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Alternators are designed to resist water, and can even work temporally while submerged. Washing the engine bay is not the cause by itself, but likely the alternator was in a poor condition already and that was probably the main cause it died after washing. Likely some of the isolation of the windings within the alternator had cracked due to age or manufacturing error, and than water is the big enemy. Soon or later your alternator would have stalled anyway, regardless of engine bay wash or not.

In-fact, if water affects your engine performance, like electronics, than in most cases that points to a defect that was already there, and should be resolved regardless. Like everything, fixing the root-cause of a problem is the only good fix...

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I can see that you change my thinking :lol:

Interesting idea of putting same thing differently, that i never knew before that Alternator are made to resist water (i learned something today). And i like too to fix the root cause than the temp solution.

Well said edino. thanks.

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