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Chirag S.

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Posts posted by Chirag S.

  1. 11 minutes ago, Aaqil Sheikh said:

    @Chirag S. You could take the car to a known denting/painting guy who will check through the car body works and give you more clarity on the body works and chassis. Painted or not he could definitely advise on it. Majority of the time it’s a worry of chassis been damaged or reworked on.

    For the engine, transmission, bushes (approx life), mounts (approx life), shock leakages or any sort of gasket leaks or gasket been worn out. Go to your trusted workshop mechanic. As long as the engine and transmission is 👍🏻 then other issues seem like a small fix.

    Lastly if you want to get a computer check done even that’s would help understand any sensor issues or electrical issues in the vehicle. Some cars malfunction due to some sensors like oxygen sensor or mass airflow sensor or some spark plug coils.

    If the seller wouldn’t want to let go of a potential buyer then they would be patient enough for you to check the car in such manner before taking a call on if or not to buy that car. All told it’s an hours work to get it check at the workshop.

    Best of Luck

    @AaqilSheikh thanks for your value addition. 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Rahimdad said:

    @Chirag S.. Pros if you don't want to trash your close to AED 150k ride in the desert these will do nicely. Anyways any damages caused are not covered NY warranty and any accident repair you need to pay for the police paper/fine and excess to the insurance if it's fully insured. Cons, the car is old and no matter how good a condition the user keeps it in there will always be some work to be done on the vehicle.

    Another pro I can think of is it brings you closer to the vehicle as anything you put your sweat and labour into you develop a bond.

    @Rahimdad thanks for clarity. In few cases, i came to know that old models bought on cheaper rates having accident history and hidden surprise expense, which were known after buying and few drives. Is it possible to avoid such instances?

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  3. 9 minutes ago, Gaurav said:

    Trust me you can never land up in such situation unless you plan to do such crazy stunt to let car fly of 40- 50 meters at the speed of 80 kmph. These were the sights that we used to witness on Faya, before authorities closed that dune to stop these stupidities.

    See how hard landing he did, as explained by Rahim bhai


    Absolutely right. Perfect & self explanatory click!! So scary!!

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  4. 4 minutes ago, Gaurav said:

    Just drive and don't aim to fly the cars, you'll be fine.

    These crazy stunts often lead to hospital and police station visits

    You are right.  @gaurav bhai, in worst case, if we are in same situation, what should we do? is there any method to get rid from this situation?

    • Like (+1) 4
  5. 6 minutes ago, Rahimdad said:

    Thank you @Chirag S. and @syedyaseer. Partly right. The speed was his enemy, but I guess it was deliberate as he wanted all 4 tires in the air. Maybe car was loaded to one side or he had a bad angle to take off, as the car tilted in the air. Once landed that hard on one side with tires bouncing the car the other side and due to excessive speed no time to control the maneuver causing the roll.

    @Rahimdadbhai, what is correct method in such situation to control the car?

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  6. @razeen hasan bhai. you are always welcome!! 

    16 hours ago, Rahimdad said:

    Trip report from a Fewbie prospective.

    We had 2 weeks of starting the drive with rain in the air. Last week was starting the drive in thick fog. This week was different, cloudy but hot. Thank goodness for @shadow79 nice work with the AC kept me cool. I found Friday prayers in the new mosque near Al Awir and headed to the meeting point. As there were no absolute newbies we had a quick brief from @Gaurav bhai and we were off to the deflation point.

    After deflation we were divided into 2 groups, newbie and Fewbie level. @Gaurav bhai headed the newbie group with @Srikumar in the sweep, I headed the Fewbie group with @Emmanuel in the sweep. The newbie group also had @Maxiben, @razeen hasan, @AKR, @Sharme and @Chirag S., my group had @Brette, @yogic72 and @Fuad.

    As decided 10 minutes after the newbie convoy starting we took off on the right side through some technical dunes with some really soft patches. After having 3 difficult stucks taking over an hour to clear we found an amazing stretch which got us close to the newbie convoy in about 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes were the best 20 minutes I had in a long time. Fast paced and zero stucks in those 20 minutes. But like everything comes to an end, we got a few refusals, but still managed to make it to Pink Rocks and meet up with the newbie gang within a few minutes of them reaching.

    After saying goodbye to @yogic72 we combined the group to cross Pink Rocks to find a point to settle the crowd for a BBQ. Thanks to @Sharme, 3 of us @Maxiben, @razeen hasan and I were able to witness the flying capabilities of the Wrangler. This came with a sigh of relief from @razeen hasan who had just taken his vehicle of the track to the side. Thank goodness for our brief where we emphasize how important it is to wait in a safe place away from the track, and putting it into good practice. With some heating issues with the Wrangler @Gaurav bhai had to drop @Sharme to the road side.

    We later continued our quest and came across a nice spot to settle down. With a couple of BBQs going on and stories and jokes flying while some of us had to leave early. The night finally came to an end, thanks to @Emmanuel for guiding us out. After inflation and some warm hugs goodnight we all headed back home with some wide smiles all around.

    For more action stay tuned as the next fun adventure starts this coming weekend, till than I bid you all farewell.

    It was funtastic day with the great company

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