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A3 information


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Hello everyone, I am doing a little research for a write up on audi A3s owned by the people in UAE. i have never owned one so i have no idea about it but unfortunately I have no choice. I want first hand experiences from A3 owners. Anything and everything can be of help. I want general information and i want the specifics. I want good/bad experiences. Why should a person buy this car and why shouldn't a person buy this car? if not then which audi car should he or she should be inclined to? Thanks for all your inputs! Way to go carnity!

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Its good you chose a forum to base your research on. there are many review websites out there but for every new buyer personal experiences are the most important and usually hard to find. anyways, to begin this discussion id like to say that personally its one of the best hatchbacks produced by Audi.

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i was always happy with my A3 but unfortunately it had a fuel leak problem. i sold the car and then found out that some A3s of the 10/11 model had that problem .. think it was later fixed by audi after installing anti-vibration weights to the fuel pipes. As far as its running here in the UAE was concerned. I was a happy owner till this problem surfaced.

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Being an owner of an A3 for so many years i would say the biggest pro of this vehicle is its smoothest drive capabilities and the biggest con would be the high maintain cost and time required. its very subjective of me i know but its MY truth!

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my sister has an A3 and she LOVES her cabriolet to death, doesn't even let me drive it around. She says its her second home -_- anyways, pretty satisfied, never caused her any problems, except for one which was indirectly her fault. it had something to do with the stability of the soft-top. The dealership sort of gave her a hard time on it. No other bad experiences.

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i knew this was going to be helpful for me... thanks guys this is in the right direction. i cant mention any dealership in my report so cant go there but the audi A3 problems are a must to know.

I think the cabriolet is pretty cool too !!

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Small world my best friend's audi had the same well-known fuel leak problem as well. This problem actually went back to the 2008 models as well and audi couldn't entirely fix them till 2011. Anyways, took my friend ages to get over how much time and energy he had wasted on the car. Don't think he'll be interested in an audi again. he is a happy bmw owner now.

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Thanks for the information guys, I made a list of all the common problems i found with the A3 online and i need you guys to verify them and tell me if one problem stands out in particular here in the UAE:

Fuel leak problem

Direct-shift clutch problem

Sportback curtain airbag problem

flywheel problem

Hope to hear from you guys soon!!

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