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Common problems in a Car

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Very interesting topic. I suppose following are the common problems faced in a car:

Brake Problem in a car:

Due to rash driving and speedy driving, the brake pads generally gets wore and tore. I suppose this is one of the most common problems in a car for which generally people go to the service center.

Oil change

In few thousand miles, its necessary to change the engine oil. I won’t say its a common problem in a car, but definitely one of the most common reasons why people take their cars to the service center. And if the car owner doesn't get the engine oil changed, then it pursue lot of common problems in the car.


After few years of driving a car, the tires of the car simultaneously start wearing and tearing. But the Tyre problems solely depends upon the speed you drive the car and the place you drive the car. To avoid the Tyre problems in a car it is essential to follow the speed limit and not to drive on the barren land which is not sharply developed as driving roads.

According to me, these are the most common problems one face in their car. But i am expecting a reply on this post in order to learn more about other common problems.


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Well, it also includes following:

1. Coolant Problem: After rapid use, sometimes the coolant flushes off. This is very common problem in a car. Its not that expensive but a general problem in a car for which the drivers has to take their cars to the service center or garage.

2. Fuel System: Fuel system is something that needs to take proper care of. Since without fuel, no car can run, its really important to take care of the fuel system. Sometimes the fuel pump gets damaged and extra/unwanted fuel enters int the car which creates a lot of trouble in the car. So take care of the fuel system and get it checked every time when you are going to the service center.

3. AC system: Ac is something that no one can drive their car without putting it on. And since the AC is on all the time we drive, it is tend to go bad sometimes. The refrigerant is one thing that you should take care of whenever you are going to the service center. Always be sure that there is enough amount of refrigerant in your AC.

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also guys. When you ace a common and small problem in your car, don't wait for too long until the problem becomes big and you ended up loosing your packet. So be careful with small problems in your car as well. happy driving!

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hahah.. I completely agree with Jatin. I faced lot of troubles in my car because of this. I use to avoid small small problems in my car like rough gear change, engine getting hot, wheel bearing making noise and many more. I did not pay much attention to it and that's why I eneded up paying for huge consequences of the same. So ya, never ignore small problem in your car.

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  • 1 year later...

I have faced problem with my AC and unfortunately it is still not solved. I have to disassemble my engine in order to fix it and I am not sure if I am ready to do that. The freon is practically leaking somewhere in the system.

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