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Extreme Oil Consumption in Toyota Corolla 2002 model


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I never had any big issue so far with this car. Until when I gone for an oil change and my local garage guy told me that my oil was really really low a month before on a first time, now before 3 days he told me the same thing ""Oil is very very low"". I been curious about to know why? Simply because my oil was not dripping and I don't travel a lot. 

well yesterday when I was came home after Abu Dhabi client meeting, I felt my car started out rattling like the engine is likely to fall down, I observed that my oil light will come on whenever I break for a few an after few minutes goes away. I did not understood this and did car to think of it because of getting late in the evening. 

Just before reaching to my home in Sharjah I again felt that the rattling the disturbance had gotten more intense so I took it in to car store and there the guy is saying that my engine oil was bone dried. 

I don't understand why!! Just 5 days back I changed the engine oil. 

Can anybody suggest what could be a possible repair for this issue?
Is it a problem with oil or something else??

I am damn afraid because my car is too old now. Before seeing in dead I think I should repair and sell it??

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Hi Calvin,

There are only two ways in which a car can lose its oil. On way is if it leaks out, but then you would see the evidence on the ground. The other way is if it burns the oil, in which case you would see smoke from the exhaust, especially if as you say, you filled the oil only a few days ago.

I think the most likely explanation here is that the car had been using oil over a long time (all cars use some oil), and since you don't use the car a lot, you probably forgot to check the oil regularly. It is also possible that the garage that changed your oil did not put in enough oil- this happens more often than you might think, so with too little oil, the engine started making strange noises.

The fact that the oil light comes on at low RPM's means there is no oil pressure, and this can only happen if there is not enough oil in the engine, or the engine has the wrong oil in it. However, if the garage used the wrong oil, the oil would still be there- it cannot just disappear if there are no oil leaks, so the only logical explanation is that the garage did not put in enough oil.

There is just no way that an engine can burn nearly 4 litres of oil in a matter of five days without you, or anybody else noticing the smoke this will give off. It is just not possible, so there is no other explanation than that the garage that changed your oil did not put in enough.

I just hope that your engine is not ruined by now, but if it is, the only way to fix the damage is to rebuild, or replace it.

Remember in future not to trust a garage when they do anything on your car. If you can, check that they did the work you paid them for.

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