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Is this a manufacturing defect?

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For the past 3 years the heater in my 2006 Eclipse starts blowing cold air whenever the car stops moving. Most people say that its

a manufacturing defect but i refuse to believe that. The problem did not exist in the first few years. The defrost ONLY blows cold

air WHILE parked AND idling. I can leave the engine running for 30 minutes with frost on the windshield and it will not even get warm but as soon as I start driving ... boom ... it heats up like some sort of magic. Any guesses folks? M worried because the winters are not too far away and my new job requires me to travel a lot. Peace.

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Whyyy do you need the heater for the winter time in UAE?! you have all the right to be worried about your heating system but seriously i don't use mine throughout the year - maybe that one time when I wana check if its still working :)

BTW its not a manufacturing defect if it worked at some time - you need a dealership.

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Salaam. My land lord own's an eclipse so i thought i should try asking him if he has a solution to your problem. Hahahahhh. He said his car blows warm air out of the passenger side and cold air out of the driver's side and he has no idea what the reason behind that is. Sorry for not being able to solve your problem. And sorry because its funny how he has the same problem!

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By the way naveed ... I have an 08. Same issue. My mechanic says its the heating element. I cant replace every darn thing now can I. Dont have that kind of money. a little let down by the manufacturers.

PS. any updates?

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  • 2 months later...

Alex ... seriously?

Naveed ... I had the same problem when I first bought my 2003. Firstly, let me assure you that it is not a major issue at all. Now for the solution - Park your car slightly uphill and start the ignition with the radiator cap off. Leave the heat on high but the fan on zero. Once it heats up turn on the fan and squeeze the upper radiator hose until you do not see bubbles in the radiator anymore. You may also need to thin down the fluid by adding some filtered or distilled water. I will not recommend using tap water as the eclipse system is too sensitive. You can add it directly to the radiator and just let it drip off. Hope it helps. Let us know.

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I have experienced the same problem with my vehicle but my technician had a very unique theory. He said that if you keep your temp selector on either all hot or all cold all the time it continuously applies pressure on the plastic gear teeth in the valve which causes them to break off one by one. A clicking kind of noise can increasingly be heard as they do not catch. When you finally break off the last one it stops working. He said if you always leave the dial at least one notch from fully hot or fully cold you will not experience a failure of the switch.

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