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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/19/2023 in Posts

  1. If places are the same, drives are always different. Not enough focus, I found myself stucked in a tricky situation. @Rob Ssecured my LC with his new FJ, to avoid capsizing while self recovering. Quickly and safely back on track, @Rizwanm2brought us from the technical dunes of Al Faqa to the technical dunes of little Sweihan to exit in Al Qadra. Despite some refusals, convoy drove almost perfectly. Have a nice week and hope to drive with you next week 😉
    5 points
  2. Great drive today, thankyou @Rizwanm2 for finding some awesome routes through the sands! Good to see old faces @Fabien Monleau and @Mahmoud Taha. First time driving with @Jona and @Benjamin both if you did fantastic, riding the ridges with good control! @Imteeaz @Patrick van der Loo and @Sam K its always a pleasure to see you guys on the sand! Enjoy the rest of your weekends all
    5 points
  3. Great driving with you @Krishna R! Next time we will wait until you hit Nirvana until the next one!
    4 points
  4. This was my first drive for 2023 and I enjoyed it immensely. As usual, Dr @Chaitanya D organizes great night drives and this time supported by another great night drives organizer Dr @M.Seidam It was a great combo with @Karthik Raptor in the center. The weather was fantastic. Mixture of terrain and the capable convoy made the drive very enjoyable. I hope to see you all soon. Photos are in the gallery.
    4 points
  5. Hi All, though I had been out on a Newbie and a fewbie, this was the first "proper" outing in the FJ and I could not think of a better group of people to enjoy it with! The old gang and Prado boys @Asad and @Waqas Parvez, and fellow class of winter 2021 @Chris Wing and @Mohamad Anwer. And this time we had both teachers @Islam Soliman and @Hisham MasaadThanks everyone for the patience at the beginning and the energy and encouragement during the drive! Nice to meet new faces @Archibald Jurdi and @Werno , not forgeting @Senthil Kumar! @Archibald Jurdi I hope you and passenger have no lasting effects from your incident and the car gets a clean bill of health from the garage. @Islam Soliman I hope car issues can be swiftly resolved and join you on another drive soon! Randomly tagging @Vaibhav because he missed an amazing drive
    4 points
  6. Dear Sand Sailors Thanks for joining in for the drive today. Very nice weather, some nice long range dunes and an awesomely capable convoy - made it for a perfect day out on sand. Ofcourse the stylish black and peaceful white was the theme of the day 😂, phew keeping track of order was a bit of task despite repeated reminders from @Abdul Basit Khan that his is Blue 😀🙏 Overall we travelled around 65Km in less than 3 hours of moving time at a rocking speed of around 23Kmph. Usual Murquab drive ends at Lisali, good ones at Love Lake, we crossed it all to reach Solar Park with 5 min to spare. 🏎️🏎️💨💨💨Really an awesome outcome for a FB drive and a testament of the skill set of the convoy. Each one of you did really well, apart from some minor refusal (expected in a long convoy), all of you maintained a very good pace. However, in line with the theme of our drive, we had three stars that shone brighter than rest in their pursuit for inner peace. 😀 In 3rd position we have - @Pranjal Varsani1 Beautiful crest perfectly parallel to the ridge. Honestly in your rpm there was no inner peace 😀 still being the first to be crested and the perfect alignment to ridge gets you the 3rd position. 2nd position ofcourse goes to @Krishna R through a perfect drive, a momentary lapse and we found RED Xterra crested on the ridge - again a nice parralel position to ridge and very calm shoveling and self recovery to secure 2nd position. Undoubtedly the champion of champions for day is @Glenn W that Montero in Yoga pose looked amazingly 🔥🔥🔥 Perfect self recovery through that crest. Very well done, was a super soft spot and you managed it very well. @Zubair - Glenn’s crest on same spot with special yoga pose managed to beat yours hands down. 😀😀 In general brilliant work by you and @Ishak as SL. In addition, we have some one who managed to offer some Peace time to whole convoy. So a special award goes to @Mark B for that cutest of pop out- was almost fixed the moment we brought the car to flat and was more of a PIP out but ensured we had all our tools out today. 😀😀 Again thanks all for joining in and very well done throughout. @Mike M. and @Tharun Kumar V thanks for your support as CF and sweep. @Yaseen87 @Juzer Gandhi @Gary F
    4 points
  7. What a Drive! Thank you @Varun Mehndiratta for organizing and executing the drive to perfection. It was a lovely day and the extended convoy drove brilliantly. I couldn't be in the inner peace drive and not experience it myself, so I crested in the most basic of manoeuvres and it was a great feeling, however, @Varun Mehndiratta and @Mike M.got jealous and got me out before I could attain nirvana. @Glenn W There is no competition man. Your stuck won first place hands down. The recovery deserves an award on it own Your Montero isn't just here for the looks. It also has the cojones to tame the desert. The position swaps were new for me but it was great to experience the drive from different parts in the convoy. We picked up pace during the end of the drive which was pumping and ended the drive on a great note. Special shoutouts to @Mike M. @Tharun Kumar V for supporting us and bringing us out in one piece Until next week boys!
    3 points
  8. Fun drive @Rizwanm2 thank you again! Had a great morning and enjoyed the technical aspects of the drive today. two videos attached - one captures rear and @Fabien Monleaufollowing and one has @Benjaminin the front. Thanks again @Rob S for sweeping us all up as well https://share.icloud.com/photos/065jUlqulRyqzu99VTLI48yWA
    3 points
  9. What a fun drive yesterday morning , very different to the experience a few weeks back in the same area which has a very different feel due to the rain. Playing “musical convoy” certainly added a different dynamic to the the drive.. which led to the funniest part of the drive. Which black pajero ? should be behind the black gladiator 😀 speaking of being in the back of the convoy during the second half of the drive , the sands were very churned up so finding clean line difficult and a reminder that there is no shame in turning down when and if fishtailing starts to occur.. don’t fight gravity good to see you all and maybe next time I’ll get to experience “inner peace” ✌️
    3 points
  10. @Islam Soliman fantastic drive, came back to Shuweib and Badayer after many months. Yes we didnot have a single fresh track and with other convoys crossing us at every other corner (1 in particular), it still turned out a pretty nice drive. Always a pleasure driving with the old gang and with @Hisham Masaad also joining at the back cant ask for much more. Hope to see you all soon. PS: @Rob S time to change your DP, dont pretend to be one of us anymore! 😂
    3 points
  11. Thank you very much @Varun Mehndiratta, it was a superb and super fast drive, enjoyed a lot This was the first time I was driving as Second Lead, thank you very much for the trust and support. As mentioned in the morning to you I have been driving almost all my previous drives in the second half of the convoy and today I realized the difference between driving in a very churned up track & a fresh track @Glenn Where is the photo of the Montero in Yoga position 😄
    3 points
  12. Perfect climate and a great convoy. Thoroughly enjoyed the morning. Many thanks to @Varun Mehndiratta, @Mike M., @Tharun Kumar V and @Zubair for their support all throughout. Have attached a .gpx route for those that may be interested in the route taken. Hope to see you all soon. Qarayţaysah - Bab Al Shams.gpx
    3 points
  13. Thank you for the kind words. Glad to see how far u’ve come @Ishak! Always a pleasure Pajero partner! Thank you @Varun Mehndiratta for a pleasurable drive! Looking forward to driving with you again. Thanks for trusting me with the CF and sweep positions.
    3 points
  14. @Varun Mehndiratta, thank you so much for leading the trip and bringing us to experience the terrain in a different way. Thanks to everyone for the teamwork. Thanks to the SL@Zubair. @Mike M., Thanks for the advices, I was very relieved after knowing that I was driving in front of CF. @Krishna R, your advice on crisscrossing, it works 👍 @Tharun Kumar V, thank you for kissing my car
    3 points
  15. @Rizwanm2 amazing drive! It was amazing to try the new suspension out on rougher terrain + ridge riding finally my bump stops can have a well deserved rest 😂 Great to see some new faces out on the trail enjoying our hobby and I hope to join everyone on the next one! Enjoy the end of the weekend everyone I’ll upload some photos once I got a secure connection
    2 points
  16. Ha! great write up Varun and thanks for the drive it was great and thanks the honourable mention! My first pop out! to me it looked like my wheels was going fall off! But the team rallied around like a F1 pit crew and we’re back up and running in no time 😊 And yes that recovery by Glenn was a different class! I wish I had that on video! Thanks again guys see you on the next one! 😎😎😎
    2 points
  17. My photos didn't turn out so well 😅😅😅 https://carnity.com/gallery/category/1644-newbie-solar-park-dubai-17-feb-2023/
    2 points
  18. Fantastic drive as always @Brette. Thanks team. Great to see some old faces and meet some new ones too. I’ll upload a couple of pictures to the gallery.
    1 point
  19. Nice and relaxing drive led by @Chaitanya D, as always. You know your convoy very well and make the lines that's suitable for all cars, perfect! Thanks @M.Seidamfor sweeping us, look forward to joining one of your drives very soon. Everyone in the convoy drove so well and the whole drive was fluid with only a few refusals that were nicely self-recovered. Well done all, and good to meet new Carnitians and old buddies! It was a perfect way for me to get back on the sand after a prolonged holiday, business travel and maintenance schedule (for both me and the truck 🤒). Can't wait to join more drives now. Have a great weekend all!
    1 point
  20. What a wonderful night drive that was . Thank you doc @Chaitanya D for organising this one . Amazing route you choose for those amazing night riders . I enjoyed it indeed. @Karthik Raptor nice to see you after a while . Thanks for your calm and effective support in the middle of the convoy . The fact that we didn’t need to grab a shovel nor unfolding a rope says it all .every one did more that great . thank you all for coming to share the passion See you soon in the sand once more take care. https://youtu.be/DpzPbMc2M8I
    1 point
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