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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2023 in Posts

  1. 6 points
  2. Reviving this topic since i started messing around with my Patrol. I have been looking for the best way to disable the following (in one go): 1. Traction Control 2. ESP 3. ABS Since i have seen kill switches being installed by some so called "reputable" workshops in an absolute horrendous way, i am looking for a clean setup that i can do myself. So far i have been disabling Traction control by using the button on the center console. and the ESP by pushing in the little button on the brake pedal (thanks @Imteeaz for sharing this). It is however a bit annoying that whenever you go to 4Lo or restart the engine you need to do the same procedure. Now the next step is to get the ABS disabled too. There are indeed a couple of fuses in the engine bay which could be removed but i'd rather not do that. After some small research i found there is a small 7.5 Amp mini-fuse in the fusebox underneath the steering wheel. If i remove that i noticed Traction control, ESP, and ABS all disabled in one go ! But weirdly enough speedometer stops working, and the odometer does not count anymore.... so that basically means my offroad miles are not being counted 😆 Next step will be to obtain something like this from Amazon: or this: And inbetween the red wires a small switch. That should hopefully work. If anyone has more experiences or other tricks/hacks please so share them.
    3 points
  3. It's a good and safe practice to join a lower-level drive after a big gap and it's even more advisable when you have a change of vehicle too. As you have had 1 FB plus in Sep 2022, that's why Varun took this call, if it was 5-6 FB+ then it would have been passable but with caution.
    2 points
  4. @Ishak @Gurcharan Mehta @Joseph Raju @Patrick van der Loo @Ahmad Nerat @Mahmoud Taha @Benjamin @Tharun Kumar V @Krishna R @Ali Abas Thanks all for RSVPing for the drive. This is a highly versatile and diverse terrain - scalable to any level with potential to explore all elements of off-roading - ridge riding, criss crossing, steep climbs and some really awesome bowls to explore. We have all been to this place and explored these beautiful features that Tawi Nazwa offers. At NB/FB level, usually, we handle these challenges on One at a time concept. Plan for this drive is to try and experience them while maintaining a continuous flow of vehicles at a good pace - so it will be a good test of our off-roading skills, ability to handle our vehicles, radio communication and convoy discipline. Its been a while i have been in this area, so i am really looking forward to it. Please ensure that your vehicle are set for the challenge and you are well rested for the drive. Looking forward to see you this saturday. Cheers
    1 point
  5. In my opinion he stopped or slowed at a very awkward position and instead of steering left down wards with some acceleration he stayed still which caused the incident... 🤕
    1 point
  6. This one is extremely common for newbies or amateur offroaders and we have seen many similar side flips and roll-over, the key culprit here are below two reasons: Follow the line of car in front has taken, as precisely as possible. If you slip down, then call it a refusal and exit safely to circle to make a second attempt. Fighting with gravity when you missed the line is the key mistake that many new offroaders make and they will only learn to perfect the line with continuous experience. Soft sand, tire pressure, leaving gas all come secondary and play very marginal role to save or worsen the situation.
    1 point
  7. Very good point Alex, I think that coordinating guy raised his hand to stop maybe late or red wrangler just wanted sand shower when his cross tires are completely free. Rear diff-lock might have said the situation a bit.
    1 point
  8. Well said @Mohamed Seidam. That's my opinion about the danger lf this approach.
    1 point
  9. Because a true off-roader will never spoil a beautiful wrangler !
    1 point
  10. Agree hundred percent , I believe in that incident this was the trigger to initiate the following chains of wrong reactions till the point the vehicle was in a position that needed just a gentle push by one finger to flip it
    1 point
  11. @Ahab Shamaa none of us would remember everything until we started to preach it. Now it's part of our DNA. We didn't by heart everything overnight, but little by little. That's why we have a grading structure and feed it to you little by little so that at each level you can learn and perfect your skill. As you come closer to becoming one of the senior members, you'll be the one preaching and someone will be telling you it's difficult to remember everything. 😇 @Mohamed Seidam brother. Great video to post, but a lot to learn from here also. Fighting gravity is part of our hobby. When we are side slopping we are defying and fighting gravity as it gives us the thrill. But more importantly as you grow in the sport you'll realize there are areas where we have no choice but to defy every logic in the book. When we go to Liwa for instance we have to defy gravity through narrow nooks and corners and stay aware throughout as any lapse in concentration can be disastrous. Everything we learn at any level is important to use in future whenever you're faced with any situation. @Gaurav bhai is testament to the Pajero bowl in Wagan which comes with a one way ticket unless you're ready to give gravity a nasty fight. Still it could take the whole of your winch and 4 ropes to pull you out of it. The video just posted by you is not about fighting gravity, that was the manoeuvre he was trying, due to sand you can't see much, but the revving of the engine stops just before you see the dust settle and FJ flip. I can think of 3 reasons why it happened. 1) the driver got scared and let go of the accelerator. 2) the drivers foot slipped from the accelerator pedal. 3) the engine stalled. I would put down all 3 as driver's mistake. Don't be scared, stay calm and steer down if in doubt. Wear proper foot wear for your foot not to slip off the pedals. Keep your ride in good shape, it's your responsibility. off-roading is an extreme sport and thus gives us a lot of thrills and joy. From our side we should be strong in our basic skills required for this sport and keep our rides in good nick.
    1 point
  12. Agree with you @Chaitanya D and for this reason I keep posting these clips here and there and I encourage every one to put any positive input to learn realize so slowly slowly each one can develop his approach in safe environment 👍
    1 point
  13. What was wrong here ( please watch it to the end ) Comments please and how to avoid such imminent event?
    1 point
  14. What went wrong here ! VID-20200903-WA0024.mp4
    1 point
  15. thank you @Rahimdad for the topic of what went wrong. thank you all by each ones name who commented on the threads which I tried my best to see it all over the week end. for me it was so useful and life is a learning process indeed. watching others incidents and analyze it from different angels is one of best tools to sharpen the growing experience . that’s why I suggested previously if at all possible to document our drives in Carnity to the best we can in a way that the seniors in Carnity see it better. Let our vehicles move on sand in convoy of trust ,safety and thrill. cheers 🌷🚙
    1 point
  16. not an expert that i can say what others havent already ... but i guess he should have given a few slower trials before the "finale" to understand the terrain and the vehicle's response to the terrain. probably also should have gotten rid of the front bumper to increase the ground clearance just like I did on my grand cherokee😅! would have probably prevented ... how should i say ... a dig in perhaps. could he have been on 2 wheel drive(unfamiliar with this vehicle config) hence he decided to keep high speeds ?
    1 point
  17. 1 point
  18. Shocking amount of times that this car rolled all the way down😧 Initially he didn't have enough momentum to go uphill, but then coming down i do not understand why he was playing so much with the steering wheel, he should have reversed straight down slowly. I also noticed that people had to shout to get his attention, if he had a radio, people could have guided him down better. Then he braked really hard and the car started to roll. Another thing caught my attention was the fact that the driver was thrown out of the car so most probably he didn't have his seatbelt.
    1 point
  19. I'm so glad that we get to learn from others mistakes. If these videos and lessons can teach deflate our egos a bit it is the cherry on the cake. Since offroading is now a big part of our life and not a competition, safety is our number 1 priority. Respect the terrain and respect the different conditions we go through at different seasons throughout the year. I've now been offroading for around 12 years and still learning the art of offroading. We should never forget our basics.
    1 point
  20. Very nice @J J. Well summarized. Safety first. Never try to show that you know more and can do better than the other. Sometimes a stuck is better than a toss like that. Some brainless people try to show that they and their machines are better. Always be patient, we are not in a race. Well done @topgear and @J J. You win this round. Just to add couple of extra things from my side. A bit too fast and soft suspension once the car hit the front wheels to dig in and the momentum just carried the free back over. Never let the back of your car over take the front. Learn to control your car, your emotions and more importantly your ego.
    1 point
  21. This is not exactly what we do but i wanted to share this stupidity with you.
    1 point
  22. Maybe @Xaf can teach him, how to land safely.
    1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. Sheesh such long theories as if the boson god particle is being discussed here. Guy was first of all was a fool doing sideys in a fully loaded pickup second the guy simply miscalculated the terrain by the time he realized it. It was too late, happens to the best of us/them. I have driven through some tricky terrain with a loaded pickup but only because I had to and that was the only way all my fooling around was done with an empty bed.
    1 point
  25. I know you had that luxury in your Cherokee in 2008ish and after that I have never seen you again on sand.
    1 point
  26. 1 point
  27. Gaurav, I would just like to add that when we add suspension lift, we have to keep 2 things in mind. 1. Make sure you select the correct springs for the weight of your car. Too stiff and you'll be bouncing all about making the car hard to control, too soft and you'll feel all the bumps and it won't ride well on the road and will have a lot of body roll. 2. Everyone always remembers to lift the car but everyone forgets that in order to maintain the OEM center of gravity, you need to widen the wheel base too! A good quality wheel spacer will cost you 800-1000 for 4 Pcs. When we widen our track width, it allows the car to have a lower center of gravity which helps in such situations. A good example is to take one finger and roll it on the table sideways, see how easy it rolls? Now put 2 fingers and do the same, the force required to turn the fingers is much harder! Physics is your best friend! "Drop a Gear and Disappear"
    1 point
  28. Not sure he could have crossed, maybe, maybe not. Better here to steer down TMO.
    1 point
  29. @Javier M your video is a good example of what newbis and fewbis hear all the time us jabering when someone gets stuck if its front or rear heavy and @desertdude your video is a clear example of what not to do when off roading but one thing is clear if there are more poeple in a single area its always a good idea to juist steer clear and go to someplace else where there is less traffic so there is even less chance to get f**ked up... @Emmanuel your video has the guy fishtailing and loosing control
    1 point
  30. I agree, guy was just busy pushing the gas pedal and looking 2 meter ahead only. My actual concern is who will winch these two guys now and how many calories workout is needed? It's a @Frederic and @Shamil style "joint-stuck" together.
    1 point
  31. Actually the Wrangler didn’t decelerate at all, as if he couldn’t see that the first car was cresting. Lack of attention? Do Wranglers have a visibility problem at this angle (I don’t know, never really drove one)?
    1 point
  32. Good input, but there is more. Any other takers?
    1 point
  33. Both @Halit Mert Issever and @Xaf have the right idea, speed plus fighting gravity. What about when this guy reversed out. BTW @Gaurav bhai at the end it seems they have a radio and they did the right thing by asking him to stop and give a thought about the events. Behind steering wheel in that frame of mind he could have only made more mistakes.
    1 point
  34. Another one in our famous series of WHAT WENT WRONG... For all newbies this is an easy one and you should be able to figure out what the driver did wrong. @Xaf @Adam Marston @Halit Mert Issever @tjsingh
    1 point
  35. Mostly because they are Bu Jasim's. To be fair I worked for over a decade in the desert safari guide industry and not one of us had a flag or radio. On the few occasions we were given a radio, usually when leading or sweeping big convoys of 50 plus cars I would actually keep it switched off, because it was annoying as our supervisor loved talking on it and plus we picked up a lot outside chatter. If you work with a team of professionals who know what they are doing and follow the basic rules of convoy driving, then you don't need any of it. Because for us this was our job our only source of bread and butter and we tool it seriously because any nonsense like this would usually get the driver getting blacklisted and/or fired. Unlike these folks who are only in it because they get to drive Land Cruisers and oogle and talk to girls which in real life they can't get in 20 feet of them and maybe even strike lucky once in a blue moon. And 9 times out of 10 the guy is trying to impress a chick in his car and ends up with his wheels in the air. The other time is someonesbrother just got his driving license and now wants to get a job so he joins up. Back in the day to get into the business you had to prove to metal and train properly. I was only allowed to drive on tracks withe the company pickup for the 1st year ( even though when ever I got the chance I would sneak off into the dunes on my own )
    1 point
  36. Hilarious comment on the youtube video. If the guy in front brake on the road then also you go boom and give the same explanation? Never knew the guy in front has magical powers to flip cars behind him, welcome to Avengers Party. For helluva adventure, the company must hire experienced offroaders and not just drivers.
    1 point
  37. Trust me you can never land up in such situation unless you plan to do such crazy stunt to let car fly of 40- 50 meters at the speed of 80 kmph. These were the sights that we used to witness on Faya, before authorities closed that dune to stop these stupidities. See how hard landing he did, as explained by Rahim bhai
    1 point
  38. @sertac you're losing your magic, you need to get yourself a ride and join us again. As rightly put by @Frederic and @Asif Hussain. He was too fast on his approach and instead of steadying himself first he turned right to fast to follow the car ahead and the drag force on the left wheels caused the flip.
    1 point
  39. Looks like he turned at the very last moment towards the left instead of going towards the right or down the slope and braked due to which he lost momentum and rolled over.
    1 point
  40. Thanks @Rahimdad for creating this wonderful thread and always adding new incidents to discuss and let newbie learn the offroad accident reasons. Hope now newbies realize that we always insist on doing small U-TURN on your first sideys so you can learn how your vehicle reacts on the slope and you can learn to countersteer immediately if car fishtail and about to flip.
    1 point
  41. the launch itself was not that good apart from him fighting gravity and worsening his fishtail situation other then that all was good
    1 point
  42. Thank you @Gaurav and @skumar83 for you views. Both of you have got it right. I have once before seen similar flip in Faqa area with a fellow offroader. The main culprit is the Jeep's Center of gravity is very high due to the lift and no spacers to even out the lift. Sometimes people buy fully modded Jeeps but with no experience in handling such a ride. The more experienced people normally judge the person by this highly modded vehicle and accept people for drives beyond their capacity. Judging by the speed and the way he approached the ridge cutting it is evident that he does not have such experience. This further endorses the grading structure we have introduced for people to better understand the importance of joining their level drives.
    1 point
  43. When he crossed he kept the steering left and collect sand in front of tire.
    1 point
  44. This could have been much worse, but can anyone tell me what went wrong here? VID-20181208-WA0024.mp4
    1 point
  45. He didn't deflate and forgot the flag too to cause this flip..........lolololol. Heights of people with so much lack of mere common sense to put basics of physics and geometry in straight line.
    1 point
  46. Speed made him fly and landing angle made him roll down
    1 point
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