my mind for any other drive this Friday. There comes a time when as off-roaders we have to learn that for some time on playable long range dunes we have to go through some small technical dunes as well. This Friday drive it was a great learning for everybody to stay on the track as set by the leader, as if you are a bit off your car is going to slide into a really challenging situation. It was also a day to put self recovery learning to practice and I saw so many such feats which made me very proud. @Wrangeld choose the perfect path and gave us loads of opportunities to learn from this trip. Thanks to the wonderful weather he even extended the time of the drive to allow everyone more time at learning even though he had a drive to support in the afternoon. @Lorenzo Candelpergher surprised me with the ease with which he manuevered his beast. I would have never thought I'd see the day when I'd see a Y62 do so well in those small technical dunes, but I have had a change of heart now. I believe the advise for the gears also came from @Wrangeld and @Frederic, put to great use. So yes driver wins. @Jolly Abraham has been one to teach me that a 2.7 litre 4 cylinder is also a Toyota and still capable as long as it's in the right hands. My thanks to him for joining me for a recce trip to find a quick exit. Just needed one tug while attacking a front face as I did not want to create multiple tracks to confuse anyone. Quick Learning as the next front fave was even steeper but he managed well. @Yousef Alimadadi is learning real fast. I believe he is the master of self recoveries and I feel very proud to see him grow and do so well. @RohanH is very patient and follows instructions well. Just see some hesitation at times, and experimenting at times. Although some experiments don't work well, but every stuck and refusal teaches you a valuable lesson and seems you are on the right track. @Shiju Manuel is always in the right spirit and the right frame of mind. I'm sure as he grows in experience he will make a great off-roader. @asifk maybe it's the name. I have lots of respect for the name @Asif Hussain. But I have seen glimpse of brilliance at a very early stage. Really love the calmness with which he handles situations and is a very strong and helpful character. I'm sure @asifk growth in this sport will be just as remarkable as @Asif Hussain and just waiting to drive with him time and time again. @marks just stopped to surprise me. Sure he has an FJ, but he is not the only one with an FJ. He has shown week after week that off-roading is in his DNA. Very capable but quiet individual who nobody notices since he quietly slips under the radar. @Nizam Deen another quiet individual. Still work in progress. Still learning. But largely on the right track, coming out week after week and learning and putting our teachings in practice. Love the cool and calm nature, follows instructions well and wants to watch and learn. Very keen learner and should start seeing some real goid changes real soon. @Mehmet Volga keeps things interesting. He accepts whatever comes his way with a huge smile and lit of enthusiasm. Trying to learn and grow within the Carnity structure at his own pace and not phased out by challenges faced by him. Lovely personality and has offers to put smile to anyone's face. Thanks for offering the energetic orange juice, but I'll be waiting for my other drink. @Janarthan what a pleasure knowing you were in sweep and out to help me with my duties to keep the convoy moving. At one point there was some exhaustion, but you never showed it and kept your energy up throughout the drive. Recommendable trait to follow. Off-roader are tough, but everyone can get through with some help, I'm so glad that I had you for help. @Wrangeld love your lead. You never want to take the lead in an easy area. Always finding areas where you can challenge yourself and develop everyone in the most complete manner safely. You did it again. You found the best track, in the best area with wonderful weather. Hats off to you. This is what @Gaurav bhai promised me in developing new leaders. A different flavour every time. I love the @Wrangeld flavour and difficult to think any one in Carnity now who would reach your flavour. Hope you got some rest before the afternoon drive support. Love your energy levels and your briefing. Till next time I bid you all farewell with a promise to see you in the dunes again soon.
    10 points
  3. Trip report from my eyes; It is always good to wake up early. I am feeling like i have double friday. It is much longer. Almost everyone came on time. It`s been a long time after i drove in this area. I remembered the old days with my black Cherokee We had a great drive. We had many refusals but 0 stuck. My tow rope stayed in trunk all the drive. I can say all did well. @Gaurav indeed it`s been a long long time after we drove together. It was great to driving with you again. @Lisa Pemberton Me and my passenger got impressed with your staying calm level even in the nastiest situations. That is very important skill to became a great off roader. @Veedooshee you are listening and following the instructions whenever required. You did well. @Kieran McKeown handling that 4 cylinder SUV is not for everyone. You managed to take it everywhere. I am sure with time you will be surprising us with what a 4 cylinder Duster can do. @Jun Zamora very good job as second lead. @Nivin very good job as well sweep. You kept informing us about the convoy all the time. Thanks. @Sreejith Sreenivasan, @shrei @Onlyjunaid @topgear flawless drive guys.
    9 points
  4. trip report (addendum) @Xaf thank you for your very accurate report and for the advices you gave to everyone. I owe you the biggest thank you after yesterday's drive because, due to your position at the middle of the convoy, you had to handle most of the recoveries and you always provided an excellent guidance to others. I also have to say that @Kalahari, my wonderful and very composed second lead, who even had to recover me twice after I found myself crested, @Colin Jordan and @Tbone have been very proactive and helpful, giving a perfect example of what a team work should be when things are not going according to the plan. @Brette struggled more than usual yesterday (we all have bad days, it's not a big deal, and plus, in sweep, you had to deal with the churned up sands that others left behind), but was of great help at many points, especially when @Michael sammy had is nasty pop out. If I may, @Brette, I would just recommend to pay more attention to radio communications. @Michael sammy, thank you too for offering your help at many occasions yesterday, that's the spirit. Would you accept a little advice ? When you get stuck or crested, no need to push gas at 4000 rpm. I know that you know it, and that yesterday when I saw you doing it, it was just because you wanted to earn time, but a constant right-left on the steering with very little rpm helps more... Special mention to all the newly promoted intermediates who managed amazingly well yesterday. @Najeeb Mohammed, @Febin Frederic, @Rinelle Sanaani, you guys rock ! Just don't forget radio communication and please keep in mind that the over-excitement you may feel at some points of an intermediate drive has to be taken with caution. It's a good thing because it helps to forget your fears, but it can lead to the worst scenarios. Thank you everyone. This drive wasn't as smooth as we all wanted it to be, but there will be many other opportunities to enjoy and learn.
    8 points
  5. The morning after of what was, for many of you Desert Wanderers, a very long and sand filled day. Congratulations to all the drivers, who managed smoothly a long and diverse trek from Western Qudra all the way down to Little Swehian. Particularly, my appreciation goes to @Frederic and @Wrangeld, who joined the drive after having managed their own leads earlier in the day (super effort by Richard, who was also the first to arrive at the meeting point). Congratulations to @Kalahari, @Shiju Manuel, @Jolly Abraham, @Lorenzo Candelpergher and @Chaitanya D, who had also joined morning drives, but did not show any fatigue or loss of enthusiasm throughout the evening. A welcome back to @Salarios, after a forced hiatus. Well done to @Anish S, @Lucky sAm and @Jorge Stepniak Felippe: you all did very well. Back to the nature of the drive,we started punctually just after 4:30 PM, using the track running parallel to a few feeding and drinking troughs for gazelles and oryx, to reach the first set of long range dunes. These allowed the convoy to gently get in the rhythm of the drive, with some sideys and very few and controlled crossings. Toward the end of this area we also had the opportunity to go over the basics of ridge riding and criss-crossing, which we practiced, when possible and safe, throughout the drive. The first sabkha took us beyond the furthest reaches of Qudra's bike track, into a second set of dunes, which revealed itself to be a mix of smooth, long ridable ridges, at the beginning, and a technical area toward the end, finally tapering down into the second, gazelle and oryx filled, sabkha. From here we managed to reach the south-western border of the area known as Little Swehian. Thanks to the limited number of stucks and very few refusals, we still had enough time to enter the tall, tight dunes of this magic location, and to drive along its canyons, side sloping and going in and out of small bowls, until the impending darkness prompted us to exit on the track that led us back to Solar Park. Well done to all the drivers for completing 60.8Km, in 3hr and 3 min., at an average of 20Km/h (moving average speed of 30Km./h). Just one encouragement to all drivers: keep looking for the feeling between yourselves and your cars' true potential, searching for the sense of security that comes from knowing how one's car will respond to different situations, so that you may "feel" which can be the best approach to a dune, its crossing, riding a slope, as well as when to go for a second attempt, without forcing yourselves into situations you are not comfortable with. See you soon on another adventure filled week-end.
    7 points
  6. This was a long and challenging drive. So as I need something to cheer me up this morning, here are the hightlights of the briefing - which was probably the smothest part of the whole drive! We ask that you please fasten your seatbelts at this time and secure all baggage underneath your seat, in your overhead compartments or in your baggage net so that it cannot fall or shift in the unlikely event of turbulence during the drive. We also ask that your put your seats comfortably in the optimum position for driving. Please prepare all personal electronic devices, such as go pro, navigation tools or mobile phones so that you can focus on the drive to come. For those of you travelling with children, why? And for those of you travelling with a partner or two or more children – what in the world were you thinking of? Exiting your vehicle is prohibited for the duration of drive the unless specifically permitted by one of the seniors on duty. We are pleased to announce that Carnity has some of the most experienced Senior drivers in the UAE 4x4 community. Unfortunately, none of them were available today, so you will have to do with myself and Rahimdad. I will come back to you during the drive with more details about our drive route and eventual conditions at our destination. The forecast currently says that by the time we get there it will be 50C with broken clouds. We will do our best to fix the clouds before we get there, but no promises. In any event, thank you for choosing Carnity Off Road Club. We do appreciate you choosing Carnity. However, if you have any problems with this drive today and for whatever reason do not enjoy yourself, just remember, we are Jeepers. In the circumstances everyone did very well, and technical dunes should never ever be a challenge for anyone that went through the master class. See you soon in the sand
    7 points
  7. @J J I did a calculation what your recommended cold air tire pressure is, for your tires and car the 35 PSI is the correct pressure. All LT tires should be driven with minimum 35 PSI on the road. Lower than that causes wear and tear on the tire. What I am trying to explain, might not be the reason why you had your puncture, but this is just as information for the future. When we inflate with a compressor after the drive, 2 variables are different compared with the recommended cold tire pressure. 1, the air from the compressor is hot, has a lower density, will shrink in volume when it cools down. 2, your tires are warm from the drive, they will cool down as soon you start driving on the road, due to airflow and less resistance. So what happens when you inflate after the drive to 35 PSI, your tires will automatically go to a lower PSI than 35 and this causes extra wear and tear. Due to your LT tires, you can go easily up to a higher pressure without any risks. I would recommend you to go to 38 PSI and check it the morning after with a pressure gauge how much it went down. This is just to extend the lifetime of your tires. To all other people, this recommendation is only for LT rated tires. Not for P or Metric.
    7 points
  8. Wow. What an amazing day. Thank you very much @Ale Vallecchi @Frederic amd @Wrangeld for managing this incredibly fun and educational drive. Fred I really appreciate you taking the time to provide such thought-provoking and constructive comments. Words of wisdom of the day: "Switch off four cylinders, mentally; less power and more finesse." 🙌👏
    6 points
  9. Many of us Mitsubishi Pajero owners will face the dreaded orange blinking Center Diff Lock light sooner or later. All Mitsubishi Pajero Gen4 green lights for the wheels will be OFF, and only the orange center diff lock light will be blinking. There are a few reasons why this occurs. When the ECU notices a vacuum leak after 10-15 mins, it will engage the orange Center diff lock light and will start blinking. Restarting the vehicle mostly does the trick, but if this happens more often, you might be having an issue with either the vacuum hoses, or the solenoids. The first thing to check are the vacuum hoses underneath the car that connect to the freewheeling clutch actuator: This actuator is a small piston that is controlled by vacuum. Check if the vacuum hose is still intact and does not have any cracks in it. Pull back the rubber boot and remove dirt and sand that you will definitely find in there when you go for regular offroading. If all this is verified and found OK, but the problem still persists, move on to the vacuum solenoids, which are located in the engine bay next to the air filter box. Below you will see the set. Mitsubishi No. 8657A031 for a Pajero 4th 2008. Price is around 360 Dhs. Replacing the actuator set: (TAKES MAX. 20 MINS) With a 10mm ratchet you can easily unscrew the two bolts holding the unit in place. Remove the black vacuum hoses by twisting and turning them. They might be a bit stuck so you can use some pliers to twist them gently, and then remove them by gently pulling them. Now remove the 2 electrical connector (push the small lever on top, and pull). They might also be a little bit stuck with dirt and sand and over the years, just take your time and don't force it. Now install the new unit and make sure to put the electrical connectors and 3 vacuum hoses in the exact same way. You will see that there is a solenoid with a Blue dot and a solenoid with a Yellow dot for easy referencing. The old unit can be tested with an Multimeter with Resistance (Ohm) measurement setting, but will not give you 100% confirmation that they are defective or not. We have seen intermittent problems with these solenoids where they become sticky during hot weather only. With the multimeter, put it on Ohms, range 200, and measure the resistance of each solenoid. It should be approx 40 Ohms. If it is above or below, this is the indication that they need replacement. In my case this was an intermittent failure that would come up once in a while, especially during hot days, so i've decided to replace them as the vehicle is 12 years old.
    5 points
  10. Thank u @Emmanuel for the level up hyperadrenaline trail today.. it was an enjoyable heart stumping first intermediate drive for me. Thank u @Xaf for the learnings and tips today.. i love ur luffy (one piece ) flag though.. it looks really cool.. @Febin Frederic so sad to hear that.. il keep the 10 to 12 psi in mind...
    5 points
  11. Thanks for planning and leading this drive @Emmanuel - what an opportunity to visit a rather unexplored part of the desert. While the sand was extremely unforgiving, I was glad that you navigated an alternative route for us to reach the top of one of the larger dune formations - the view was fantastic!! Again a lot of learning opportunity for me - thanks to @Colin Jordan, @Brette and @Xaf for handling the recoveries (despite the hunger 😀).
    4 points
  12. @sertac Thank you, I appreciate the support and encouragement brother 🙏
    4 points
  13. Trip Report from my perspective. The trip had not started yet and I was asked to help a stuck Range Rover who went camping with his family. (This was the Omen of the day, a day with refusals and stucks) The Range Rover had a crappy/flingy tow point, I made it clear with the owner that I was willing to help, but on the condition that if there is any damage at my car, that the costs would be on him. He agreed with this and with a gentle tuck I was able to get him out. Please be strong in this, because most of the times these guys are with friends and they all know it better and screaming next to car, YALLA YALLA YALLA. As I said, the first stuck was the omen of the day. Many refusals and stucks, but no shame. Due to the rain last week the terrain was not forgiving. Nevertheless I find that everybody was doing well. @Kalahari gave a good example what you should do if you can't make the criss cross, steer down and make a loop, gain momentum and try again. It should be obvious for the person behind that he should wait, but always announce it on the radio, so that the preceding and follower know what your intentions are. (Kalahari, this is not directed to you, but as a general note to everybody) @Rinelle Sanaani @Tbone , I debriefed you both about this. In general to all drivers, try to think as a group. If the convoy is not moving in front of you and the cars are coming from behind, try to imagine if there will be enough space for them. If space is available, move yourself, if not, please announce it on the radio so they will wait until the convoy is moving again. In these high dunes we often have no vision what is happening in front of us. @Febin Frederic was unfortunate today with a flat tire. I think you cut your sidewall on a bush or stone somewhere. It can happen to everybody. But please first thing you should do, is to find the correct size lug wrench. (we were lucky we had the correct size for you) You have a perfect spare wheel with same tire, not really useful without a lug wrench. So to everybody, check your tools, does your wrench fit on your lug nuts? Don't assume it will! @Kalahari @Najeeb Mohammed @Febin Frederic @Rinelle Sanaani @Tbone You drove all well this morning, I liked what I've seen. Little bit fine tuning, little bit more trust what your car can do, feeling of how much momentum you need, again, it is summer and the terrain is not forgiving. @Colin Jordan @Michael sammy @Brette I think you were all doing well with Colin the least struggling and Brette was left with a chewed up track. Poor black stallion. @EmmanuelThank you for the drive today. @Michael sammy and @Tbone My apologies again for a bit impatient with the stuck of Michael. I was getting hungry and when I am hungry I am not the same Xaf. Due to the heat and time, I did not take time to explain why I wanted that you pull him from the front. To clarify to everyone, it was possible from both sides, 50/50 in my opinion, but due to other cars around and instead of pulling first in reverse and then try again to get over the ridge, it makes more sense to just pull the car out of the shit, instead of dealing with the shit twice. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Xaf
    4 points
  14. It was the longest drive I’ve ever done but what an amazing opportunity to get more in tune with my Pajero on these technical dunes, and opportunity to learn new skills from the leads and fellow drivers. Thanks for a great experience @Wrangeld and advice @Rahimdad. For me the highlight was the difficult stuck for @Mehmet Volga where many of us had to put in some proper muscle to dig out his pajero and gave me the chance for my first recovery with carnity, and that too on a very difficult spot. With @marks, @Mehmet Volga and I working together and @Wrangeld guiding us, we managed to pull him out after a couple of false starts. I had to have a proper nap in the afternoon, but was a great experience, thanks all ! Will put some pics in the gallery.
    3 points
  15. Thank you @Rahimdad for all your guidance. It was good learning for me specially at the time of self recovery. I am happy that I am on track 😝
    3 points
  16. Better to install it with a On/off switch. Will extend the life of the electric fan and will also reduce the noise while driving on the road.
    3 points
  17. @Rahimdad so true. Every challenge provides an opportunity to learn. I am sure with the amount of self recoveries, recoveries the learning curve would have been really steep. Well done everyone.
    3 points
  18. Trip Report @Remco Snoek @Pancho thanks for joining the drive on this lovely morning didn't feel like we are in middle of summer season. We all reached on time at meeting point and it was still dark. Deflated, flags raised and waited for first appearance of light in the sky. It was a super sweet convoy with only 3 cars. Remco snoek was in second place and Pancho as sweep. Khatim area is totally new for me and this was my second drive. This area has small to medium size dune and it is a perfect place to learn for newbies and fewbies. @Remco Snoek with his 2.7ltr V4 fortuner was not confident to do sideys in some of the dunes, he is to skip it or exit early. I really liked the way you drove by not attempting were you are not confident and pancho with his wrangler followed all my track precisely. We finished our drive near some good set of medium sizes dunes where we played and circled for 30min and exited on time. See you all soon and will explore some new area. VID_20200725180512.mp4
    3 points
  19. You had a good price for the unit (if it’s original Mitsubishi part of course). Like I mentioned installing takes max 15-20 mins and can be done easily yourself. There is a condition programmed In the 4WD ECU which ONLY allows your Rear Diff lock to be engaged IF you’re in 4Lo and the center diff light is on. If that’s ok but still does not work then it might be the compressor (brrr...brrr). If the orange center Diff Lock light is not activating, that sensor or wiring is probably defective.
    3 points
  20. Hi everyone, It seems from @Gaurav post that the drive was awesome, However, how much I wished to be part of the convoy and enjoying the off-road journey as well but unfortunately, I have been eliminated due to non-compliance of the rear tow hook hitch of my RAM, so next time I shall get all gear ready for the lovely adventure. See you soon,
    3 points
  21. @Lorenzo Candelpergher you deserve congratulations for how you handled a very challenging 2nd lead ... which was ably demonstrated in drive #2 because i could see just how easily you handled anything tecnical. A super long day before your vacation but well spent. See you on your return.
    3 points
  22. The technical dunes masterclass. This was my longest (time wise) drive ever but, despite the extreme duration I must say I enjoyed every bit of it. It all started with some very good loughs while listening to a brilliant briefing by @Wrangeld, perfect to make sure everyone is awake and listening. Things however got immediately serious as soon as we got into the small technical dunes next to the camel track. I was probably luckier than others in the convoy, being in the 2nd lead position, as I didn't have to deal too much with churned-up sand, but driving my Nissan Patrol Y62 in those tiny little dunes turned out super-fun for me and surprisingly less problematic than I would have expected. Having drastically improved in how to manage gears and power, I felt I could cruise around in a relatively easy way: in fact I got stuck only once, when - a bit bored for the long waiting - I moved the car forward for no reason without realising I was heading into a mini-bowl, tailored in the pefect size to block me from any further movement. @Rahimdad had a superbusy start with tons of recoveries in the very first technical dunes. We then had the illusion of some easy going on some large and fun dunes, but it didn't last long as this ride was a true masterclass in tricky small dunes combined with mercyless soft sand. The final bit towards Qudra turned out to be extremely hard to move around for a 12 cars convoy. Maybe in these adverse terrain conditions smaller convoys could be considered in order to minimize the time spent in waiting for the unavoidable recoveries from nasty stucks. @Rahimdad and @Wrangeld were restless in their recoveries efforts, which deserve everyone's gratitude and appreciation. Today's number of recoveries was abnormal and protracted for many hours in full day-time sunlight! I look forward to having another chance as 2nd lead, as the circumstances of the ride didn't allow me for much activity in such role, but I guess it will have to wait for a bit, as I will be taking some time off in Europe during the month of August. Thanks to all for the ride and see you on the sand again on August 28th!!
    3 points
  23. The little taste of Little Swehian was my highlight - great, steep but short, side-slopes. Thanks for selecting a few entry-level ridges and criss-crosses @Ale Vallecchi for us to practice - the more I do these, the less panicky it seems The leisurely drive through the sabkha in the semi-dark was the cherry on top! Well-done to the unstoppable marshalls @Frederic and @Wrangeld who swept the convoy excellently, while seamlessly rerouting when needed. I will be sad to miss Little Swehian next week @Ale Vallecchi!
    3 points
  24. It was a very nice and relaxing drive, with a pleasant pace, decent temperatures after sunset and very few stucks and refusals. Coming from a very demanding morning ride on small technical dunes, this afternoon exploration ride magnificently prepared, led and briefed by @Ale Vallecchiwas a very refreshing one, with a beautiful scenery at sunset. Besides getting crested in a moment of hesitation, the ride was super smooth, thanks to the enormous improvement in my driving conduct since I followed @Wrangeld's suggestions about using higher gears (and even D when it makes sense) and much much much less power. I really enjoyed the extended ridge-riding and criss-crossing, for which the briefing by @Ale Vallecchi was a useful prepping. Thanks also to @Frederic and @Wrangeldfor their prompt interventions in the occasion of the very few stucks (including my cresting) and refusals, which really minimized the idle time. Spending 11.5h ours in the sand in one day was the best way for me to get prepared for my summer break, as I will be (sadly, as far as off-roading is concerned) heading to Europe for a few weeks. Consider me already booked for the August 28th rides and don't churn up the sand too much in my absence!!
    3 points
  25. Thanks @Ale Vallecchi, @Frederic and @Wrangeld for a nice long drive , and describing in detail how to do ridge riding and criss crossing. @Kalahari thanks for the plank. Well driven everyone 👍. Some pictures uploaded in gallery.
    3 points
  26. Check underneath the front axle. Try to locate the black rubber hoses and inspect them. Pull back the rubber boot and clean the sensor. This, and removing the solenoid is about the only thing you can do yourself, if still the issue comes back you might want to take it to a workshop.
    2 points
  27. I checked in mitsubishi authorised spare parts dealer in Ajman, its price is 230 dhs (including Vat) May be i also need to change it, its showed same issue once on high way. Hi @Frederic where to check vacuum hoses?? do i need to take it to the garage or can check by myself?? may be some photo can help to find it. The first thing to check are the vacuum hoses underneath the car that connect to the freewheeling clutch
    2 points
  28. I fully understand your feelings, but please go through below roles and responsibilities and also watch the video that shows what happens when tow point fails. You need rated and good brand hitch hook for your Dodge Ram. Something like this. https://www.aceuae.com/en-AE/bushranger-recovery-hitch-hooks-with-shackle-silver/285633.html @Denizzalbayrak bought one too recently for his trailblazer, maybe he can share some points.
    2 points
  29. @Kalahari oh yes you’re right, these sets of dunes are stunning - and almost untouched, which is rare around Dubai.
    2 points
  30. I know exactly what you mean... with time I think we start collaborating with the car better...and also under the great guidance and with the motivation we got this!
    2 points
  31. Sorry again for my late arrival and a big thank you to @Gaurav for letting me join the formation in my little Duster. Another great day of learning on the dunes and the views of Pink Rock were truly stunning. I’m hooked! Quick question: Who should I contact to be added to the WhatsApp group for venue announcements?
    2 points
  32. Really enjoyed today, learning so much each time I drive about how the Pajero handles in sand. Got a double arm workout this week wrestling with the steering wheel on that side dune refusal and a nice face and carful of sand for leaving my driver's window open 🤦‍♀️. Thanks @Gaurav and @sertac for digging me out and explaining very clearly how I need to respond in these situations. Looking forward to the next one!
    2 points
  33. Perfect drive with perfect set of 4x4 and off-roaders. With cooler morning breeze, it was an amazing early morning drive to see the sunrise from dunes (will post pic, later). Everyone showed on time except one, It's just that I have a soft corner for duster to test its off-road capability, so allowed him to join bit late but others might not. Thanks everyone else for being on time, so that we can start and finish as plan to enjoy the best morning for which we all wait for the whole week. Thanks @Jun Zamora for competent second lead and detour wherever required. @Kieran McKeown you and your duster are really rocking and continue learning the right basics so that you can enjoy off-roading always. @Lisa Pemberton you are doing great as always just learn to close the gap from the car in front of you, which tends to push you on wrong tracks (scary ones). I promise someday will do take you on those fewbie and Intermediate level tracks (sideys) too, once you are ready. @Veedooshee under the guidance on Anish learning and advancing very well that now she can no longer scare Anish, means you are surely ready for fewbie by next one more drive (I hope). @Sreejith Sreenivasan it was nice to see how you have tamed the LR2 and managing it perfectly fine without any struggle or refusal, keep it up. Thanks @sertac V.2.0 for brilliant support, patience and helping hand in managing the whole convoy with correct guidance and shoveling. We have driven after a long time and you have grown in this sport and maturity a lot. Well done. @sheri joined after a long time and still manage to sail the boat with full load without any refusal and stuck. Good to see you back, please catch up with forum topics in your free time. @Hennie Schoeman at the back still scratching the wrangler real potential, though I haven't heard your name on the radio, so I assume it must be all good. @Onlyjunaid kicking the wrangler convoy intact at back also done wonderful, he finally gave a chance to Sertac for single tow-rope recovery but Sertac decided to shovel him out in few minutes. Next time Junaid, you need to learn how to get proper cresting @topgear you really are a top gear, because you are grooming your son to be an off-roader from a such an early age and he reminded me of my son's age two years back (best innocent age). Enjoy your FJC, as they are made for off-roading and continue learning always. Last but not least @Nivin joined us after a gap and last I think we drove was in Solar Park in Feb/Mar. Thanks for being responsible sweep and taking care of the whole convoy at all times. Just because of such a wonderful off-roaders we reached Pink Rock by 7:00 and finished playing by 7:30. For next 1 hour I had a choice to head to Badayer, but I decided to play on big dunes just behind Pink Rock. This area is for fewbie, but being a cooler morning, virgin sand and great bunch of offroaders we all had a good spin in those creamy cheese cake (my analogy) dunes, where I can drive for hours and hours while making spagethi on my map app. Thanks everyone for your patience, support, excellent drive and understanding the COVID precautions. See you guys soon, drive safe.
    2 points
  34. Morning guys, What an amazing drive with all of you, great pace and I and @Frederic didn’t have to break much sweat on the very few stucks. But a great hand goes out to all who have practiced and mostly successfully done their self-recoveries. @Melenany, showing how mostly not to get crested with the insanely long F-150!! @Islam Soliman which I have almost not seen or heard which means an amazing drive! All FJ’s showing how to drive them @Christian Andras who has made a GoPro video, @David Ortells and @Heisem showing they don’t get stuck! Also the Xterra crew lead by @Chaitanya D who was awarded father of the day by his son! And @Mukundan Nair and @Ahmed Farghaly closing the Xterra’s. The Wranglers have shown how not to get stuck or hit any dunes; @Neale Faulkner, @Taha Elghuel and @Jeandre Bezuidenhout. Attached the route of today with some pics in-between! I’ll upload the separate photos in the gallery... IMG_3946.MP4
    2 points
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