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Nissan Dubai Online Community Terms and Conditions Updated

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This Forum is provided for your use. The views and opinions expressed on the Forum don't reflect ours (unless they are from one of our team or Admin).

You must not submit any Content that doesn't comply with these Terms. Specifically, you must not use the Forum for any content that:

•breaks any relevant local, national or international law or which incites or encourages others to break any such law;

•is racist, sexist or homophobic or otherwise discriminatory;

•is pornographic, obscene, profane, vulgar, or contains swearing (including words which use * or any other symbols instead of a letter to make the profanity less obvious);

•is defamatory of any person, entity or organization;

•is persistently abusive, threatening, repeatedly a cause of nuisance or annoyance or otherwise illegal towards other Forum users.

•is otherwise offensive in our reasonable opinion;

•infringes the rights (including but not limited to the intellectual property rights) of any person or legal entity;

•relates to the conduct of a business;

•includes advertising, or is soliciting business, including back links or spamming;

•Impersonates, or attempts to impersonate another person, whether or not that person is a user of this forum.

•infringes the privacy of an individual or company, including (but not limited to) posting location and/or contact details of another person;

To help us moderate the Forum, all Content must be in English only.

Before posting content which contains an image of another person(s); property owned by another person(s); and/ or reference to another person which might be used to identify them (either alone, or in combination with any other Content), you must get that persons consent before you post it.

Should you find any content that you feel is inappropriate or not in line with these rules, please let us know by using the “REPORT” system on the Forum. If we agree that it should be removed, it may take a day or so for the Content to be removed.

We will review the Content you submit to the Forum to make sure its suitable, relevant and in line with the rules.

If you break the Forum rules then we may require that any future Content posted by you is checked by us before its allowed to go on the site or even place a temporary or permanent suspension of your ability to participate in any part of or all of the Forum.

If you submit or share offensive or inappropriate Content to the Forum or otherwise engage in any disruptive behavior on the Forum, and we think your behavior is serious and/or repeated, we may use whatever information that is available to it about you to stop any further such infringements.

We reserve the right to delete any contribution, or take action against any Forum account, at any time, for any reason.

We reserve the right to report to the relevant authorities any Content which we believe to be illegal.

ENOUGH OF ALL LEGAL AND FORMAL TERMS, Lets start the engine now and drive safe.

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