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taking up too much fuel


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hi hyundai lovers

i bought a new accent a couple of months ago. I don't have a big issue but the car seems to be taking up a lot of fuel recently ... it worked perfectly find in the beginning ... went back a and forth with the dealerships on it but they found no problem. I started to calculate how much it is using on a daily basis and the numbers have started to shock me now - any idea of what can go wrong?

by the way ... i don't know a lot about cars so any simple explanation would be appreciated. thanks

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In a typical scenario, hyundais get better at fuel consumption with more miles ... your situation seems to be out of the ordinary so you need help for sure ... don't know if you can do something on your own or not ..

If I were you i'd be at the dealership long ago since this would be affecting my pocket big time with all the travelling on an everyday basis !!

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Well guys on an average my ride is consuming anything between 8-9L for 100 km on the roads ... the good gas mileage was exactly why i bought the car in the first place!! I still like my car in all other aspects but this factor is emptying my pockets!

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8-9l/100km is actually not bad, assuming its mostly city driving. this would more reasonable if you're always stuck in traffic, e.g., if your always on the shj-dxb road and if your ac is always maxed. it may also depend on the way you drive. you may have been duped by the claimed 6l/100km which is what hyundai advertised. like most car advertisement, these are usually the best fuel consumption that you can get if you're always on the highway with less traffic and probably max rpm of 2.5k only. im usually having 8-10l/100km with my elantra. and thats mix city driving and casual dxb-auh trip. i only get 6-7l/100km if im doing dxb-auh trip everyday for a month. there was a time when my 1 month route was purely SZR to bur dubai and usually during rush hour, i ended up having 11-12l/100km. so dont be disappointed about the 8-9l/100km.

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Mojo is right .. don't worry about it going up to 12l per 100km, SZR can be heavily blocked at rush hours plus once or twice I took the route off of SZR on to Muhd Bin Zayed Rd which take you towards the Arabian Ranches and the traffic was jam packed on THAT road! due to an accident. Sat in the car for two whole hours ... imagine all the fuel I had burnt. But usually this road/highway E 311 is better and fast than SZR cuz I have noticed my fuel tends to be consumed more due to the constant braking and maxed out air-con on SZR.

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Manjit there are actually small tips that you could regularly follow in order to improve your overall fuel consumption. How about you look into some of those. Like for starters, keep your car maintained with regular oil changes. the manual says to do that every 3k miles. Also by having the tires properly inflated and aligned you could also decrease your fuel consumption by three percent.

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By the way routes affect your gas mileage a lot. If you can, you need to look up alternative routes in Dubai/UAE which are more like highways which can improve your gas mileage. Well actually traffic jams are inevitable in dubai but still I always take the outskirts than the main roads with the least traffic lights and least amount of traffic on a regular basis. Helps me and my car. Just like what Basit is implying.

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Well to be honest I try to avoid the SZR and sometimes take the Jumeirah Rd to get to Bur dubai. Work near Marina. What I can do is after Nakheel metro station take a detour and get on to Al khail rd to avoid traffic. This route usually has lesser traffic but i always used to think the traffic wasn't the problem but the distance was since this will be a longer route for me. Guess I was wrong !!

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