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Parking has always been a big issue, not only in Dubai but completely UAE man! I mean I work with a construction company, and I face lot of challenges with the parking. I travel a lot because of my work and it really annoys me when I am getting late for a meeting and there is no parking place. I mean it’s ridiculous! Few days back I travelled to Abu Dhabi, and can u imagine it took me 45 min. to find the parking on cornice road. And don’t talk about the drivers there, especially lady driver. I still remember that one lady as trying to come out of the parking and she took 15-20 min. just to get out of the parking. I was just gonna take that parking when a big shot local guy came in between and took the parking. Hey! This is not fair!

It’s really serious now! We need to improve the parking skills in UAE. I suppose what we can do from our side is to be well prepared for such a situation. Some points that I think should one keep in mind:

  1. Don’t take the space of two cars when you can park in one space.
  2. Search for parallel parking if applicable.
  3. There is no point roaming round and round searching for parking. It’s better to park bit far and walk a bit. It’s healthy!
  4. If one has to wait in the car, better don’t put your car in a parking. Leave that parking for someone who actually has to park there and leaving the car. Just put the parking lights on, and sit in the car. Nobody is gonna give you a fine.
  5. There should a different parking for havy vehicles like movers/ car lifts as they occupy lot of space and time. I mean they park their vehicle for almost half the day which makes no sense.
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  • 8 months later...

Very nice tips victor. I think that the main problem is that people are very impatient. I always manage to find parking spot after 5 minutes of waiting.

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